My takeaways from being at Va Tech


Silver Buffalo
Dec 14, 2010
1) Their video board
It wasn't missing portions that were burned out or not working. Clearly it isn't utilized enough.
It also didn't have 60% of its space taken up from ads. They must be poor. It also wasn't primarily used for commercials, think of all the revenue they're missing out on!
During the game, they did other things to get fans involved, other than a dance cam. Weird.

2) Gameday atmosphere
They didn't have the PA announcer talking over the band. Clearly not enough going on for them. They should work on that.
The crowd was involved from the start. Cheering, chanting, singing along with songs. The crowd stood a large portion of the game. I mean do they even know they have seats?
They don't even have a DJ. what a poverty program. The songs, were songs that everyone knew and were easy to sing along with, get everyone up.
Being at the game it seemed as though everything was planned out ahead of time and there weren't lapses where it seemed like there was no one in control. Guess they don't have the skills to improvise.

3) Ads (probably my biggest takeaway)
They didn't sell ad space to literally everyone. They had a huge stone wall that would've looked great with a billboard on it. wasted space. They didn't have a redzone named after gomart. I mean, how are the people supposed to know you're in the redzone if you don't announce that you're in the "dutch miller auto group redzone!". How will the people know!?
They didn't have a million presentations during timeouts. There were a few, but most of the time during timeouts there was something going on involving the crowd. Don't they know they should be presenting OVP (or their version of OVP) with some type of gift thanking them for the 40th time that season?

Overall, pretty disappointed. Seems like our friends in Blacksburg have a lot to learn from us. Hopefully they will take notes next time they're inside the Joan!
Write Marshall some $$million checks Redsfan so Marshall can do it the "right" way. 😂
VT isn't poor, thus no need for selling ads.

By the way, we haven't had a DJ either since season before last.

My bad I forgot that being organized costs money.
My bad I forgot that being organized costs money.
I didnt read your explanation about Ads as an "organized" issue. Billboards are organized, "60% of space" was referring to, organized? Complaining about redzone names is complaining about how it's organized? Nope.

Can Marshall organize it's game time activities better. Sure. But let's not pretend the Joan hasn't been a mausoleum for many years now. I've had to watch the dreaded "thunderclap" for decades. I thought the DJ was an interesting idea, but the only thing louder than the music was the squalling fans bitching and usual, instead of Marshall adjusting and coordinating how the DJ could be used with the band to get the crowd going, they walked away from a potential good addition because of the complaining.

I dont have a problem with the advertising. It's what is keeping the program on financial life support. NC State football games are a 4 hour commercial inside and outside the stadium. ECU last year had endless ads and commercials on their stadium and scoreboards in Greenville during timeouts, half time etc. Most do it.
I didnt read your explanation about Ads as an "organized" issue. Billboards are organized, "60% of space" was referring to, organized? Complaining about redzone names is complaining about how it's organized? Nope.

Can Marshall organize it's game time activities better. Sure. But let's not pretend the Joan hasn't been a mausoleum for many years now. I've had to watch the dreaded "thunderclap" for decades. I thought the DJ was an interesting idea, but the only thing louder than the music was the squalling fans bitching and usual, instead of Marshall adjusting and coordinating how the DJ could be used with the band to get the crowd going, they walked away from a potential good addition because of the complaining.

I dont have a problem with the advertising. It's what is keeping the program on financial life support. NC State football games are a 4 hour commercial inside and outside the stadium. ECU last year had endless ads and commercials on their stadium and scoreboards in Greenville during timeouts, half time etc. Most do it.
Marshall's problem seems to be lack of organization and communication for their sporting events, mostly football. Yeah, it's a big undertaking, all the more reason for them to be very organized and in sync with all involved. It's more enjoyable sitting through an organized game day than the cluster bomb we now have.
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I didnt read your explanation about Ads as an "organized" issue. Billboards are organized, "60% of space" was referring to, organized? Complaining about redzone names is complaining about how it's organized? Nope.

Can Marshall organize it's game time activities better. Sure. But let's not pretend the Joan hasn't been a mausoleum for many years now. I've had to watch the dreaded "thunderclap" for decades. I thought the DJ was an interesting idea, but the only thing louder than the music was the squalling fans bitching and usual, instead of Marshall adjusting and coordinating how the DJ could be used with the band to get the crowd going, they walked away from a potential good addition because of the complaining.

