New York priorities

Do you really think this is occurring naturally?
See below.
It’s a lot more localized than you would think if it’s a natural increase in numbers
NY is very telling to me. NYC has always been the #1 place for new trends in alternative fashion and music. I'd wager a big part of this is being trans is the new alternative fashion. 1970s being bi and copying David Bowie has turned into being trans. At least for boys...I'd reckon for girls it's more being open about taking on a male gender (we all knew the "butch" girls when we were younger, it's natural that with increased openness more would fully embrace that role). This all trickles down to the teens.
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NY is very telling to me. NYC has always been the #1 place for new trends in alternative fashion and music. I'd wager a big part of this is being trans is the new alternative fashion. 1970s being bi and copying David Bowie has turned into being trans. At least for boys...I'd reckon for girls it's more being open about taking on a male gender (we all knew the "butch" girls when we were younger, it's natural that with increased openness more would fully embrace that role). This all trickles down to the teens.

Mainly agree. The world has gotten smaller through social media so it's not so much a trickle today. Things like this likely spread much faster, and further, than in the past.
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Things like this likely spread much faster, and further, than in the past.
And yet much like in the past, it will quickly pass for most. Which makes me laugh, seeing the OUTRAGE from the right on this topic. Playing around with gender roles is a time-honored thing with the youth, at least in our lifetimes. I mentioned Bowie. Look at the glam metal 80's era, Goth era, etc.

I'm glad kids who genuinely are gay, trans, whatever can be more open now. But I sincerely believe there is no "grooming" going on, except for from the usual perverts that groom kids no matter what era we live in...that is very real.
And yet much like in the past, it will quickly pass for most. Which makes me laugh, seeing the OUTRAGE from the right on this topic. Playing around with gender roles is a time-honored thing with the youth, at least in our lifetimes. I mentioned Bowie. Look at the glam metal 80's era, Goth era, etc.

I'm glad kids who genuinely are gay, trans, whatever can be more open now. But I sincerely believe there is no "grooming" going on, except for from the usual perverts that groom kids no matter what era we live in...that is very real.
Yeah because we should be playing with gender rolls in elementary school
Wrong. We don't hate them and are concerned for their mental health and overall well-being. We object to efforts to groom them and recruit them into that lifestyle at young impressionable ages before they even develop a sexual identity.

Do you really think this is occurring naturally?

It's been said misery loves company. I think that is a big factor in those attempts at recruitment. Love, not hate, drives my opposition to their, and your, political movement.

Absolutely is natural because the are born that way...and no wonder they commit suicide when so many people harass them and hate them.
Which makes me laugh, seeing the OUTRAGE from the right on this topic. Playing around with gender roles is a time-honored thing with the youth, at least in our lifetimes.
The problem lies in the educators, mental health treatment providers, families, and courts allowing, and in some cases mandating, hormone treatment and surgeries that can't be reversed. Those kids are left to suffer for the rest of their lives over a fad because the adults in their lives didn't have the balls to offer guidance or tell them "no."
But I sincerely believe there is no "grooming" going on, except for from the usual perverts that groom kids no matter what era we live in...that is very real.

How can you be so wrong about this and in thinking you're a libertarian???

Gay sex education as curriculum for primary students?

Drag Queen reading time?

Attempts to normalize pedophilia???

You must have done some crazy drugs back in the day...

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Yeah because we should be playing with gender rolls in elementary school
Who is we?
The problem lies in the educators, mental health treatment providers, families, and courts allowing, and in some cases mandating, hormone treatment and surgeries that can't be reversed
How would an educator "allow and in some cases mandate" such a thing? Beyond that odd note, the rest is a separate issue from merely recognizing trans teens are a real thing....I am no more supportive of that than I would be of a teen girl getting a boob job.
How can you be so wrong about this and in thinking you're a libertarian???
How can you consistently show such an utter lack of reading comprehension?

