This is all you need to know on Gee.
I can always blame the feeble minded wvu support system for this.
Thinking a person who was fired from a major school, would come in and make wvu some kind of global wonder.
Few things...
WV doesn't want modernization. They are so against it they're willing to believe coal is the driving force for the future...bwahaha!
Gee is from a university that actually wants to spend money and has the support of everyone. Wvu doesn't have that, they don't have the money to expand.
Have they expanded? Yes. But a ratty old flying WV flag atop a crumbling building barely 1/4 full or even open, does that really constitute expansion? If so, then I have expanded MU to Switzerland and Australia by myself.
But hey, all Gee has to do is say, "I was at ohio state!" Then the people reflect back to football and presume, because of name association alone, he is some kind of demi-god.
The article basically says that he has fallen tremendously well short of his projected goals...which actually says a few things:
wvu isn't as great as it is made out to be.
People are still leaving WV and would rather take up residency out of state and attend there.
Dreaming and speaking but failing delivering is an awful trait for leadership and one Gee seems to be doing his best at.
Finally, it shows Gee doesn't necessarily have the best interest of WV in mind (shocker!?) and is caught up in his lavish lifestyle...where he secretly curses his Bidet being made of porcelain and not solid gold.
I think he tends to confuse unlimited perdonal funding as president of a university vs. the actual limited funding of a poor state.
People are critical of MU and their slowed growth, but at least they are somewhat realistic in the approach and that it will be slow.
Then again this wvu...their reality simply doesn't exist.