Merlin Bird ID


Platinum Buffalo
Aug 17, 2011
Brewpub w/coeds
Now that I'm pretty much sexually deactivated, I just sit outside on the porch and feed the birds, squirrels, and chipmunks. I'm raising these catbirds now, and must have four pairs of residents. They nest in the bushes, and eat the berries and nuts I provide, as well as the grape jelly. Had a chipmunk sit with me yesterday for a bit, and shared a few hard shelled nuts. Did you know a common monk can put about eight of those in its jaws?

I highly recommend the merlin bird ID for any of you bird enthusiasts. Just saw a house finch get into a fight with a song sparrow. Looks to be a fine Monday morning here.

greed, do you have birds out Wayne? Would love to hear all about it.
I bought a bag of unshelled peanuts for the purpose of training my yard squirrels. Guess they must be the stupid variety or don’t like the brand I bought because I can throw nuts close enough to bounce off their heads and they pay no attention. I do have one strange bird who follows me around the yard. Don’t believe he wants food; probably wants to build a nest in my silly straw garden hat.

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