The main gist of your blog piece (what kind of educated person links random, obscure blog pieces as sources of fact?) is that pedos are sick bastards. Well no shit....that's exactly what I said: "except for from the usual perverts that groom kids no matter what era we live in...that is very real." Perhaps I really am not a small l liberation, as that should make me anti-death penalty, but I am 100% fine with killing those bastards.

I was tempted to write a long, detailed critical response to that blog post, but our time on Earth is short. I will just highlight a couple of points.

The opening of the next to last paragraph is not supported by any cited scholarly sources and is the mere opinion of the author. It is in the typical American Christian line of thought that Satan is real and is actively doing things to fvck us all.* The author then goes on to quote the known liar and obvious weirdo Milo as some kind of authority (why you didn't just LOL at that point and click the X is a mystery)....look, I understand Milo is a victim of sexual abuse, and I would feel bad for the guy if he wasn't such a douche, but that history has clouded his perception, to the point he even advocated for some NAMBLA-sounding bullshit, likely because he has guilt issues in part of his mind having liked the abuse. Some rape victims are scarred to the point they see every man as a potential rapist, and that's just not how the world works.

Part of the article argue the same old bullshit "slippery slope" the queer haters always fall back on. Hell, some of you have posted it here before...."Well how long until people are marrying animals, for Christs sake!" Come on. Stop. And I say queer haters for a reason: the author clearly starts out taking on a real evil, pedophilia, and morphs into broadsides against the queer community.

* The author makes mention that pedophilia is unnatural. I disagree; many perpetrators of predation and criminality are absolutely natural, some people are born with fvcked wiring, and that's why we should purge them from civil society.
How would an educator "allow and in some cases mandate" such a thing? Beyond that odd note, the rest is a separate issue from merely recognizing trans teens are a real thing....I am no more supportive of that than I would be of a teen girl getting a boob job.
Don't be obtuse. Educators are part of the support groups encouraging these practices and bringing social services and the courts to the table in the first place. As for the rest, your post was making fun of the "OUTRAGE" of the right on this issue. It's not a separate issue. That is THE issue. Sorry, but I'll continue being outraged at doctors mutilating perfectly healthy kids and permanently altering their hormones because it's the co thing to do.
How can you consistently show such an utter lack of reading comprehension?


I least I know I'm not a libertarian, unlike yourself...

I do not limit my thoughts or opinion to a single article written by someone else. And virtually every counterpoint you ever make concerning social issues circles back to the "American Christian" mindset or the Far Right bogeyman...

Sexual perversion is not unique to current US society. It has existed since virtually day one of mankind's existence. However one must either have his head in the sand or believe he's a libertarian when he's not to not notice the recent acceleration of the efforts to recruit pre-pubescent children into the gay mindset.

You project that many are "queer haters". But yet in the recent past we were assured gays only wanted acceptance. In most of the US that has occurred. But then the next progressions of that keep coming, from parades to school curriculums to Pride Month. It has been incrementalized regardless of what you say.

As for your assertion that I quoted opinions as facts, when you are presented with facts or statistics that run counter to your mindset or agenda, you begin deflection and then go on a diatribe about the Christian Right...

Not all of societal issues are right and left. Many are right and wrong. That is until someone decides there's money to be made and votes to be had...
That is THE issue.
Perhaps for you, but you are not the average deplorable. You are only a minor deplorable.

Don't be obtuse.
Being obtuse is believing educators "allow or mandate" these things. They have no such authority. On that narrow topic, your anger should be with parents, doctors, and courts.

