Trump praised for Helene response as government takes heat for being 'absent': Trump raised and donated more than $5 Million

I'm doing the Thoughts and Prayers thing. That's enough for southern states and they shouldn't be sucking from the federal govt teat.
Make sure you are not praying to the church of L. Ron. I know it must be confusing to have so many gods to worship.
Make sure you are not praying to the church of L. Ron. I know it must be confusing to have so many gods to worship.
Your god is the devil. Your jesus is orange and his god is the devil. Neither of you have but one prayer that God will answer and neither of you have prayed that prayer. Must suck to be without hope.
Your god is the devil. Your jesus is orange and his god is the devil. Neither of you have but one prayer that God will answer and neither of you have prayed that prayer. Must suck to be without hope.
Useless drivel from a confused burnt out idiot who serves multiple gods. Should be banished from the church and Wayne county.
Useless drivel from a confused burnt out idiot who serves multiple gods. Should be banished from the church and Wayne county.
Your god is the devil. Your jesus is orange and his god is the devil. Neither of you have but one prayer that God will answer and neither of you have prayed that prayer. Must suck to be without hope.

Dolly Parton and Dollywood donate $2 million to Helene relief efforts​

What does it equal to a person making 100K? How come you only downplay Trump but you praise other rich people for donating?

I'll tell you why. Hatred. Plain and simple, you Christian you.
What does it equal to a person making 100K?
More than double that of your orange jesus' gracious donation of OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY.
How come you only downplay Trump but you praise other rich people for donating?
How much of the go fund me donation came from your orange jesus' personal money? trumptard.
I'll tell you why. Hatred. Plain and simple, you Christian you.
This world will be a better place when your orange jesus leaves it.
I'm doing the Thoughts and Prayers thing. That's enough for southern states and they shouldn't be sucking from the federal govt teat.
Asheville is a very liberal area. But when the going gets tough we all help each other in this country. You just want to worry about how much someone donates.
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So you were with me claiming you were wrong to call Dolly" a "conservative"? This might be the first time you have ever admitted you were wrong...and you are wrong daily.


Unlike you, I'll admit when I'm wrong.

I'm wrong daily? Show me where you get that or are you lying?
Asheville is a very liberal area. But when the going gets tough we all help each other in this country. You just want to worry about how much someone donates.
You know what's really your problem? You're a stupid lying trumptard oath breaker and you are too stupid to realize this thread was started by another stupid lying trumptard with the headline that reads..........

Trump raised and donated more than $5 Million​