
It’s to the point now that I feel bad for rubbing peoples’ nose in it.

Greatest mistake in human history, and we’re just getting started.

Through 9 months we are on pace for the highest all-cause mortality in 30 years. And that’s after all the most vulnerable were taken the previous two years due to the fake pandemic.
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Through 9 months we are on pace for the highest all-cause mortality in 30 years. And that’s after all the most vulnerable were taken the previous two years due to the fake pandemic.
No, that's inaccurate.

Why do you allow your confirmation bias continue to make you look like a fool by discarding all statistics except for the bogus ones you search for from obscure, Qanon-related websites?
A local school system has had two principal drop dead at school. Boom, just drop dead. Heart attacks.

Hearing it more and more. People having heart attacks and boom dead. younger people. I think it because they were basically pressured into getting that rat poison.

The whole China virus deal was a mistake. The lockdowns. The govt control. The rat poison shots. Forcing it on people.

One of the biggest mistakes this country has ever mad and much of it was just to get Trump.
No, that's inaccurate.

Why do you allow your confirmation bias continue to make you look like a fool by discarding all statistics except for the bogus ones you search for from obscure, Qanon-related websites?
Disregarding what statistics? Do you even know what countries keep detailed excess mortality data? Here’s a great starter for you, with sourced data from the UK:

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Birthinghips the Tax Cheat, you should check out this guy’s YouTube channel. Dr John Campbell. His videos get millions of views daily, and he is known as the most reliable source for Covid-related information on YouTube.

Go back 18 months and watch his videos then vs now. He was a big proponent of the Covid vax. The difference between him and the rest of public health is he is principled and is actually seeking the truth.

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Disregarding what statistics? Do you even know what countries keep detailed excess mortality data? Here’s a great starter for you, with sourced data from the UK:

All, please take the time to read this to further expose this blowhard. This is the ultimate epitome of confirmation bias being used.

First, in this thread, he said "we are on pace for the highest all-cause mortality in 30 years." In his past comments about all-cause morality, he was only referring to the U.S. So after I called him out on his comment being incorrect, he has changed what he was previously referring to into talking about the world and not the U.S. Of course, we all know that is him trying to save face, but it gets worse.

With his new attempt to argue that he was talking about worldwide instead of just the U.S., he posted a link to an article as proof. The problem? The link doesn't support anything he said. Middle-Class Murox, where does your link show that the world is on a pace to have its highest all-cause mortality in 30 years? It doesn't. It was just a last-gasp effort for you to save face after I called out your bullshit claim. But like usual with him, it gets worse.

He tried using an article which says nothing about the world. It is looking at one country, and it's not the U.S. Worse from him, it actually mentions a country that has a lower all-cause mortality rate.

In other words, the support for his claim is that one country - not the U.S. - has a higher all-cause mortality, but even then, it doesn't say a single thing about it being the highest in 30 years.

So tell us you batshit crazy, Qanon absorbed blowhard, where is the proof showing that the U.S. is on pace for the highest all-cause mortality in 30 years. After you fail there, show us any proof that your comment is true for the world.
Birthinghips the Tax Cheat, you should check out this guy’s YouTube channel. Dr John Campbell. His videos get millions of views daily, and he is known as the most reliable source for Covid-related information on YouTube.

Go back 18 months and watch his videos then vs now. He was a big proponent of the Covid vax. The difference between him and the rest of public health is he is principled and is actually seeking the truth.

Great. Now, support the bogus claim that you presented, that I called you out on, and that you dishonestly tried changing what you were talking about before then trying to change the subject.
Great. Now, support the bogus claim that you presented, that I called you out on, and that you dishonestly tried changing what you were talking about before then trying to change the subject.
You “challenging” me on a subject you neither know nor understand means nothing to me. I’m not trying to convince you of anything. If continuing to be completely oblivious to the number of non-elderly people whose obituaries contain the words “suddenly” and “unexpectedly” brings you peace then go with it.

For me, I’m going to continue to warn people of the dangers of this experimental gene therapy. That brings me peace. We will both be judged by our actions 5 years from now.
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Stop running, coward.

You claimed "Through 9 months we are on pace for the highest all-cause mortality in 30 years." That's bullshit. The last time you tried a similar claim, you turned down a $500k wager even though I gave you even more leeway on the numbers that you claimed.

Now, you're doing it again, liar. When called out this time, you were dishonest and tried making it appear that you meant worldwide instead of just in the U.S. But even then, your source didn't say anything remotely close to what you claimed.

So stop being a coward. Show us the proof for another one of your bogus claims.
You “challenging” me on a subject you neither know nor understand means nothing to me. I’m not trying to convince you of anything. If continuing to be completely oblivious to the number of non-elderly people whose obituaries contain the words “suddenly” and “unexpectedly” brings you peace then go with it.