On the other hand, educators should not counsel youth to change genders, even only in name or dress. Support, sure, if that is what the kid really wants. On the Googles, I could find one instance of this.
I least I know I'm not a libertarian, unlike yourself...
Well yeah, you are a major deplorable :p
circles back to the "American Christian" mindset or the Far Right bogeyman...
See below....
Sexual perversion is not unique to current US society. It has existed since virtually day one of mankind's existence.
What is sexual perversion, and on what set of cultural mores do you define it? Those of conservative American Christianity, of course.
As for your assertion that I quoted opinions as facts, when you are presented with facts or statistics that run counter to your mindset or agenda, you begin deflection and then go on a diatribe about the Christian Right...
Hogwash. You presented an opinion piece, and I gave you my criticism, or my OPINION, of it.
Not all of societal issues are right and left. Many are right and wrong.
I agree with that. But again, whose definition of right and wrong are we using? Most obviously, and on which we agree, one, or the government, must refrain from violating the rights of others. Beyond that, it gets a little murky....whose set of mores do we prioritize? On this topic, I see no such thing as "sexual perversion"...the perversion is in violating the rights of others. Obviously, actual pedophilia violates the rights of others. I'd call as far as to say I do not see it as sexual, it's predation...a whole other ball game. This is why they cannot be rehabilitated.

Do you see transsexuals as sexual perverts? How about your garden variety gays?

This does not mean I do not personally feel a lot of sex stuff is weird. I think man on man sex is weird, it's not for me....but you do you. I just wouldn't call it...perversion.

However one must either have his head in the sand or believe he's a libertarian when he's not to not notice the recent acceleration of the efforts to recruit pre-pubescent children into the gay mindset.
You mean "advocate and teach a mindset in which we do not judge others that do not violate the rights of others."

Link some instances of "recruiting kids to be gay". Let's see 1.) how prevalent (or not) it is, 2.) is it actually cases of pedophiles doing what they do, and 3.) is it actually simply doing what I wrote above in quotes?
You project that many are "queer haters". But yet in the recent past we were assured gays only wanted acceptance
See below....
But then the next progressions of that keep coming, from parades to school curriculums to Pride Month.
...isn't the biggest idea about Pride Month acceptance? Also celebration that, you know, the cops aren't beating the shit out of gays on the street just because, and other prosecutions.
Well yeah, you are a major deplorable :p

See below....

What is sexual perversion, and on what set of cultural mores do you define it? Those of conservative American Christianity, of course.

Hogwash. You presented an opinion piece, and I gave you my criticism, or my OPINION, of it.

I agree with that. But again, whose definition of right and wrong are we using? Most obviously, and on which we agree, one, or the government, must refrain from violating the rights of others. Beyond that, it gets a little murky....whose set of mores do we prioritize? On this topic, I see no such thing as "sexual perversion"...the perversion is in violating the rights of others. Obviously, actual pedophilia violates the rights of others. I'd call as far as to say I do not see it as sexual, it's predation...a whole other ball game. This is why they cannot be rehabilitated.

Do you see transsexuals as sexual perverts? How about your garden variety gays?

This does not mean I do not personally feel a lot of sex stuff is weird. I think man on man sex is weird, it's not for me....but you do you. I just wouldn't call it...perversion.

You mean "advocate and teach a mindset in which we do not judge others that do not violate the rights of others."

Link some instances of "recruiting kids to be gay". Let's see 1.) how prevalent (or not) it is, 2.) is it actually cases of pedophiles doing what they do, and 3.) is it actually simply doing what I wrote above in quotes?

See below....

...isn't the biggest idea about Pride Month acceptance? Also celebration that, you know, the cops aren't beating the shit out of gays on the street just because, and other prosecutions.


The family unit of a man and wife has been accepted across many cultures and is not specific to American Christianity.

Other nations and cultures have been much harsher and violent against sexual deviants than American Christianity.

If gays are born that way please explain the push to recruit members into the lifestyle?

If gays are born that way (and some likely are) how have they been able to reproduce, and even increase their numbers, rather than simply dying off?

Biologically the pieces "fit" between a man and wife. The alternative not so much...

the condition of being normal; the state of being usual, typical, or expected.

the action of departing from an established course or accepted standard.

If historically 90+% of a population acts a certain way wouldn't that be considered the norm?

And if less than 10% of the population departed from that norm wouldn't that be considered a deviation?

Sorry, but words have meanings no matter how much you want to change their definitions to fit your narratives and arguments.

