I believe the article states he was at gitmo
It's faux news, you should expect nonsense from them.
Extra is correct, to the best of my knowledge. He was held by the U.S. At Bagram Airfield, not Gitmo.
See extra, it's okay to support the truth even when it doesn't fit your agenda.
Can't help being an ass, can you?
You're nothing but a gray headed child and deserve no more of my time.
I agree prisons need to be harsher as to actually serve as punishmentHonestly what did our government think when you have a facility like that.
Prison is a school for criminals. It doesnt break them it makes them smarter
Extra is correct. If anything, any blame is on Italy. That's who fvxked up the case against him. Unless Herdman thinks we can hold POWs indefinitely.
Well, the prisoners in GITMO were considered enemy combatants and therefore not protected under the Geneva Convention. Not classified as POW's.
We could have held the SOB's as long as we wanted to.