Interesting piece in yesterday's Wall Street Journal on where the Power 5 teams fall on their Grid of Shame.
From the Journal:
From the Journal:
The big winner on this year’s Grid is closest to the top right corner: Stanford, an academic powerhouse that will contend in this year’s Pac-12. This top right quadrant is the Grid’s lone safe zone: an exclusive club for programs that are both good at football and have done relatively well off the field too.
But many of the top teams in the country, like No. 1 Alabama and No. 4 Florida State, can be found in the bottom right, where the football is strong but the program’s off-the-field performance leaves much to be desired.
Then there’s the place where no program wants to be: The bottom left. This is where fans and professors can clink glasses and agree to watch something else on Saturdays.
But many of the top teams in the country, like No. 1 Alabama and No. 4 Florida State, can be found in the bottom right, where the football is strong but the program’s off-the-field performance leaves much to be desired.
Then there’s the place where no program wants to be: The bottom left. This is where fans and professors can clink glasses and agree to watch something else on Saturdays.