nike announces new line of bread bag shoes

I remember that from school. Plus had the old slip on rubber galoshes with the metal clips.
Originally posted by herdfan429:
Typical lib making fun of women and normal working class people.
if you have to work that hard to try to convince people you
are, there is a very good chance that you are not.
Originally posted by dherd:

Originally posted by herdfan429:
if you have to work that hard to try to convince people you
are, there is a very good chance that you are not.
Dtard speaking more to his own personal experience?????? Just like his claims of success in these endeavors: playing D1 football, rich, intelligent, gambling, football picks, business owner, accountant..............I could go on but I may never stop laughing.
not intelligent rawlee - BRILLIANT.
but when you hold a 100 what bulb
up against your 15 watts it would appear brilliant to you.
Originally posted by dherd:
not intelligent rawlee - BRILLIANT.
but when you hold a 100 what bulb
up against your 15 watts it would appear brilliant to you.
Dumbass says, What?
Originally posted by i am herdman:

I remember that from school. Plus had the old slip on rubber galoshes with the metal clips.
herdman modeling his school shoes

Add this to an already long list of dtard fails. He clearly doesn't know "watt" he is talking about.
Ironic thing about that link, liberals are all so concerned about the poor, the downtrodden, the hungry, yet they waste dozens of loaves of bread to try and be funny and make fun of a republican conveying a story about their poor upbringing. Wouldn't a truly compassionate person have donated that bread to a food bank and put that picture out there as an example?
they probably did donate the bread after the photo.
i bet rawlee got a loaf at the food pantry.

hokie - how many steps do you think those bread wrappers lasted.
wait - lets throw that question to herdman - he has practical experience.
Dtard I can tell you that I have wrapped my feet with plastic bags it kept them dry all day. I didn't grow up poor but I have absolutely wrapped my feet in plastic bags to keep them dry and warm
Originally posted by herdfan429:
Dtard I can tell you that I have wrapped my feet with plastic bags it kept them dry all day. I didn't grow up poor but I have absolutely wrapped my feet in plastic bags to keep them dry and warm
so you are telling me you put your feet in bread wrappers and walked around in them all
day, and your feet stayed warm and dry. i guess that qualifies you to be a republicans senator
Originally posted by dherd:
they probably did donate the bread after the photo.
i bet rawlee got a loaf at the food pantry.

hokie - how many steps do you think those bread wrappers lasted.
wait - lets throw that question to herdman - he has practical experience.
Enough to get to the bus stop?

Some people are extremely out of touch. I was on another forum and someone asked about waterproof backpacks for their son getting around campus at college. He mentioned the kid was going for engineering so I made a joke about giving him a trash bag and letting him figure it out.

Apprently this idea was abhorrent to several of the people there. Walking around with a trash bag on their child's back? Insanity! (Nevermind that a good engineer that was that worried about fashion would have put it on the inside.) I don't know if people are just dense, or vain, or entitled or some combination of all of them but something is wrong with a lot of people.
Absolutely dtard, and Im not afraid to admit that in certain situations, when Im wearing tennis shoes and Im outside for work and its wet and cold I still use the plastic bag method to keep my feet warm and dry.
I've done it at tailgates and football games. Poncho covers everything well except your feet. If it's cold and raining I'll wear my waterproof boats, but when the weather is warm nothing works like a plastic bag and a rubber band. Who wants wet feet?
If you can hold up a 100W bulb and a 15W bulb and see the difference in brilliance, you are pretty special because most people don't have 110VAC shooting through their hands.
Originally posted by dherd:

hokie - how many steps do you think those bread wrappers lasted.
wait - lets throw that question to herdman - he has practical experience.
You do realize they just wore them to school and then took the bags off their feet until after school, right?
i have NEVER in my entire life, in all my travels
EVER once seen ANYONE with bread bags over
their shoes.
Originally posted by dherd:
i have NEVER in my entire life, in all my travels
EVER once seen ANYONE with bread bags over
their shoes.
Where the hell did you grow up?
i am not saying it never happened, i am not saying you all did not wear them
i am saying that i have never seen them.

all you bad ass whip ass shoot 'em all kill em all cons are afraid to get your
feet wet??????

i'd rather walk around with wet feet all day than with bread bags on my feet, besides
i dont care what you say those things would be all to pieces before you walked 50 feet.

and that senator who is trying so hard to convince us all how poor she was and how
she is against any federal money for anyone should have used some of the $1,000,000's
she has received from the federal govt too buy a pair of galoshes shoes if it was that big a problem.
(see keepers link)
Any person that knows anything about being outside knows that keeping feet dry is the most important thing you can do.
Originally posted by dherd:
i am not saying it never happened, i am not saying you all did not wear them
i am saying that i have never seen them.

