New numbers?


Silver Buffalo
Jul 27, 2014
I saw a picture of Litton wearing a jersey with the number 1 on it, and it made me curious as to whether he switched or not. I may have missed an article about new number assignments for this year.

Anyone know anything or heard anything?
Hmm. Not entirely sure what I think of that. I've never been a fan of guys wearing number 1. Seems too self centered to me. I know that's the grumpy old man in me, coming from my days of playing high school football. My coach wouldn't allow anyone other than the punter wear it.

Not that Litton has seemed like anything but a team first guy to this point.
Doc said earn #1 , I think a 10 win season as a true freshman capped off with a bowl win got him #1.

He bounced back from a pretty bad performance v WKY too , to beat former Big East Power UCONN .

Strong gutsy player, but still has a lot to learn, and improve upon. Should be a most interesting season...
Hmm. Not entirely sure what I think of that. I've never been a fan of guys wearing number 1. Seems too self centered to me. I know that's the grumpy old man in me, coming from my days of playing high school football. My coach wouldn't allow anyone other than the punter wear it.

Not that Litton has seemed like anything but a team first guy to this point.

[QUOTE="Herd Fever, post: 362793, member: 934"]I guess so[/QUOTE]

Now that's some funny S*^t....Fever being humble....Yes the sky is Carolina (Tarheel) Blue.....

HerdZilla22 (Sweeney) in Charlotte
@ Green-weenie===GreenDuke....You are way behind the times...sorta like your girlfriend (Hillary R C) and her girl friends too....the plight of UNC has been DROPPED by the FBI (NCAA).....No 50 Shades of Gray in Chapel Hill.....NO academic fraud & probation for the King of the Road===UNC TARHEELS. CASE Closed.....Play on Dear Tar Heels & keep studying Black History....

There are Contenders===UNC and there are pretenders===Duke
(home school to the guy that is being forced to file know the one that steps on Ky players...."guess he will have to give up his first name too...No Christian...LOL he he he .....................Go PUKE

Your HERD-Daddy in Charlotte=====HerdZilla22 (Sweeney)"
You speak about Tar Heels and Black History.

Well let me give you a history lesson.

The term "Tar Heel" comes from a Slave term. In North Carolina, the slavers would tar the heels on runaways as a form of leaving a mark on the Slave forever.
@ Green-weenie===GreenDuke....You are way behind the times...sorta like your girlfriend (Hillary R C) and her girl friends too....the plight of UNC has been DROPPED by the FBI (NCAA).....No 50 Shades of Gray in Chapel Hill.....NO academic fraud & probation for the King of the Road===UNC TARHEELS. CASE Closed.....Play on Dear Tar Heels & keep studying Black History....

There are Contenders===UNC and there are pretenders===Duke
(home school to the guy that is being forced to file know the one that steps on Ky players...."guess he will have to give up his first name too...No Christian...LOL he he he .....................Go PUKE

Your HERD-Daddy in Charlotte=====HerdZilla22 (Sweeney)"

Your nothing more than an ignorant Wal Mart Cheat fan. There are sanctions to come, just not the death penalty. You should read, really carefully read, the 23+ years of plantation tactics employed from Deano right thru Huckleberry not to mention the football mess along with baseball, womens bb and soccer. More importantly unc ch is the first AAU institution to be placed on probation, well done.
The term "Tar Heel" comes from a Slave term. In North Carolina, the slavers would tar the heels on runaways as a form of leaving a mark on the Slave forever.
That's not true. The root source of the term is actually unknown, but that version of its definition has its roots in some recent revisionist history by folks wanting to see racism in everything. "Tar Heel" was used as a derogatory term during the Civil War, but it was used to describe whites fighting in the Confederate Army who hailed from North Carolina.

On a personal note, as someone who has worked on hot tar roofs before, its sticky, but its not permanent. And runaway slaves usually had much, much worse done to them than having their heels made sticky.
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You speak about Tar Heels and Black History.

Well let me give you a history lesson.

The term "Tar Heel" comes from a Slave term. In North Carolina, the slavers would tar the heels on runaways as a form of leaving a mark on the Slave forever.

I have never heard that explanation of Tar Heel in my life.
I have never heard that explanation of Tar Heel in my life.

I remember having the term "Tar Heel" explained by none other than a vaunted, and revered, former Marshall History professor, Dr. Charles Moffat. Moffat, a native Mississippian with a deep, deep southern drawl, taught a course on the history of the American South, among others. He explained that North Carolina was economically a notch below its neighbor, South Carolina, for decades preceding the Civil War. As a result, there was a significant segment of the Palmetto State "aristocracy", primarily in the Charleston region, that looked down on their Northern neighbors. According to Moffat, the term "tar heel" was a derogatory term used by this aristocracy to describe many in North Carolina, whom they considered uneducated, lower class commoners.

