most unpopular legislation in history

You are the one who started with the puss stuff, snowflake. Don't be a douche who can dish it out but can't take it.

83% of the tax breaks going to 1% of the people is a straightforward transfer of wealth. "It ain't rocket appliances."

Haven’t you been referred to here in this forum for years as “cvnt”? Maybe it was another dumb eers fan that lurked these boards. Regardless, I thought “Puss” was a much more affectionate reference to a version of your screen name. I wasn’t using it as a central theme of emphasis and explanation of facts, in the way you attempted to use them with an incoherent non-answer rebuttal.

Apparently it is “rocket appliances” to you. You keep repeating a premise that has no logical substance. Someone paying taxes and another not paying taxes (regardless of income) does NOT transfer wealth between those individuals. No matter how many times your ideology tells you to believe it. It’s a mythical financial transaction that doesn’t exist.
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You're seriously a fvcking 'tard. Do you know what the word "transfer" means? Explain how money is being taken from the 99% and given to the evil, dreaded 1%. A reduction in ANYONE'S tax burden affects no one else. Bill Gates getting a 5% tax break and me getting a 5% tax break is not a transfer of wealth from me to him. Only a retarded, ideological douchebag would make that statement. would think wealth transfer is one subject libtard leftist would understand.
You probably were distracted by all of your daily meetings with experts in every single field that have ever been discussed on Pullman.

My +18 years of experience in Healthcare, finance, consumer discretionary, consulting and entrepreneur(ship), covers more than one kind of business across those sub sectors. Yes, I really like what I do and the many people I’ve been able to meet and learn from.

I always enjoy reading your discussion and experience in the music industry and coaching jobs too. Keep up the good work. Can’t wait to read about the next great boy band you’ve mentored.
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My +18 years of experience in Healthcare, finance, consumer discretionary, consulting and entrepreneur(ship), covers more than one kind of business across those sub sectors.
