Pullman's version of tom cruise. Boy your spiritual guide is a fruitcake with money egAt least I'm not taking pills for a mental disease.
Pullman's version of tom cruise. Boy your spiritual guide is a fruitcake with money egAt least I'm not taking pills for a mental disease.
At least I'm not taking pills for a mental disease.
I dont hate anyone eg so you are so wrong. I cant hardly let a harsh comment stay until the sun goes down. Im a lover not a fighter
Pullman's version of tom cruise. Boy your spiritual guide is a fruitcake with money eg
You're too lazy for the cans.
"Give me the cans, here's another $1000." Yeah boy, that takes some real work right there.
Do they lube you up for that shit?
you are too smart not to fall for that bullshit to hold them.
Keep the faith, EG...keep the faith...
Extra does your son still work at the mental hospital?
Extra does your son still work at the mental hospital? Maybe he can borrow your emeter and then take his patients to the sauna at the YMCA
Is that turning the other cheek?Your wife still work at a brothel?
Is that turning the other cheek?