And as for all the transgressions that have, or allegedly have, occurred at "pristine" UNC, I guess many of you have not yet heard the news. The NCAA has looked long and deep into the situation at UNC, including the academic fraud, and today took the stern and severe steps of . . . . . . . . yes, putting mighty Georgia Southern on TWO YEARS PROBATION!! That will show those upstart G5 school that the NCAA's enforcement division means business when it comes to all those shenanigans and violations occurring at "Power Schools"!!!! (And no doubt make people like Zilla very, very happy!!),
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And as for all the transgressions that have, or allegedly have, occurred at "pristine" UNC, I guess many of you have not yet heard the news. The NCAA has looked long and deep into the situation at UNC, including the academic fraud, and today took the stern and severe steps of . . . . . . . . yes, putting mighty Georgia Southern on TWO YEARS PROBATION!! That will show those upstart G5 school that the NCAA's enforcement division means business when it comes to all those shenanigans and violations occurring at "Power Schools"!

When an officer in the NCAA can openly state slanderous comments about Marshall and not be fired it does tend to make one cynical enough to believe the above. I am really tired of watching smaller schools with less savvy get whacked by the NCAA and then giving P5s a Catholic nun ruler slap.

When I saw that the NCAA would hire someone with the ethics of Oliver Schmuck it made me Nautious. When I saw they allowed him to slander us while holding a position of authority of a ruling body in college athletics , I realized they are on nothing but the money train.
Some other Herd No. 1 players:

Manuel Glason, RB/S, 1976-79;
Carl Lee*, S ("The Gang of 4 Secondary"), 1979-82;
Tim Kendrick, QB, 1983-84;
Mike Beasley, RB/WR, 1985-88;
Tim Martin*, WR/KR, 1992-96;
Maurice Hines, CB, 1997-2000;
Gladstone Coke, OLB, 2001-2003;
Marcus Fitzgerald, Receiver, 2004-06;
Darius Passmore, WR, 2007-08;
AJ Graham, QB, 2010-11;
Tommy Shuler, Slot/PR, 2011-14;
Chase Litton, QB, 2016-18.
*- MU Athletic Hall of Fame
You speak about Tar Heels and Black History.

Well let me give you a history lesson.

The term "Tar Heel" comes from a Slave term. In North Carolina, the slavers would tar the heels on runaways as a form of leaving a mark on the Slave forever.

Well HERD FEVER....let me give you a History Lesson since I have resided in North Carolina since 1977....the label Tar-heel can not be traced to any number of origins, HOWEVER, from Cornwallis to General Robert E. Lee.....fork lore credits the name with different "whys".....I like what Gen. Lee said...."During the late, unhappy war between the States (Civil War)...North Carolina was sometimes called the Tar-heel State because Tar was made in the State, and because in battle the soldiers of NC "stuck to their bloody work" as if they had TAR on their HEELS...never giving in to the enemy. General Lee said, "God bless the Tar-heel men---therefore the soldiers adopted the name.

No Wolfs or Devils or Deacons or Mountaineers in TAR-HEEL HISTORY......

HerdZill22 in Charlotte
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Woody what number did Fuzzy Filez wear? That was a colorful receiver that's not mentioned much in the annals of the great history of Marshall receivers.


I remember having the term "Tar Heel" explained by none other than a vaunted, and revered, former Marshall History professor, Dr. Charles Moffat. Moffat, a native Mississippian with a deep, deep southern drawl, taught a course on the history of the American South, among others. He explained that North Carolina was economically a notch below its neighbor, South Carolina, for decades preceding the Civil War. As a result, there was a significant segment of the Palmetto State "aristocracy", primarily in the Charleston region, that looked down on their Northern neighbors. According to Moffat, the term "tar heel" was a derogatory term used by this aristocracy to describe many in North Carolina, whom they considered uneducated, lower class commoners.

And as for all the transgressions that have, or allegedly have, occurred at "pristine" UNC, I guess many of you have not yet heard the news. The NCAA has looked long and deep into the situation at UNC, including the academic fraud, and today took the stern and severe steps of . . . . . . . . yes, putting mighty Georgia Southern on TWO YEARS PROBATION!! That will show those upstart G5 school that the NCAA's enforcement division means business when it comes to all those shenanigans and violations occurring at "Power Schools"!!!! (And no doubt make people like Zilla very, very happy!!),

Thank you ole wise one===oldeherd......Case Settled-----and we Tar-Heel fans are dancin' in the streets in PRISTINE fashon. I should have quoted the revered Dr. Charles Moffat since I took a few of his classes. He made you feel like you were in battle with Johnny Reb against with the wicked North (Yankees). So Georgia Southern cheated and gets two years probation by having to move their campus to Durham? The same town that Bear Bryant's widow settled after his death. She said..."I want to get as far away from football that I can & purchased a house in Durham." That's for the Green Weenie Duke Fan from Wal-mart University. lol lol he he he he

HerdZilla22 (Sweeney) in Charlotte
When an officer in the NCAA can openly state slanderous comments about Marshall and not be fired it does tend to make one cynical enough to believe the above. I am really tired of watching smaller schools with less savvy get whacked by the NCAA and then giving P5s a Catholic nun ruler slap.

When I saw that the NCAA would hire someone with the ethics of Oliver Schmuck it made me Nautious. When I saw they allowed him to slander us while holding a position of authority of a ruling body in college athletics , I realized they are on nothing but the money train.

What did luck say?
I'm with Dr. Moffat's version. I can still see him waving that cane as he expounded upon that! A good day's work in the briar patch will wear tar off of one's heels...