New Huntington Direct Flight!


Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Dec 8, 2004
Huntington has finally reached the big time! They have a brand new direct flight starting last week!

What is it, you ask? Qatar Air direct to Dubai? No? Korea Air direct to Seoul? No? What about Cathay Pacific direct to Tokyo? No? Then it’s Emirates direct to Nice, right?

No? Well what is it?

Allegiant to Myrtle . . . but just temporarily. You miserable bastards just keep making this too easy.

Wow. A small regional doesn't haven't international flights on planes the runway can't handle.

Thanks Einstein.
You missed the point. It's not that there are no direct international flights. It's that there is a new direct flight . . . going to the Redneck Riviera/Hillbilly Heaven . . . on Allegiant.
You missed the point. It's not that there are no direct international flights. It's that there is a new direct flight . . . going to the Redneck Riviera/Hillbilly Heaven . . . on Allegiant.
Yehh because that is a popular destination from Huntington.
Myrtle Beach is also a popular flight from New York.
No, it is not. Buffalo, Syracuse, Elmira/Corning, Rochester, Ithaca, Binghamton, and Williamsport are all airports between 10 minutes from Corning. Of all of those, only one (Binghamton) has a direct flight to Myrtle. Can't be that popular.

There's nothing wrong with going there. It just fits Huntington perfectly: The same exact demographic (in multiple ways), the same mentality, the same lifestyle, but just add in a beach.
No, it is not. Buffalo, Syracuse, Elmira/Corning, Rochester, Ithaca, Binghamton, and Williamsport are all airports between 10 minutes from Corning. Of all of those, only one (Binghamton) has a direct flight to Myrtle. Can't be that popular.

There's nothing wrong with going there. It just fits Huntington perfectly: The same exact demographic (in multiple ways), the same mentality, the same lifestyle, but just add in a beach.
Laguardia has plenty of flights to Myrtle.
You missed the point. It's not that there are no direct international flights. It's that there is a new direct flight . . . going to the Redneck Riviera/Hillbilly Heaven . . . on Allegiant.

Much better destination than Shithole, California.
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I’ve never been to myrtle beach. I prefer Virginia Beach or cocoa beach
Both of those are cool places. Been to Cocoa Beach a couple of times. Caught some nice Red Drum off the coast there. Seas were rough as hell and I was turning green and hanging on. Went about 2 miles out. My son caught a big one and we were on a charter. I thought I was going to hurl and fall off the side. The Captain warned us but we did it anyway. Talked the wife into going and she didn't like it. He hooked it and the cooler was sliding and he was wrestling it and hanging on.

The key to not getting sea sick is you have to take the Dramamine the night before and then the morning of. Get it in your system. I just got the dry heaves that day and when I got back my head was spinning.

Haven't been to Virginia Beach in a long time. Been to Norfolk recently.
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You're a Godless lying trumptard.
New York, Connecticut, New Jersey all down, as rifle calls it, "The Redneck Riviera." However, the Redneck Riviera is really the Emerald Coast of Florida.

Was fishing next to some dudes from Connecticut. Other than being loud when they spoke, they were good dudes. They told me how expensive it was up there. They did say the beer on the pier was higher but, that was to be expected as it was on the pier and you can't bring your own beer. Another dude was from New Jersey. He told me half of his family were liberals. He was for Trump and he liked South Carolina because it never shut down during Covid and you could just be who you wanted to be. I talk to the Yankees all the time. I think many of them are like North Koreans. They really just want to be free. Many are brainwashed.
You were trying to make fun of Huntington and Myrtle Beach.
Of course I was, because they are both worth mocking. The fact that they are both so closely tied is amusing but not surprising.

I’ve never been to myrtle beach. I prefer Virginia Beach or cocoa beach
If you have never been, how do you know which one you prefer?

Thank you governor Abbott.
Texans call him "Rolling Blackout Abbott."
I don't understand how MU grads can denigrate the state of WV so readily. This is where we got our education, at a public university operating with funds from the state government, which were collected from citizens paying their taxes. The topography of the state makes it more difficult to achieve economic prosperity. But the people are hard working, patriotic, family-oriented, and wanting things to be better. I think the war against coal has been a major setback for the state economically. I foresee a much brighter future for the state based on reports of new business development and new leadership in government and business.
I don't understand how MU grads can denigrate the state of WV so readily. This is where we got our education,
No, as I have stated numerous times for decades, I barely received any classroom education while at Marshall Due to the horrendous school system in WV and the need for Marshall to keep as many kids as possible from failing out in order to retain revenue, most courses were things that had been taught in high school (or even middle school) to me.

The topography of the state makes it more difficult to achieve economic prosperity.
Excuses. There are plenty of other states that have topography (mountainous, surrounded by ocean, horrible weather) that make due. It's called intelligence and innovation, which WV has never succeeded in.

But the people are hard working,
Fourth highest federally dependent state for welfare. Fourth highest percentage of residents in the country receiving food welfare.

I know the myth is that country folk are blue-collar, hardworking people, but in the case of WV, it simply isn't true based on facts.

patriotic, family-oriented,
All of those things are disputable, subjective, and hard to support with facts. If by "family-oriented" you mean incest, then I agree:

The most inbred state in America is West Virginia. This is according to a study by the University of Washington.

West Virginia had the highest rate of inbreeding in the United States. Approximately 4.1% of all births in West Virginia were the result of inbreeding. This is much higher than the national average of 1.2%.