For me, I’m going to continue to warn people of the dangers of this experimental gene therapy. That brings me peace. We will both be judged by our actions 5 years from now.
I’m not running, it’s just a pointless conversation to have with you. Really the only thing worth engaging you on here is telling you you’re a fraud and sitting back and watching you write thousands of words desperately trying to convince people you’re not.

We believe you. Truly.
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I’m not running, it’s just a pointless conversation to have with you. Really the only thing worth engaging you on here is telling you you’re a fraud and sitting back and watching you write thousands of words desperately trying to convince people you’re not.

We believe you. Truly.

Others have already admitted that they do tend to believe my claims, Middle-Class Murox. Just because you are disappointed that you continue to play second-fiddle to me after all of the years you tried being like me doesn't mean everyone else is like you and cries "he just has to have a boss" and keeps running from the overwhelming evidence posted.

But stop trying to change the discussion like you always do.

It's very easy to support your claim. The CDC releases all of the numbers you need to prove your claim. Show us how we are on pace through September to have a higher all-cause mortality number than any of the previous 30 years. It's very simple to show if your claim is accurate.
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Not until you play the trumpet for us.

Should that happen, I'll be at peace with everything.
I'll dig up some middle school video for you to see me in chair #4. I got temporarily kicked out for eating salt-n-vinegar potato chips during a break for trumpets in one song.

Now, Middle-Class Murox. The CDC releases the exact information you are trying to prove. Back up your claim. You pulled the same shit when I wasn't here. Cunnilingus is too nice of a guy to argue with you. He pushed back on some of your incorrect claims, but then you would walk your comments back, and he's too nice to call you out on it.
Others have already admitted that they do tend to believe my claims, Middle-Class Murox. Just because you are disappointed that you continue to play second-fiddle to me after all of the years you tried being like me doesn't mean everyone else is like you and cries "he just has to have a boss" and keeps running from the overwhelming evidence posted.

But stop trying to change the discussion like you always do.

It's very easy to support your claim. The CDC releases all of the numbers you need to prove your claim. Show us how we are on pace through September to have a higher all-cause mortality number than any of the previous 30 years. It's very simple to show if your claim is accurate.
I’m not changing any discussion. For 15 years we have been discussing economics, politics, finance on this board. You rightfully abstained because you didn’t fully understand those subject, so you corrected peoples’ spelling and grammar, told us about all the pussy you were getting and stuck to other midwit subjects that you fully understood.

Then Trump came along and made you so angry you felt the need to give you opinion on subjects that are beyond your depth. In the last 24 hours alone, others have had to explain the tax code to you when you had no idea you were required to send people you paid a 1099. It’s elementary stuff you can’t process, but then you want to sit at the adult table and I’m supposed to spend time explaining to you how the vaccine has interfered with evolution to create a scenario where it’s impossible for highly vaccinated populations to achieve herd immunity? No thanks.

Stick to talking about Meek Mill’s greatest hits and who is deserving for People Magazine’s person of the year.
I'll dig up some middle school video for you to see me in chair #4. I got temporarily kicked out for eating salt-n-vinegar potato chips during a break for trumpets in one song.
Way to clog up the tubing. Had to be disgusting snaking it out.
I'll dig up some middle school video for you to see me in chair #4. I got temporarily kicked out for eating salt-n-vinegar potato chips during a break for trumpets in one song.

Now, Middle-Class Murox. The CDC releases the exact information you are trying to prove. Back up your claim. You pulled the same shit when I wasn't here. Cunnilingus is too nice of a guy to argue with you. He pushed back on some of your incorrect claims, but then you would walk your comments back, and he's too nice to call you out on it.
I figured you’d have video of you teaching Louis Armstrong how to actually play the trumpet
Let’s remember that rifle thought a reverse 1 for 10 stock split was beneficial for him and that his stock was increasing 10 fold in value.

Why lie? That wasn't the issue. The question was if a reverse stock would do more than double the stock - if it usually led to a quick surge above and beyond the natural increase based on the reduction of stock.

I’m not changing any discussion. For 15 years we have been discussing economics, politics, finance on this board. You rightfully abstained because you didn’t fully understand those subject, so you corrected peoples’ spelling and grammar, told us about all the pussy you were getting and stuck to other midwit subjects that you fully understood.
Middle-Class Murox, I built this board. Prior to me, it was a bunch of polite bullshit talk. Before me, nobody dared to say something as benign as "Christianity is a fraud," refer to gods as "comic book superheroes," etc. The former board owner sent me multiple messages telling me that I was causing a ruckus due to questioning Christianity on here since it was such a conservative board.

