You said something interesting. There are rules against scalping tickets. Most sports fans are probably in favor of the rule, and aren't called socialist by feeling its needed. The point is, someone isn't socialist if they find the mark-ups on yard sale jerseys and the people selling them bothersome. It doesn't even seem to be an issue, as most of the "common" jerseys aren't being purchased for $99 on eBay.
Comparing yard sale items and scalping tickets are apples and oranges. I am not totally sure most sports fans are in favor of the scalping rules. There are scalpers for a reason. That reason is sports fans that want to attend a game. I could give a dozen examples of why a sports fan may not have purchased a ticket for the said event. (eg. Didn't plan on going until the last minute, popular event that would naturally sell out quickly, etc) A scalper gives said sports fan an opportunity to attend an event they otherwise would not have. Not to mention scalping isn't illegal as long as you go through the proper channels (eg. Stubhub, etc).
Your comment about "someone isn't socialist if they find the mark-ups on yard sale jerseys.......bothersome" is interesting to me. I would not call someone socialist for feeling that way. I would call them uniformed about economics. People that have a yard sale want to rid themselves of items they no longer have a need for. That is why you can normally find great deals at yard sales. Same concept with these jerseys. Marshall wanted rid of them, so they priced them to move. They did not price these at market value. They were priced to move. So, what you say is "mark-up" is actually true value.
Long story short; If a person feels cheated they missed out on cheap jerseys then set the alarm a little earlier next time and get in line sooner. For the record I do not scalp tickets nor have I attended one of these sales put on by Marshall.