Lastly, predation is not sexual by nature??? Sexual gratification is the goal. Predation is the tool to accomplish that goal. Wow...
Why is the desire to allow kids to be kids devoid of any sexual agenda, especially before they are mature enough to understand it, suddenly demonized?

And why is there a push in the educational system to introduce sexualized information at earlier ages?

Where have we seen this before?

Hmmm, notice the participation of the educators in this...

"Most educators, however, remained in their posts and joined the National Socialist Teachers League. 97% of all public school teachers, some 300,000 persons, had joined the League by 1936. In fact, teachers joined the Nazi Party in greater numbers than any other profession."

Hmmm, that sounds familiar...

"Even more than most labor unions, they have little use for Republicans, giving Democrats at least 94 percent of the funds they contributed to candidates and parties since as far back as 1990, where our data begins."

Once you leave the Snake River Plain, Idaho is basically a giant neo-Nazi camp.

Hmmm, who seems to be the actual neo-Nazis then???
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"Most educators, however, remained in their posts and joined the National Socialist Teachers League. 97% of all public school teachers, some 300,000 persons, had joined the League by 1936. In fact, teachers joined the Nazi Party in greater numbers than any other profession."
Why is the desire to allow kids to be kids devoid of any sexual agenda, especially before they are mature enough to understand it, suddenly demonized?

And why is there a push in the educational system to introduce sexualized information at earlier ages?
Because people cannot wrap their heads around the difference in diversity and sex.

You won't get an argument from me supporting teaching elementary school kids the intricacies of gay sex, or any sex really. But I do support teaching kids it is OK if some kids have two dads or two moms, and you shouldn't give the kid shit about it (because that is what kids do). Or a dad and another dad that looks like a woman. But that's...against the Bible, we can't do that shit!

Somewhere in the middle of what you think is happening and what isn't happening in a lot of places is where we need to be,

Other nations and cultures have been much harsher and violent against sexual deviants than American Christianity
At least we are not Iran, USA USA USA!
If gays are born that way please explain the push to recruit members into the lifestyle?
Can we get a show of hands here from everyone that has been recruited to be gay?

I once had a lesbian invite me to a drag show, does that count?
If gays are born that way (and some likely are) how have they been able to reproduce, and even increase their numbers, rather than simply dying off?
Genetic abnormalities can cause the fvck does that keep happening???
Hmmm, notice the participation of the educators in this...
This might come as a shock to you, but unions under the Nazis were not what you think they were.
Because people cannot wrap their heads around the difference in diversity and sex.

You won't get an argument from me supporting teaching elementary school kids the intricacies of gay sex, or any sex really. But I do support teaching kids it is OK if some kids have two dads or two moms, and you shouldn't give the kid shit about it (because that is what kids do). Or a dad and another dad that looks like a woman. But that's...against the Bible, we can't do that shit!

Somewhere in the middle of what you think is happening and what isn't happening in a lot of places is where we need to be,

At least we are not Iran, USA USA USA!

Can we get a show of hands here from everyone that has been recruited to be gay?

I once had a lesbian invite me to a drag show, does that count?

Genetic abnormalities can cause the fvck does that keep happening???

This might come as a shock to you, but unions under the Nazis were not what you think they were.
There’s no need to bring sex into it. Teach the golden rule to treat everyone fairly and equally end of discussion
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Teach the golden rule to treat everyone fairly and equally end of discussion
Yeah, well some dude came up with that 2000 years ago, we printed billions of books with it in there, and people today still can't get it right; that's why we sometimes have to be more detailed about it.

And there is nothing explicitly sexual about two dads or two moms. We don't need to tell kids the straight parents are fvcking anymore than we need to tell them the gay ones are.
Can we get a show of hands here from everyone that has been recruited to be gay?


Genetic abnormalities can cause the fvck does that keep happening???

Are you saying homosexuality is a genetic abnormality??? Hmmm....

This might come as a shock to you, but unions under the Nazis were not what you think they were.

Obviously the teachers then were as committed to indoctrinating the youth for the cause as teachers are today, albeit different ones...

So what's the difference??? I'll get the popcorn...

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