I dont have a problem with the advertising. It's what is keeping the program on financial life support. NC State football games are a 4 hour commercial inside and outside the stadium. ECU last year had endless ads and commercials on their stadium and scoreboards in Greenville during timeouts, half time etc. Most do it.

Sometimes with marketing, less is more. I’m not saying we have to be Virginia Tech level… but we also don’t have to sell every inch.

As for the mausoleum comment, the thunderclap could be really cool… it was never properly organized or implemented. Same with the DJ, sure it was a neat idea. But it turned out awful. Fans don’t want to go sit in a commercial, they dont want to listen to the unorganized mess that our games have become. I would argue that the reason our fanbase is so dead at games is because every break is used to advertise instead of fan engagement.
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Sometimes with marketing, less is more. I’m not saying we have to be Virginia Tech level… but we also don’t have to sell every inch.

As for the mausoleum comment, the thunderclap could be really cool… it was never properly organized or implemented. Same with the DJ, sure it was a neat idea. But it turned out awful. Fans don’t want to go sit in a commercial, they dont want to listen to the unorganized mess that our games have become. I would argue that the reason our fanbase is so dead at games is because every break is used to advertise instead of fan engagement.
Fan engagement is a revenue opportunity, just look at how minor league baseball teams do it.
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I think we should look for even more shix to rip our alma mater up about; goodness knows there must be some other crap we can find to complain about. Or, God Forbid, we could learn to enjoy what we do have and make the most out of it, suggest positive changes, give the shix out of your own wallet to improve things. Or do we choose to be like half of the folks in America, expect others to pay for it?
Boys you can bitch and moan and whine about atmosphere and what MU does to create it......but that's sillly as for the most part atmosphere must be organic. No excitement and dead ass fans won't react much unless there is excitement. Anyone noticed the change in Vibe at our stadium over the last 25 years? Well it's not cause they aren't organized and we have too many ads.
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Boys you can bitch and moan and whine about atmosphere and what MU does to create it......but that's sillly as for the most part atmosphere must be organic. No excitement and dead ass fans won't react much unless there is excitement. Anyone noticed the change in Vibe at our stadium over the last 25 years? Well it's not cause they aren't organized and we have too many ads.
Winning and scoring points changes everything
Boys you can bitch and moan and whine about atmosphere and what MU does to create it......but that's sillly as for the most part atmosphere must be organic. No excitement and dead ass fans won't react much unless there is excitement. Anyone noticed the change in Vibe at our stadium over the last 25 years? Well it's not cause they aren't organized and we have too many ads.
I think winning consistently and having a good offense definitely plays a part. An aging fanbase is also part of it. But the lack of organization and the advertising strategy also plays a role.
I think we should look for even more shix to rip our alma mater up about; goodness knows there must be some other crap we can find to complain about. Or, God Forbid, we could learn to enjoy what we do have and make the most out of it, suggest positive changes, give the shix out of your own wallet to improve things. Or do we choose to be like half of the folks in America, expect others to pay for it?

You're right I should just be happy. Everything is awesome, why would we want to improve?

You guys are more sensitive than middle school girls. I'm not saying I hate our university or that we are the worst place in the world. What I am saying is there are things that could (and should) be better. That I wish we did things a little differently.

I guess since I am not just blindly following the university and happy for whatever they give me (how is that the way this relationship goes) I'm whining. I'll shut up and enjoy my mediocrity! Can I have some more?
Sometimes with marketing, less is more. I’m not saying we have to be Virginia Tech level… but we also don’t have to sell every inch.

Claims to not need to sell every inch, then complains how not every inch is perfect at Marshall.

Fans don’t want to go sit in a commercial, they dont want to listen to the unorganized mess that our games have become. I would argue that the reason our fanbase is so dead at games is because every break is used to advertise instead of fan engagement.

You speak for the fans, huh. All of them? You'd be laughed out of the room (much like on your own thread) with your inept thoughts on how things should be done with what is available.
I think we should look for even more shix to rip our alma mater up about; goodness knows there must be some other crap we can find to complain about. Or, God Forbid, we could learn to enjoy what we do have and make the most out of it, suggest positive changes, give the shix out of your own wallet to improve things. Or do we choose to be like half of the folks in America, expect others to pay for it?

The OP complains about everything Marshall related. His complaints about the bathrooms were so extensive, I thought he belonged on a registry or something since he seemed to have spent more time in there than at the games.

Its fools like Reds who complain about MU, then accept MU isn't perfect until they spend time elsewhere, forget where they are and what they're dealing with, come back and complain about "why can't MU be like _____?"
You're right I should just be happy. Everything is awesome, why would we want to improve?

