Within the next ten years, 83% of all the tax cuts will be given to 1% of the population.
That's how wealth transfer works. You're welcome for the free lesson.
And you're one of those dumbasses cheering "go trump, we all getting tax breaks" and you aren't intelligent enough to know the tax breaks for the middle class are temporary and the tax breaks for corporations are permanent. And you also aren't intelligent enough to realize Medicaid and Medicare get cut by at least $20 billion dollars. And you aren't intelligent enough to realize because of elimination of the mandate, less people, primarily young healthy people, will stop purchasing health insurance and everyone else's premiums will go up.
Yeah, go trump?
You are a walking, talking outdated left wing cliche repeating 50 year old Democrat talking points.
I’m smart enough to know that any....ANY...legislative decision (including tax rates) are never truly “permanent”. Since when have Dems worried about the ability to change/changing tax rates? Hell, they usually enjoy raising them. It is central to their platform.
Please tell us at what point and time in history has any tax/rate ever been truly permanent ? Suddenly you’re worried about tax rates that are set to change by 2028??? The historical precedent of Dems raising them is virtually a guarantee anyway. Be patient. Your party will inevitably be trying to screw the avg guy in due time.
You’re a tool that should constantly be laughed at. Suddenly you’re worried about a tax on the middle class in 10 years?? Yet you sat quietly by while Obummer and Dems raised taxes (by the trillions $$) on them within 1 year of taking office. Either through mandated healthcare “insurance”purchases/penalties/surcharges or tax rates that expired (no surprise— CHANGED HIGHER) from the Bush era! Where were you and why were you not suggesting those rates be made permanent for the avg guy??
You sat quietly by while Obummer and the Dems actually raided hundreds of billions $$$ from Medicare funds to implement many of the initial changes within the ACA through the CMS! Yes that’s right. $$$ that could have been paid out to beneficiaries went into yet another bureaucratic black hole.
I’m smart enough to know (because I’m involved in healthcare/finance) that Medicare/caid WILL NOT BE CUT under this tax law. The amount of funding and spending towards these programs will continue to rise for the unforeseeable future, (regardless what Nancy Pelosi or some dumb reporter in the WaPo says). The rate of spending growth will be reduced in Medicare/caid; however....that was set to happen anyway under CMS policy initiatives that were established over the last 8 1/2 years. So, actually, this (non) “cut” you’re crying about was set to happen prior to Trumps election, anyway. (Learn the term: “Population Health”. The future of Medicare/caid (reduced) spending currently being tested in select markets/states around the country that started under Obummer.)
“Everyone else’s premiums will go up” because of the elimination of mandate. Well damn.....have you been under a rock the last 8 years? Have you seen what premiums have done (due to ALL plans that covered for services that were not needed or wanted) exactly because of a mandate? Why were you not questioning Obummers assertions that insurance premiums would be reduced by $2500 for most families when they went exactly the opposite? (Hypocrite???)
You appear to have very little understanding of health insurance or how it’s actually financed/priced. Even a basic understanding of economics blows your assertion completely out of the water. The exact opposite of what you are saying will occur if individuals choose not to buy a product or service they don’t want (or many cases) need.
Listen, if you want to have an honest conversation, first, know what you’re talking about. Second, at least pretend to realize the premise of your statements are largely decades old political talking point retreads intended to fuel more ignorance of the masses. So much of what you’re repeating just isn’t remotely accurate.
By the way Puss. Your attempt at explaining “wealth transfer” was also equally pathetic and incoherent. Of course, most opinions based on a false premise usually end up that way.