New Laptop


Platinum Buffalo
Aug 17, 2011
Brewpub w/coeds
I finally caved in and purchased a laptop over the weekend.

I haven't plugged it in yet, but I'm basically replacing my desktop at home.

I know a few ways to move files from the desktop to the laptop, but my ways will probably take me all damn day. I basically only need to move pictures and music over to my laptop. Is there a simple way of doing so in quick fashion?
The cloud is good . . . until the Internet is down for a bit or you don't want everything stolen from the numerous hackers who have succeeded in intruding on cloud-based storage.

A simply jump drive works wonders. Right click on the folder of pictures you have, hit "copy," then paste it to the jump drive folder. Put the jump drive in the laptop and paste the folder to it. Even if you have thousands of pictures, it shouldn't take more than ten minutes.

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