yeah... this NIKE thing is pretty much gone over the edge. History is what it is. When a corporation, or other country tries to influence our intellectual freedom, its all the same. Russia has done no different than NIKE, or CNN or FOX or (name your PAC). But the American people want to point to Putin? Completely warped, we've become.
Just recently, Nancy Pelosi said, “that’s not who we are as Americans.” I once heard Ashton Kushner proclaim, “Not in my America!” Kamala Harris on the day she announced her run for President had the crowd chanting, 'That's Not Our America'. Donald Trump used his whole campaign explaining that we need to Make America Great Again? Who do these people think they are trying to tell us what we think, believe, and should do as free individuals and citizens of the United States?
I often listen stunned that the government officials are so perplexed at “Russian Interference” with our elections? Yet, based on the Mueller report the Russians didn’t interfere in any way with our elections, not one vote was cast by a Russian or a Russian device, that we know of. “We the people” voted, no one or no country forced any of the voters to select in private, their choice.
What the Russian’s did (and probably several other countries around the world did) was buy a lot of Facebook pages and other advertisement and tried to pull a Jedi mind trick on Americans to harden their stances on what they already believed, or had already digested for themselves. READ IT FOR YOURSELF… it’s in the Mueller report.
It’s a known Russian psychological warfare tactic call reflexive control. It’s absolutely no different than what Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, or any other Political Action Committee political ad tries to do. I don’t see the outrage from individual American’s about these US corporations flooding our minds with their version of the truth. Most corporations are doing this to infringe on the most sacred right for American’s - our individual vote.
“We the people” must each decide individually to form the collective whole. American persons aren’t born into the “the more perfect union”, that idea forms based on our own beliefs and perceptions as to what America is, so that we can all join together as countrymen. Simply being a citizen doesn't matter anymore. Obviously with the "let anyone in and let them stay" says it doesn't matter our makeup of countrymen. But who is going to pay for them? The other illegals we let in before them? Or our folks in WV who work for Walmart who can't get health insurance and food for their own families.?. I'm sure they want more burden on them to provide, after all isn't there a statue from France or something in NY that is supposed to represent how much debt we have to assume to let people in our country that we have to provide for?
NIKE, to me has proven they are no better than Russia. I won't be buying and will be pushing my friends and family away from NIKE products. Even if they produce a better product, its not better than our freedoms and our way of life. PS, I am now a dollar club shaver instead of Gillette, I don't need a corporation telling me what to think about being a man. I had a dad, and actually grew a pair as I became a man.
Again, America is becoming warped. And our children, and their children will have to fight and die to defend what those folks with 13 stars on their flag started and died for. As July 4th approaches. It's crazier than HELL to think that we have to go back 243 years and debate a flag that gave NIKE the right to protest their shoe design.
What's scarier, is that our children and their children may not defend this flag... and that they will might soon be subject to the Venezuela dictatorship style government that would doom freedom itself.
Doom to those who don't see it. Doom to those of us who have defended "We the People" in the military, who don't see the same. And Doom on those who never stepped up to defend us, and is just going to let this happen because _____________ (fill in the blank).
Unless "We the People" stand up. "WE" will get what's coming to all us....