NHR: Beech Fork Lodge no more?


Platinum Buffalo
May 15, 2003
This is very disappointing to hear. They had passed the bill to fund it and now the state is saying they don't have the cash. Man that is sad. I was looking forward to this being built. This state can screw up a wet dream. Something that will inject millions into the local economy and they can't get it done. Unreal.
Yep if it were those places it would have been built already. This state kills me.
I can't find the story now but I thought I heard they spent over a million dollars on seeing if it was feasible.
The division of NCAA football can't come soon enough...

Once it happens and wvu is on the same level as Marshall, NC State, Pitt, Vanderbilt, etc., they'll stop trying to chase the dream of being something major, accept their fate, and stupid funding crap like this, won't happen anymore.

Their dream just needs to die already so the state funds can be used properly.
There is literally no dumber human beings on the planet that in the WV state house.

I have come to believe that if you fail an IQ test you get elected to office in almost heaven.
Originally posted by wvkeeper(HN):
There is literally no dumber human beings on the planet that in the WV state house.

I have come to believe that if you fail an IQ test you get elected to office in almost heaven.
Yep, already this year we have a bill trying to prosecute teachers for teaching about socialism and a representative saying rape is cool if it brings a baby into the world.
Saw that on the national news yesterday - WV state senator says baby from rape is a beautiful thing. Good Gawd the dude should be run out of office. At least he wasn't from the Huntington area.
Yep, obviously the Cabell-Wayne delegation is pretty much worthless. Big snooze job on this one. The lodge would have really made BF a nice destination and made the lake area "whole". Frankly it seems BF has been neglected by the DNR in general.
Beech Fork has been beat around for nearly 30 years. There was a time when the state thought it was good business to build these hotel/resorts as state parks. Canaan Valley. Stonewall. Pipestem. Cacapon. North Bend (which is like the middle of nowhere), Twin Falls (which has no falls, twin or otherwise, of any significance). Beech Fork was going to be the next one they were going to do.

Then two things happened. Your boy Earl Ray got this idea to build on in beautiful Logan County, the tourist destination of the western world. And the state figured out that being in the hotel business is a bad idea. Canaan Valley and Stonewall are leased out and the companies that run them make all the money, and the rest bleed money like a stuck pig. Other than "retreats" for state workers to discuss whatever they discuss, most would have closed long ago.

If Beech Fork is a good idea, the sell the property to somebody in the hotel business. Public money drives out private money.
Beech Fork State Park is the only state park that makes money.,that's what all the Park officials have told me.
Then why go to the expense of having a feasibility study done, surveyors hired, architects hired and employed for schematic drawings, plans, etc. Typical WV waste and idiocy.
The only reason Beech Fork was ever built was to be a playground that the politicians wanted, including Byrd.

They claim flood control for the Ohio and Mississippi but it simply is BS.
It makes money because the area around supports it.

This post was edited on 2/7 10:02 PM by wlfry
Beech Fork could be extremely nice if they wanted it to.

Also, I'm pretty sure that Oglebay also makes money.
Originally posted by Jule Huffman is my real father:

Originally posted by wlfry:
Beech Fork State Park is the only state park that makes money.,that's what all the Park officials have told me.
Perhaps that's because it doesn't have an expensive lodge sucking the money out of it.
Chief Logan is the only profitable State Park because of it's Lodge. Beech Fork's Lodge would be modeled after Logan.

Beech Fork is the best attended State Park so with a Lodge, it should be profitable too.

From the HD....
"A feasibility study concluded in 2012 estimated that the lodge would inject almost $2 million annually into Wayne County's economy and generate 28 jobs. There would be an indirect impact of $2.6 million more and an additional 34 jobs, according to the study.

Currently, the only profitable state park is Chief Logan State Park, which has a lodge that the Beech Fork lodge would be modeled after. Beech Fork is the number one attended park in the state."

If such a venture was actually a logical and profitable business, then somebody would have built it long ago. Government is for building schools and roads, protecting the vulnerable, keeping the peace, and like that. Not being in the hotel business.

Now let us get to the voodoo economics of Chief Logan, and the other state parks with hotels. State government has all sorts of "retreats" across all its departments. The value of these deals is a subject for another day, but the way it works is the department holding it pays over-market value to the park and they claim that as a "profit". Also, of course, since the places are built with tax money, they have no debt service and thus pretty much dollar one they take in is "profit". Its just tax money paid from one department to another. Nobody made a "profit".

Nobody visits Logan because they want to visit Logan. It's Logan. Ever been to Logan?
Then why do most states have a state park system? Why have national parks? Obviously there is more value attached than initial profit. Does the goevernment run any program that takes in more money than it allocates? SSI? Medicare?

Point being, state parks are there for many reasons not just for profit. It's not simply the matter of being in the hotel business.
Politics have always played a role in the WV State Park system. Some of it good, some bad depending on your perspective.

Many state park construction dates back to Franklin Roosevelt's WPA program. Hawks Nest, Blackwater Falls, Watoga are examples of that program

Only Cacapon, Canaan Valley and Stonewall make a profit. Others are close to breaking even, thanks in part, to a state government edict to hold as many meetings and conferences as possible to state park facilities. Beech Fork really has no revenue centers. How someone could think it makes money because other businesses support it defies logic.

Btw, Twin Falls has two 30-40 foot waterfalls on the property. I don't know how you determine whether or not they are significant or not but they are beautiful. The original 20-room lodge and golf course was the brainchild of Sens. Warren and Darryl McGraw D-Wyoming, who noticed the need for a golf course, swimming pool and lodge in their còunty. The old lodge was replaced with a larger one that can at least accomdate a motorcoach.