Can you imagine that? This board was so conservative that you couldn't even question Christianity before I came alone and completely changed the dynamics of the board. And like usual, a couple of years down the road, you started riding my coattails and copying me by suddenly expressing similar views on religion.

I abstained from political talk? I was a poly sci major. I would run circles around you based on political theory, political history, world politics, and U.S. political structure. I will get on a three-way video call with you right now with BC as the judge and be able to rattle off more world leaders of each country on a 3-to-1 ratio over you. You can't even name 2/3 of the Supreme Court. And I am willing to put up $10k on any test like that against you, Middle-Class Murox.

Economics? Yes, I abstained from those discussions. Unlike you, I know what my strengths and weaknesses are. Am I well versed on infectious diseases? No. But I am wise enough to know who is and where to get that information. On the other hand, your confirmation bias has led you to think you're an expert by reading bogus information that evolves out of Qanon chats.

It's why you continue to be a coward and won't defend your claim: "Through 9 months we are on pace for the highest all-cause mortality in 30 years."

Just like the last time you made a related bogus claim, you got called out on it, then you hid. You're a blowhard and a fvcking pussy who is afraid to admit that you have no clue what you're talking about and continue to spout bullshit with no true data. Hell, remember the last time you tried it about electricity costs in Europe? You got demolished. Hell, your own source was off on his math by about 10x.

Stop hiding, pussy. Support your claim: "Through 9 months we are on pace for the highest all-cause mortality in 30 years." All you have to do is show the data.
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Then Trump came along and made you so angry you felt the need to give you opinion on subjects that are beyond your depth.
Trump made me so angry that I started talking about politics at that point? As much as you have tried being me, how could you not see my constant political talk going back 20 years, Middle-Class Murox?

and I’m supposed to spend time explaining to you how the vaccine has interfered with evolution to create a scenario where it’s impossible for highly vaccinated populations to achieve herd immunity? No thanks.
Why lie? You don't have to discuss any of that. All you have to do is show the data that proves we are on pace to have the highest all-cause mortality in 30 years. No discussion is needed.

You keep trying to change the topic. It's easy. Show the data, pussy.
I like rifle, and I'm proud of all his accomplishments. I'm okay with my hard working life. Bought that outdoor heater today for the porch and got a really big dip of long cut working while watching football on the back porch under the new overhead wood I put in to protect myself from the elements. 28 degrees outside but feels like 80 here on the porch built by me, and for that I'm not only proud, but I have have my keg right here by myself and the cat is here with me chasing off critters that may want to bite me. Plus, my wife is better looking than the rest of you sumdabitches, but I'm not even allowing her out here on the porch because I rule this roost.
Bought that outdoor heater today for the porch

Bought one of the tall heat lamps last week. They sent me two. I don't want two. Worse, they charged me for two. They tried arguing that one of the charges was just an authorization, but I saw that both were posted. Spent 10 minutes arguing with Lin Lee overseas before her supervisor got on the phone, apologized, and told me that she was wrong. They did, in fact, charge me twice. Told me to keep the extra one and gave me a $25 gift card for wasting my time. One of those on each side of the outdoor couch with the fire pit in front, and the 55 degree nights will feel like 75. Hopefully, the flames keep the mountain lions away.
This board was so conservative that you couldn't even question Christianity before I came alone and completely changed the dynamics of the board.
Bought one of the tall heat lamps last week. They sent me two. I don't want two. Worse, they charged me for two. They tried arguing that one of the charges was just an authorization, but I saw that both were posted. Spent 10 minutes arguing with Lin Lee overseas before her supervisor got on the phone, apologized, and told me that she was wrong. They did, in fact, charge me twice. Told me to keep the extra one and gave me a $25 gift card for wasting my time. One of those on each side of the outdoor couch with the fire pit in front, and the 55 degree nights will feel like 75. Hopefully, the flames keep the mountain lions away.

Dude, that should be just a drop in the bucket of someone of your wherewithal. Surprised you wasted your valuable time to make the call and plead for a $25 gift card.

Mountain lions can smell bull$h!t so I'd say you're pretty safe even without the flames...
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I like rifle, and I'm proud of all his accomplishments. I'm okay with my hard working life. Bought that outdoor heater today for the porch and got a really big dip of long cut working while watching football on the back porch under the new overhead wood I put in to protect myself from the elements. 28 degrees outside but feels like 80 here on the porch built by me, and for that I'm not only proud, but I have have my keg right here by myself and the cat is here with me chasing off critters that may want to bite me. Plus, my wife is better looking than the rest of you sumdabitches, but I'm not even allowing her out here on the porch because I rule this roost.
How did you build that by yourself? You and Greed have not been on speaking terms lately, despite the fact you went to bat for him long ago. Surely you must have sought advice from some other Scientology Carpenter?

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