all you bad ass whip ass shoot 'em all kill em all cons are afraid to get your
feet wet??????

i'd rather walk around with wet feet all day than with bread bags on my feet, besides
i dont care what you say those things would be all to pieces before you walked 50 feet.

and that senator who is trying so hard to convince us all how poor she was and how
she is against any federal money for anyone should have used some of the $1,000,000's
she has received from the federal govt too buy a pair of galoshes shoes if it was that big a problem.
(see keepers link)
Well you are full of shi* because it worked for many a school kid.

I think your mom took the bread bag and put it over your head too long.
how'd that work herdman, did you have like a coat rack AND a bread wrapper rack,
or did you hang your bread wrappers on the same hook as your coat, or did they have
like bread wrapper hooks on the back or your desks?

serious question. i am thinking of maybe putting out a bread wrapper shoe coffee table
book with all the different styles you know - wonder bread wrappers, meritta bread wrappers,
roman meal wrappers, whole wheat, white bread i'd like to cover the entire spectrum of bread
wrapper shoes.
Originally posted by dherd:
how'd that work herdman, did you have like a coat rack AND a bread wrapper rack,
or did you hang your bread wrappers on the same hook as your coat, or did they have
like bread wrapper hooks on the back or your desks?

serious question. i am thinking of maybe putting out a bread wrapper shoe coffee table
book with all the different styles you know - wonder bread wrappers, meritta bread wrappers,
roman meal wrappers, whole wheat, white bread i'd like to cover the entire spectrum of bread
wrapper shoes.
Why do you hate people from Appalachia who did what they had to do?
When I was growing up you got one new pair of shoes every year for the start of school. Mine were usually Trax tennis shoes from Kmart, $7.00 a pair. If they got wet, you had to wear them wet the next day too because they wouldn't hold up if you put them in the dryer. I would also get two new pairs of jeans, if you ripped them, they got patched, either iron on or sewn if the hole was bad enough. Half the kids in my school had patches somewhere on their jeans.

Seems like dherd didn't grow up around here, and certainly didn't grow up poor.
seriously guys - i apologize. i didn't grow up there i did
go to marshall. i married a girl from wv, and i love the
state and most of all the people of west virginia.

i guess i was pretty lucky growing up, in fact i know i was.

but honestly after growing up as poor as you say you did, how
could you ever be a republican?

again sorry if i went to far.
That's simple dherd. When you grow up poor you basically can choose one of two paths, decide to act like most of the people around you or decide you want something more and work to get it. When you go with the latter, and put it the effort to make it happen, you learn to have no respect for the people that chose the easy way and just look to you to take care of them. They started the same place I did and had the same opportunity. They chose not to better themselves.

So I grew to have conservative beliefs. Unfortunately, there's not really a party that represents my views. You call me a republican, which is closer than democrat to my value system, but not really what I am.
thats pretty impressive banker that you folks even though poor
sacrificed to send you to private grammar and high school. good people.
Yeah, no private schools for me and paid for my own college, there are no excuses for those of able mind and body.
Originally posted by banker6796:
Yeah, no private schools for me and paid for my own college, there are no excuses for those of able mind and body.
wow! even more impressive - $40000 a year on a $10 an hour job
(using todays figures) man! between work and classes when did you
Originally posted by banker6796:
When I was growing up you got one new pair of shoes every year for the start of school. Mine were usually Trax tennis shoes from Kmart, $7.00 a pair. If they got wet, you had to wear them wet the next day too because they wouldn't hold up if you put them in the dryer. I would also get two new pairs of jeans, if you ripped them, they got patched, either iron on or sewn if the hole was bad enough. Half the kids in my school had patches somewhere on their jeans.
Dryers will ruin most shoes, that is why you should stuff them with newspaper.
$40,000 a year? Do you realize what a small percentage of colleges actually cost that much to attend? My daughter is going to OU. She did get a scholarship that pays half her tuition plus another $500 for expenses, but I'm only laying out about a grand a semester. People that choose to spend $40,000 a year to go to college if they don't have a lot of money deserve every dollar of debt they end up with.
yeah but i imagine you pay her tuition, i was focusing on
you at current prices for simplicity. average college is
20-25 k in wv and i'm guessing another 15 k for rent food
books etc.

how did you manage 40k a year @ 10 hr you were bustin
your ass - when did you have time to study let alone sleep
working all those hrs.

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