You guys are more sensitive than middle school girls. I'm not saying I hate our university or that we are the worst place in the world. What I am saying is there are things that could (and should) be better. That I wish we did things a little differently.

I guess since I am not just blindly following the university and happy for whatever they give me (how is that the way this relationship goes) I'm whining. I'll shut up and enjoy my mediocrity! Can I have some more?

You walk around bleachers at MU and point out stains on them. You look at the FG posts and see if they have fresh coats of paint and if they don't, you complain.
You seem to count the squares on the scoreboards and complain if they're not being used to show the game over advertising.

You are literally the definition a sensitive middle school girl.
I didnt read your explanation about Ads as an "organized" issue. Billboards are organized, "60% of space" was referring to, organized? Complaining about redzone names is complaining about how it's organized? Nope.

Can Marshall organize it's game time activities better. Sure. But let's not pretend the Joan hasn't been a mausoleum for many years now. I've had to watch the dreaded "thunderclap" for decades. I thought the DJ was an interesting idea, but the only thing louder than the music was the squalling fans bitching and usual, instead of Marshall adjusting and coordinating how the DJ could be used with the band to get the crowd going, they walked away from a potential good addition because of the complaining.

I dont have a problem with the advertising. It's what is keeping the program on financial life support. NC State football games are a 4 hour commercial inside and outside the stadium. ECU last year had endless ads and commercials on their stadium and scoreboards in Greenville during timeouts, half time etc. Most do it.

Anyone want to bet Reds didn't even bother to check how much the ACC gives VT for revenue, which is roughly $44.8 million?

Yeah, must be nice to be paid that much so you don't have to advertise as often, but I bet VT makes up for it in one way or another.

I, too, thought the DJ was a good idea and at least something new. Sure, the name was awful and it didn't take off as a concept, but the outside the box thinking was something I could appreciate.

There is a decent way to do the Thunderclap, but it would require changes, big ones and as you said, fans like reds will complain and Sluggo will write his manifesto blaming Spears.

It doesn't matter if MU has a great GameDay atmosphere if the team is terrible, people will complain...and that's what everyone supposedly is paying money to do, watch a football game.
If you want to pay money to be entertained, go to the Pumpkin festival.
People like Reds don't like the advertising, tell them to buyout the ad time, but they're easily unable to afford it.

What's funny is Notre Dame is supposedly this hostile, loud environment with no advertising.
It was mellow and quiet. The fans weren't engaged...and frankly seemed to not want to be there.

Oh right, it's because MU was kicking the crap out of them.

I'd prefer the product on the field over anything else at this point.
Claims to not need to sell every inch, then complains how not every inch is perfect at Marshall.

You speak for the fans, huh. All of them? You'd be laughed out of the room (much like on your own thread) with your inept thoughts on how things should be done with what is available.

No, clearly I don’t speak for all the fans. Because there are still around 20,000 or so that show up game in and game out. And pretty soon it will be 15,000 and then maybe 10. But I’m sure we can go buy some more giant white tarps that are discolored and cover more bleachers.

I’m not going to apologize for wanting my Alma mater to take some pride in our stadium and make it the best it can possibly be. But I will say I’m sorry I hurt your feelings by talking about that the things that get neglected and over looked because of poor management.

At the end of the day is it the biggest deal the bathrooms haven’t had soap or hot water, or a clean floor since the Clinton administration? No. Is it a big deal that we bought yellow goal posts and then just let them fade until they just look ugly cheap? No by itself, no. Is it the end of the world that the marketing plan is to choke off all of the game day experience and squeeze every penny instead of trusting the principle that less can mean more long term? No.

But when you combine it all you get what Marshall has been experiencing over the past decade and that is a steady decline in atmosphere and enjoyment people receive at games. It feels dead inside the stadium at times. And that just sucks.

But hey, I’ll get in line, be a good little soldier and not complain about anything that can help fix it. Because it’s our privilege to get to go to these games.
Anyone want to bet Reds didn't even bother to check how much the ACC gives VT for revenue, which is roughly $44.8 million?

Yeah, must be nice to be paid that much so you don't have to advertise as often, but I bet VT makes up for it in one way or another.

I, too, thought the DJ was a good idea and at least something new. Sure, the name was awful and it didn't take off as a concept, but the outside the box thinking was something I could appreciate.

