New Info is Bad

Irrelevant? Let's compare:

You stated that you didn't blame nor fault the alleged ISIS attack on the culprits. You said that you blame the racist people who put on the event because they knew that ISIS wasn't to be messed with and were baiting them.

This wvu girl knew the football player. She knew what he was capable of. A person just doesn't flip out and break down doors without showing signs of having a temper or being aggressive and crazy. By not allowing him to get his possessions and making him mad, she was baiting him into doing what he did. She knew he was capable of it.

See how dumb your ISIS comments are?

Maybe she was scared and acted out of fear by locking him out? Maybe its not the first time he acted this way towards her? Maybe he has hit her or abused her before? You trying to draw a conclusion between the 2 is idiotic and is typical of a Ryan Kobbe statement. Draw irrelevant statements together to try and come up with a point.
Maybe its not the first time he acted this way towards her? .

And it's the first time ISIS has responded like this? It's par for the course. So, if it wasn't the first time he acted like this towards her, why was she dumb enough to do anything to anatagonize him? She knew he "wasn't one to be messed with," right? Sound familiar? She should just let him do what he does, hope she doesn't get attacked more, and definitely don't antagonize him by locking the door.

Maybe he has attacked her before? Hmm. Has ISIS ever attacked before? Have they attacked both people minding their own business and beliefs as well as those who may have anatagonized them? Yes, they have done both frequently. So, why would it be alright for her to antagonize him by locking away his possessions knowing that he has attacked before and would do it again by baiting him into being mad?

It's her fault. She should have minded her own business, hoped his next unsolicited attack wasn't too bad, and definitely not anatagonized him into being even more mad.

Face it. You defend people based on skin much more than ideology. This is coming from somebody who is frequently accused of being an apologist for negative actions committed by minorities of all kinds.
Once again drawing together 2 irrelevant incidents to make a point. This debate has now gone full retard thanks to you. I am all for racists who put innocent American lives in danger because they want to uphold the first amendment and spew their retarded antagonistic agenda to draw out some crazy ass people to them in their place.

I am not for some 315 pound football player kicking in his ex-girl apartment door to get his "things". It has nothing to do with race and I don't see how race relates between the 2. Even with Steward Butler I wanted to see the facts first that caused him to jump out of the car. I still said from the beginning he was beyond stupid for what he did, he is black

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