Berkley Springs State Park is another example of government largess. Originally a City Park with a swimming pool and an early 20th Century Mud Spa, the park could not be sustained financially by the city so they gave the park to the state with the promise not to close the public pool.Guess what? The state can't money there either.

Somebody mentioned Oglebay. That's city park operated by the City of Wheeling and it is profitable.

Obviously, state parks add to the quality of life for all our stat's residents. Most were never envisioned to be self-supporting or profit centers. Stonewall would never have been built without significant federal funding earmarked by Sen Byrd. Those days are gone my friend.

The state of West Virginia faces serious financial concerns this session. A lodge at Beech Fork is simply a pipe dream at this juncture.
With the two golf courses (Sugarwood and Silo) and two lakes (including East Lynn) close by, it would make a nice destination tourist attraction. You can't hardly get a camping spot at Beech Fork as it is. The lake took my Uncle Frank Smith's farm (right at the dam) and my Grandpa Hensley's (at the mouth of Mary Davis branch); I'd like to see something worthy of their legacy.
My family in both sides was displaced by beech fork. Beech Fork has very little affect on flood control in my opinion. Too small of a body of water. Frankly it was built to be a state park. They grabbed a lot of land surrounding it for no other reason. The politician's around Charleston and huntington wanted a playground. Would probably never happen in modern times.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Even with the dam, in 1997 I had 30 inches of water in my shop in Lavalette. Would have been devastating without the Beech Fork dam.
Originally posted by extragreen:
Even with the dam, in 1997 I had 30 inches of water in my shop in Lavalette. Would have been devastating without the Beech Fork dam.
Beech Fork has the largest campground of any park in the state and its always packed in season. The cabins do very well also, booked well in advance. They need more of them. Maybe put some of those on the marina side.
Originally posted by i am herdman:
Originally posted by wvkeeper(HN):

Originally posted by extragreen:
Even with the dam, in 1997 I had 30 inches of water in my shop in Lavalette. Would have been devastating without the Beech Fork dam.
He's back.
it's like beetlejuice. you fvckers said his name one too many times...
I always thought D B Cooper was alive

This post was edited on 2/10 1:13 PM by Fishn8ntEz
Beech Fork Lake (authorized by the Flood Control Act of 1962) is part of the integrated flood reduction system operated by the Corps of Engineers for the entire Ohio River Basin. When these lakes are operated as a vast storage system, flood crests along the Ohio can be significantly reduced. Beech Fork Lake opened for recreational activities in May 1978. Beech Fork Lake is near the community of Lavalette, Wayne County, West Virginia, approximately 10 miles south of Huntington. The lake has a summer pool surface area of 720 acres and a 10 horsepower limit on boat engines. Motors with greater than 10 horsepower must have the propeller removed. Use Fees are required at the Marina Launch Ramp ($3.00 per launch) and Stowers Branch Swim Beach ($1.00 per person over age 12, $4.00 per carload maximum). Annual Day Use Passes are available at the Visitor Center for $30.00. These passes allow unlimited use of the Marina Launch Ramp and Stowers Branch Swim Beach at Beech Fork Lake, plus all other Corps of Engineers recreation areas nationwide where a day use fee is required. Federal age and access passes may be used for a 50 percent discount at all Corps operated recreation areas where a day use fee is in effect, plus pass holders are entitled to a 50 percent discount on the price of an Annual Day Use Pass.

The State of WV pulling its support for the Beech Fork Lodge is nothing more than party politics... Unlike some of the State Park facilities called into question in this Thread... Beech Fork is 10 miles south of Huntington, WV the second largest city in WV and is a part of the largest MSA in the immediate region...
I never understood why they didn't connect the 2 sides of the park so one could either walk or ride a bike to get to the camping side or vice versa. Would have made a nice hike. Add some picnic tables and grills along the way and it makes for a nice day to hike and picnic and then end up at the pool for a few hours. Only makes sense. But as of now you have to either take a boat or drive all the way around to get to the other side.
Herdman, so basically the dam isn't important for flood control because you had family displaced. Gotcha.

You are not a hydrologist. Neither am I. I am glad for EG the dam helped him, but that isn't the primary reason for these dams, which is to hold back water from the Ohio and Mississippi. I do know 1937 was the last time my hometown was devastated by the Ohio. So thank you, Corps of Engineers and Congress. Sure, we have a floodwall, but knowing where it ends and the local tributaries I bet the river could still get up in here.

The Twelvepoll watershed is also dammed at East Lynn. Is that one unnecessary as well? Or is it cool because you didn't have family there? And I am not picking on you...I have heard similar thoughts from those with family displaced by other projects along the Ohio watershed.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by Herdon2:
I never understood why they didn't connect the 2 sides of the park so one could either walk or ride a bike to get to the camping side or vice versa. Would have made a nice hike. Add some picnic tables and grills along the way and it makes for a nice day to hike and picnic and then end up at the pool for a few hours. Only makes sense. But as of now you have to either take a boat or drive all the way around to get to the other side.
I know there are people working on this...
Originally posted by Herdon2:
I never understood why they didn't connect the 2 sides of the park so one could either walk or ride a bike to get to the camping side or vice versa. Would have made a nice hike. Add some picnic tables and grills along the way and it makes for a nice day to hike and picnic and then end up at the pool for a few hours. Only makes sense. But as of now you have to either take a boat or drive all the way around to get to the other side.

This and clearing out a few more camping spots could go a long ways.