There is a decent way to do the Thunderclap, but it would require changes, big ones and as you said, fans like reds will complain and Sluggo will write his manifesto blaming Spears.

It doesn't matter if MU has a great GameDay atmosphere if the team is terrible, people will complain...and that's what everyone supposedly is paying money to do, watch a football game.
If you want to pay money to be entertained, go to the Pumpkin festival.
People like Reds don't like the advertising, tell them to buyout the ad time, but they're easily unable to afford it.

What's funny is Notre Dame is supposedly this hostile, loud environment with no advertising.
It was mellow and quiet. The fans weren't engaged...and frankly seemed to not want to be there.

Oh right, it's because MU was kicking the crap out of them.

I'd prefer the product on the field over anything else at this point.
Yes, VT is in a bigger conference and gets a large check from networks. There is space between where we are, and where other schools are with advertising.

I think there’s a great way to do the thunderclap and would love to see that come back in an organized way. So don’t put words in my mouth.

You can claim “you’re there to see a football game” and that’s true. But not everyone is. That’s not how this works. Do you think everyone at that VT last week were there for the football game? The guys sitting next to me (cheering and jumping up and down to enter sandman and being loud) asked me after the first drive: “how many people are on the field for a play?” He didn’t even know each team had 11. He wasn’t there for the football, he was there for the experience.

on the field product absolutely matters as well. These things go hand in hand.
You walk around bleachers at MU and point out stains on them. You look at the FG posts and see if they have fresh coats of paint and if they don't, you complain.
You seem to count the squares on the scoreboards and complain if they're not being used to show the game over advertising.

You are literally the definition a sensitive middle school girl.

Yeah, there was bloodstains on the bleachers in the Cam. The nerve of me to think that needed to be addressed.
Yes, VT is in a bigger conference and gets a large check from networks. There is space between where we are, and where other schools are with advertising.

I think there’s a great way to do the thunderclap and would love to see that come back in an organized way. So don’t put words in my mouth.

You can claim “you’re there to see a football game” and that’s true. But not everyone is. That’s not how this works. Do you think everyone at that VT last week were there for the football game? The guys sitting next to me (cheering and jumping up and down to enter sandman and being loud) asked me after the first drive: “how many people are on the field for a play?” He didn’t even know each team had 11. He wasn’t there for the football, he was there for the experience.

on the field product absolutely matters as well. These things go hand in hand.

You sort of contradicted yourself there but I'll help you out...
If people were there for the experience and not the game, why didn't everyone leave when "Enter Sandman" was finished? Did the guy next to you leave? Obviously not because he asked about the football match.

People go for the football game. The GameDay experience adds to it. Very few, if any programs can legitimately say something during the football game is actually better than the game itself...which would also be a reason for people to show up (or simply not leave).
The only entity I can think of off the top of my head is ohio state's band at halftime. They would draw a huge crowd for just performing alone. But that's it and they have more money than anyone.

But here, you're talking about a program who can afford to make the GameDay experience good, who also has a larger fan base, and being top dog in the state when it comes to football helps also.
"There is a space" yes, and it's measured in light years by comparison.

Don't apologize for wanting Marshall to be better, apologize for excessively whining about MU and being a fan of the Reds.
All you've done is taken the same recycled complaints that literally everyone has made and put them into a supposed "takeaway" from a P5 school who has significantly more money and overall resources than MU.

You don't present any creative ideas that fit the economics of MU and anything you have said, hasn't been particularly well thought out as it often gets disputed on here.
You sort of contradicted yourself there but I'll help you out...
If people were there for the experience and not the game, why didn't everyone leave when "Enter Sandman" was finished? Did the guy next to you leave? Obviously not because he asked about the football match.

People go for the football game. The GameDay experience adds to it. Very few, if any programs can legitimately say something during the football game is actually better than the game itself...which would also be a reason for people to show up (or simply not leave).
The only entity I can think of off the top of my head is ohio state's band at halftime. They would draw a huge crowd for just performing alone. But that's it and they have more money than anyone.

But here, you're talking about a program who can afford to make the GameDay experience good, who also has a larger fan base, and being top dog in the state when it comes to football helps also.
"There is a space" yes, and it's measured in light years by comparison.

Don't apologize for wanting Marshall to be better, apologize for excessively whining about MU and being a fan of the Reds.
All you've done is taken the same recycled complaints that literally everyone has made and put them into a supposed "takeaway" from a P5 school who has significantly more money and overall resources than MU.