The inbreeding rate of West Virginia is largely due to its:
small population

The state is isolated and has a large rural population. As a result, many West Virginians are related to each other. This can lead to an increased risk of certain genetic disorders.

and wanting things to be better.

Congratulations? I think that applies to just about every human being. The difference is that some people are willing to make life better while others want it handed it to them.

For instance, many immigrants are walking between hundreds and thousands of miles over many weeks in horrible conditions just so they can get a job and make a better life. That's a lot of work to do! On the other hand, many West Virginians want things to be better but refuse to even show up to a job a mile away at the Dollar Store to allow that to happen.
No, as I have stated numerous times for decades, I barely received any classroom education while at Marshall Due to the horrendous school system in WV and the need for Marshall to keep as many kids as possible from failing out in order to retain revenue, most courses were things that had been taught in high school (or even middle school) to me.

Excuses. There are plenty of other states that have topography (mountainous, surrounded by ocean, horrible weather) that make due. It's called intelligence and innovation, which WV has never succeeded in.

Fourth highest federally dependent state for welfare. Fourth highest percentage of residents in the country receiving food welfare.

I know the myth is that country folk are blue-collar, hardworking people, but in the case of WV, it simply isn't true based on facts.

All of those things are disputable, subjective, and hard to support with facts. If by "family-oriented" you mean incest, then I agree:

Congratulations? I think that applies to just about every human being. The difference is that some people are willing to make life better while others want it handed it to them.

For instance, many immigrants are walking between hundreds and thousands of miles over many weeks in horrible conditions just so they can get a job and make a better life. That's a lot of work to do! On the other hand, many West Virginians want things to be better but refuse to even show up to a job a mile away at the Dollar Store to allow that to happen.
Democrats ran WV into the ground. Like they do everywhere else. Perpetuated a woe is me attitude. Let the government take care of you. Rich vs Poor mentality. Oh look what that wonderful Sen Byrd did, got money and named something after himself. Other reasons but, that contributed to it.

WV never adapted another income source other than coal for the most part and some other industry(chemical and steel). Its regional competitors attracted business through incentives and other business friendly measures and WV did not.

You also have to remember WV was a bastard state carved off of another state. Lot of history there. It was once part of the Commonwealth of VA and not the most attractive part. Not great for farming or agriculture. Not ports or ocean and was really the frontier before the midwest.
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Yet the poorest of states are overwhelmingly red and have been that way for longer than you've been alive. Amazing how that works.
Really? Study history much? WV was under democrat control for decades and decades and recent memory went Red.
Really? Study history much? WV was under democrat control for decades and decades and recent memory went Red.
Really? Study reading comprehension much? I said "the poorest of states are overwhelmingly red . . . " That doesn't mean every single state is red and has been that way for a long time. It's saying that the overwhelming number of poorest states have been red for a long time.
New York, Connecticut, New Jersey all down, as rifle calls it, "The Redneck Riviera." However, the Redneck Riviera is really the Emerald Coast of Florida.

Was fishing next to some dudes from Connecticut. Other than being loud when they spoke, they were good dudes. They told me how expensive it was up there. They did say the beer on the pier was higher but, that was to be expected as it was on the pier and you can't bring your own beer. Another dude was from New Jersey. He told me half of his family were liberals. He was for Trump and he liked South Carolina because it never shut down during Covid and you could just be who you wanted to be. I talk to the Yankees all the time. I think many of them are like North Koreans. They really just want to be free. Many are brainwashed.
You're a Godless lying trumptard
Democrats ran WV into the ground. Like they do everywhere else. Perpetuated a woe is me attitude. Let the government take care of you. Rich vs Poor mentality. Oh look what that wonderful Sen Byrd did, got money and named something after himself. Other reasons but, that contributed to it.

WV never adapted another income source other than coal for the most part and some other industry(chemical and steel). Its regional competitors attracted business through incentives and other business friendly measures and WV did not.

You also have to remember WV was a bastard state carved off of another state. Lot of history there. It was once part of the Commonwealth of VA and not the most attractive part. Not great for farming or agriculture. Not ports or ocean and was really the frontier before the midwest.
Hey, jerkoff: don't go back and completely change a post after somebody has already quoted it and responded to you. If you have the mental stability of a menopausal woman and can't get all of your thoughts down in your first attempt at a post, then create a new post instead of editing it and adding a ton of shit 20 minutes later.

You just made a whole bunch of excuses about why WV is as shitty as it is. Your WV folk have been doing that for the last 70 years instead of just getting to work and fixing shit.

And I bet you're going to come back with a comment like "blow me," in which case, it just means you're still fantasizing about sexual activities with me.
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Hey, jerkoff: don't go back and completely change a post after somebody has already quoted it and responded to you. If you have the mental stability of a menopausal woman and can't get all of your thoughts down in your first attempt at a post, then create a new post instead of editing it and adding a ton of shit 20 minutes later.

You just made a whole bunch of excuses about why WV is as shitty as it is. Your WV folk have been doing that for the last 70 years instead of just getting to work and fixing shit.
blow me
I don't recall rifle being this much out of sorts before the mishap. Recovery is a long trip.
I don't recall rifle being this much out of sorts before the mishap. Recovery is a long trip.
Every single one of your last 10 posts has been about me. 16 of your last 17 posts have been about me. Last night, I watched the first two episodes of Baby Reindeer on Netflix. You come across like Martha on that show, and it's very concerning. Please seek help:

Update: All 11 of your last posts and 17 of 18 of your last posts have been about me. Are you not embarrassed by that?

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