National debt $20 trillion plus

It could be done. But it would be painful.
Even hypothetically I don't think it's possible. Too many forces oppose minor cuts now. And unless we stumble upon some space gold, it will never happen. Anybody who watches the debt clock for just 30 seconds will come to the same conclusion.
The only way to end the debt is ww3 and we are the only big boy left standing
Actually, if the federal government would go back to just handling its responsibilities per the Constitution and let the states handle the rest, like they're suppose to, you could salt the debt away at a brisk clip.
I wonder how much could be saved if they quit spending money for crazy stuff. Here are a few examples.

Here is a sample from an article I read recently on Foxnews

Republican senator Jeff Flake's wasteful spending report named "Wastebook: PORKemon Go" looks at the money spent on outrageous government programs and frivolous projects...

Like $300,000 for the National Eye Institute and National Science Foundation to study whether women or men spent more time playing with Barbie dolls when they were children.

The National Insitutes of Health spent more than $3 million on hamster cage matches, while researchers at Northeastern University pumped hamsters full of steroids to see how vicious they become:

the NIH also spent $5 million to study the partying habits of fraternities and sororities.

Wastebook PORKémon Go” provides an index of just some of the
expenditures lurking throughout the federal budget that
collectively cost taxpayers more than5 billion.Time for both parties to quit spending money like this

In the last month, the national debt has increased by 335 billion dollars. At that rate, the debt under cheetos would increase by 14 trillion, almost double the debt in 4 years compared to the increase under obama for 8 years. And that's without a recession to deal with.
In the last month, the national debt has increased by 335 billion dollars. At that rate, the debt under cheetos would increase by 14 trillion, almost double the debt in 4 years compared to the increase under obama for 8 years. And that's without a recession to deal with.
We will see I thought the projections during the campaign were something like $8 trillion under trump. Which is also completely unacceptable