Nashville shooter manifesto


Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Jan 6, 2008
TITM Combat Veteran
Supposed to be released soon. We need to see the full unredacted version showing the trans movement inner desire to wipeout good and decent church folk.
Supposed to be released soon. We need to see the full unredacted version showing the trans movement inner desire to wipeout good and decent church folk.
Ah, so we can extrapolate a whole “movement’s” inner desire from the manifesto of one shooter?

You sure you want to make that the standard?
Ah, so we can extrapolate a whole “movement’s” inner desire from the manifesto of one shooter?

You sure you want to make that the standard?
If it’s a liberal movement, yes.

The standard shall be:
A far right occurrence = isolated incident
A far left occurrence = broad and far reaching demonstrative and destructive movement
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You sure attributing motives to an entire political "movement" on the actions of one guy hasn't been happening for years now?
Sure, it happens and its wrong any time it happens.

I really don’t like that they release them. Ignominy is all these shooters deserve.
Sure, it happens and its wrong any time it happens.

I really don’t like that they release them. Ignominy is all these shooters deserve.
I honestly don't think it should be released (although, I would like to read it just to see the mindset.)

I have a very serious problem with making this murderer out to be some kind of a victim though. It feels like if someone commits an act of violence, the left & the media want to immediately attribute it to MAGA by any stretch possible. But when someone is clearly psychologically damaged & was a threat, they get made out to be victims.
I honestly don't think it should be released (although, I would like to read it just to see the mindset.)

I have a very serious problem with making this murderer out to be some kind of a victim though. It feels like if someone commits an act of violence, the left & the media want to immediately attribute it to MAGA by any stretch possible. But when someone is clearly psychologically damaged & was a threat, they get made out to be victims.
This person wasn’t a victim. Not allowing gender affirming care before 18 or not calling someone their preferred pronoun doesn’t make someone a victim. They are just soft cocks with their feelings and lash out. Same goes for the guy that was kicked out in Montana. A Whiny soft cock, not a victim.
I honestly don't think it should be released (although, I would like to read it just to see the mindset.)

I have a very serious problem with making this murderer out to be some kind of a victim though. It feels like if someone commits an act of violence, the left & the media want to immediately attribute it to MAGA by any stretch possible. But when someone is clearly psychologically damaged & was a threat, they get made out to be victims.
(I’m agreeing with at least part of what you wrote by the way)

Whether or not someone was a victim at some point in their life becomes irrelevant when they begin murdering innocent people. At that point whatever’s happened to you, you’re the worst thing in your life.

But I feel the same way about this monster that I did 16 years ago about this time of year. They should be forgotten. Damnatio memoriae. I don’t want to hear their justification because none exists. I don’t want their face on TV because they don’t deserve it. They shouldn’t get to be famous, known. Not even hated, which is it’s own form of immortality (look at Dahmer.). Just forgotten.
Alright I’m on one. I’m mainly writing this for catharsis I guess. I’m sure not trying to sway anybody to any side on trans anything, gun anything, I’m not talking about any of that. Let me tell you how this goes. The life cycle of this shit from the inside.

Something like this happens and you’re descended upon. Everybody just has to know exactly what happened. The news descends on you, reporting everything they hear, true or not. Rumors fly, exaggerating already unimaginable horrors. The news runs with them. The news gives no shits about you, they just want their story and their eyeballs/clicks. Rumors persist hours, days. Years in the back of your mind. Hearing something happened can mess you up even when you find out later it didn’t. Or you don’t find out, because reading the details on how your classmates were murdered in a building you have classes in isn’t something a lot of people want to do.

Then they leave and the tug of war starts. Everyone (not involved) wants to defend their interests. If the shooter was X, we’ve gotta talk about how X isn’t the problem! Or how they are. Or how the guns are. Or not locking side doors of elementary schools. And the rationalization starts. If only we did/didn’t do Y this wouldn’t happen! Ban guns, have guards, do drills, train cops, metal detectors, mental health intervention, the bodies are still warm but everybody has their special interest they’ve got to make sure is protected or pushed.

Then the support starts. I don’t speak for everyone and I personally know people who feel all over the spectrum on this. I appreciated it. The ribbons at the Marshall spring game, the Nats all wearing hats, not getting flipped off at the mall for wearing VT stuff. Most people I know appreciated it.

Then that washes away because other things happen and of course it does, it ought to. But for anyone involved of course it doesn’t. And what’s that rock in the steam of time that perseveres? It’s not the victims, it’s not the truth about whatever happened, it’s the monster. It’s whatever they wrote that gets repeated. It’s their story that gets a Netflix show. If anyone involved has caught an ounce of luck the monster is dead. If not you get to do it all over again for their trial, their sentencing. Their execution (which, while I’m not anti-death penalty, I’d rather let them rot.)

But the monster perseveres, alive or dead. People remember all sorts of stuff about them. They get a Wikipedia entry and their message out and the immortality they were after. We give it to them out of fascination I guess. When really they’re the least worthy part of the story.

I’d encourage anyone who would read whatever this particular monster has to say to instead call a loved one and catch up. Hug and talk to your kids instead. Read a book. Anything would be a better use of your time. They don’t deserve it.
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