You don't present any creative ideas that fit the economics of MU and anything you have said, hasn't been particularly well thought out as it often gets disputed on here.

Not everyone is at a game for the game. You’re kidding yourself if you think they are. Gameday experience and on field performance go hand in hand for a solid atmosphere.

“You don’t present any creative ideas” ok here are the ideas I’ve presented before… you’re too busy trying to mock them and talk down to me, to actually read them.

• Stadium updates*. The stadium is old. It shouldn’t feel old. Update concessions areas, expand the concourses. Build walls or fences to expand the concourse area to allow easier flow. Bathrooms, fix them. (Also our stuff should look good and not broken down. Yes this includes field goal posts and bleachers).

• advertising, less is more. Look for ways to lessen the number of advertisements, raise price for those that remain.

• Band. Figure it out. Yes, it’s a money thing at least partially. But figure out a way to have a better band. Don’t have to be P5 level, but it needs to be better.

• organization. This is the biggest contributor to a lack of atmosphere (imo). There needs to be a better flow. Better job of engaging the crowd. The picture thing they started a few years ago, is great. They need more engagement. Not playing music over the band, having music that is engaging. Finding a song that can create a tradition (mountain music something like that).

* they have done some of these things and that is great. I really think it’s past due. Glad it’s happening.
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Not everyone is at a game for the game. You’re kidding yourself if you think they are. Gameday experience and on field performance go hand in hand for a solid atmosphere.

“You don’t present any creative ideas” ok here are the ideas I’ve presented before… you’re too busy trying to mock them and talk down to me, to actually read them.

• Stadium updates*. The stadium is old. It shouldn’t feel old. Update concessions areas, expand the concourses. Build walls or fences to expand the concourse area to allow easier flow. Bathrooms, fix them. (Also our stuff should look good and not broken down. Yes this includes field goal posts and bleachers).

• advertising, less is more. Look for ways to lessen the number of advertisements, raise price for those that remain.

• Band. Figure it out. Yes, it’s a money thing at least partially. But figure out a way to have a better band. Don’t have to be P5 level, but it needs to be better.

• organization. This is the biggest contributor to a lack of atmosphere (imo). There needs to be a better flow. Better job of engaging the crowd. The picture thing they started a few years ago, is great. They need more engagement. Not playing music over the band, having music that is engaging. Finding a song that can create a tradition (mountain music something like that).

* they have done some of these things and that is great. I really think it’s past due. Glad it’s happening.

I'm going to focus on the advertising aspect because that honestly covers everything else.

You do realize every sport organization has seasonal customers and need year round advertising to pay the bills right?
Also businesses pay for specific things like 3rd down or interceptions, etc. you really want to take whatever money is paid for those, away?
Do you really think the Big Green can sustain MU athletics with a reduction in advertising?
You do understand advertising pays for things like scoreboards and other needs as well. Correct?
Communications companies like Motorola, pay for the equipment the coaches use.

You want MU to pay for those?

Do you really think if MU said, "Hey fans. We took away 50% of our advertising!" That would somehow bring MORE fans in?

Let's pretend MU did that. Where is the rest of the revenue going to be brought in? You'd have to raise ticket prices, concessions, as well as parking, season tickets, and everything else.

Or just convince advertisers to put their money and focus into other sports that are so unpopular and attended, they generate a loss of revenue for the school.

Your logic is absolutely some of the worst out there.

lol less is absolutely NOT more 🤣🤣🤣
I'm going to focus on the advertising aspect because that honestly covers everything else.

You do realize every sport organization has seasonal customers and need year round advertising to pay the bills right?
Also businesses pay for specific things like 3rd down or interceptions, etc. you really want to take whatever money is paid for those, away?
Do you really think the Big Green can sustain MU athletics with a reduction in advertising?
You do understand advertising pays for things like scoreboards and other needs as well. Correct?
Communications companies like Motorola, pay for the equipment the coaches use.

You want MU to pay for those?

Do you really think if MU said, "Hey fans. We took away 50% of our advertising!" That would somehow bring MORE fans in?

Let's pretend MU did that. Where is the rest of the revenue going to be brought in? You'd have to raise ticket prices, concessions, as well as parking, season tickets, and everything else.

Or just convince advertisers to put their money and focus into other sports that are so unpopular and attended, they generate a loss of revenue for the school.

Your logic is absolutely some of the worst out there.

lol less is absolutely NOT more 🤣🤣🤣

What happens to the price point of advertising when less advertising is available?

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