Might waste my vote in 2016

Walden Pond

Platinum Buffalo
Oct 8, 2007
Voting third party is a waste, but I'm tired of voting for shitty Republican candidates. If I waste my vote on a third party no chancer, I can at least say I voted so I have the right to complain.

I would not want a liberal representing the Republican party as president, so if that's all we've got then I hope they lose. Go ahead and let Hillary have it. At least if it's going to be a liberal in there, let the Democrats take all the shit from it. Liberalism is weak and pansy shit. As long as that's what we're all about in America, then we might as well let a Democrat be the face of it.

The hardest part of this will be actually wasting my time to go vote. The smart play is likely not voting at all and still complaining anyway. Who made up that rule anyway? Seems dumb. Just stay home and let Hillary win.
I just wish you could go to the polls and vote "present." That way you dont have to vote, but you're separating yourselves from the lazy fvcks who just dont have the gumption to show up.

Problem with the third party is you might as well be actively voting for Hillary if you do that. I'm not too good on election history, has there ever been a third party candidate that siphoned off votes from the liberal candidate?
Sounds like your getting smart. Voting third party, or present is not a wasted vote. So what if Hillary wins? Like it will be any different with Jeb?

We have already seen the republicans hand over everything that Obama wants in the budget. Amnesty,obamacare, you name it he got it. It's about time that people start realizing we have a one party 2 headed system.

After all we have we have 300 million Americans and the best we can do is more Clinton Bush?
Siphon off liberal votes? Yeah, Ralph Nader from Al Gore in 2000.

You can indeed vote present. Show up a and turn in a blank ballot. I understand being fed up with national politics, but I urge you to take your local races seriously and vote in those. Local offices have the most effect on your daily life. Most local candidates are more than happy to meet with you or take a call or email to answer any questions you have, so you can make an informed decision.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by Raoul Duke MU: to take your vote seriously
Why? Everything will end up the same no matter who wins. Seems stupid to really ever even care about any of this. It's probably just another dumb ruse like Christmas.

Whatever system we have to play in, we'll find a way to win. Hell, that's what the bums do.
If it hasn't happened by now, I don't see how it's ever going to. I've known for 13 years that this will never be all that great.

But this politics thing is just another pointless waste of time. The only issue I ever cared about, welfare, will keep growing. I take solace however in knowing they're too stupid to manage their freebies and many of them struggle with guilt and feelings of worthlessness. They're too stupid to know they should be happy.