Oldie, the Jackass supports this

Looks like EG fap material.

In all seriousness, I'm sure there is nothing more important for Biden to worry about, but LGBPTABDGD+++, Concerns. It's not like Putin is staging a case for nuclear weapons by accusing Ukraine of having a dirty bomb or anything.
No need for me to tuck inward. I just let mine hang down the leg and tuck it into a sock.
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Just think how bad this country is going to be five years from now, ten years from now, even twenty years from now. Really, the only question is, will we all be speaking Russian or Chinese? We don't have a chance against China in a war, unless one starts up within the next couple of months. Long term, their technology advantages will shut us the fvck down militarily.

Which all begs the question, who the hell would vote for a democrat for anything?
Just think how bad this country is going to be five years from now, ten years from now, even twenty years from now. Really, the only question is, will we all be speaking Russian or Chinese? We don't have a chance against China in a war, unless one starts up within the next couple of months. Long term, their technology advantages will shut us the fvck down militarily.

Which all begs the question, who the hell would vote for a democrat for anything?
China steals all their technology. Their true advantage will come in sheer number of bodies they can afford to lose with forced military requirements
Yeah, China has no tech advantage because they have to wait for us to invent it.

China has huge economic and demographic issues, you just don’t hear about them because of the closed nature of their government. If they are going to challenge us they have to do it in the next decade or fight us with old, malnourished, men later.
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Yeah, China has no tech advantage because they have to wait for us to invent it.

China has huge economic and demographic issues, you just don’t hear about them because of the closed nature of their government. If they are going to challenge us they have to do it in the next decade or fight us with old, malnourished, men later.
Won't take much to defeat a military full of woke service men like this:

gAnybody that thinks we would not have trouble with China in regard to fighting a war, especially in Tawain, and in that area is kidding themselves.

We would be in a world of hurt. The losses woul could have are not imagineable to most of our generations. In addition, the US Navy has not fought in that kind of war likely since WW2. We would be fighting the Chinese in a logistical nightmare in their backdoor. It is a deployment and logistical nightmare even for the USA.

The good news is the Chinese would have trouble deploying amphibeous forces for a sustained landing and resupply. Two, we would see it coming(likely) due to modern sat technology. Hard to hide massing large amounts of forces. We don't think they have the capability yet to land large amphibeous forces or resupply via air or ship.

The reality is Tawain would be tough and we haven't even got into the situation with missiles and want N Korea would perhaps do. They could starting lombing artillery and missiles into Japan and South Korea, especailly if China wants that done.

This would end up being a naval, air, land war. You are talking about infantry going in on that island and fighting it out. Plus, they have to get there.

Not any good scenario comes from it.
Not saying you aren’t right Herdman, but please list all of China’s experience, recent or otherwise, in fighting wars. I remember that they got nut punched by Japan 80 years ago and the Mongols were pretty good at killing people, but that’s about it. Mostly they have just been a supplier of substandard arms and munitions to third world crazy Asians.
Not saying you aren’t right Herdman, but please list all of China’s experience, recent or otherwise, in fighting wars. I remember that they got nut punched by Japan 80 years ago and the Mongols were pretty good at killing people, but that’s about it. Mostly they have just been a supplier of substandard arms and munitions to third world crazy Asians.
Look at our recent history, just saying. We have fought a counter insurgency for 20 years. Not combined arms near peers. It is not just a function of China's ability but where we stand now.

Let's say China prepped to invade Taiwan. Their Navy is actually fairly strong at this point. Our Navy is very strong, but basically untested in 50 years or more. I've read an opinion by a high level Naval officer. Will try to find it and see if it is for public consumption. But, he basically says we will lose ships in the China Sea. He actually stated the Chinese Navy is good enough to so. Plus, they will have the home field advantage so to speak. And, would we attack the Chinese Homeland to broaden the war?

Where do we run our Air Force From? You have to get Marines and US Army infantry in there? How? Prior to an invasion? After? Do you bring them in by sea? By air lift? Airborne? This would be like someone invading the Florida Keys. Mainland China is only 138 miles from mainland China. How do we get troops and assets in there?

If China were to do it could be a few ways. They would like start boming, artillery, missiles to soften Taiwan up. Their way to get troops there and the logistics is their big question. Then, how we get in there? THen, once there we have to fight them on the ground and defend. The real likel scenario is they naval blockade Taiwan. They have subs and a Navy now. As large as ours nearly. So, that means our Navy is vulnerable. You have to get our Navy to fight the Chinese navy on their turf basically.

This is just not a good scenario anyway around. Do the American people even have the will for it? We are already hearing reports we cannot really fight a 2 front major war anymore. Maybe not even 1 effectively.
Just think how bad this country is going to be five years from now, ten years from now, even twenty years from now. Really, the only question is, will we all be speaking Russian or Chinese? We don't have a chance against China in a war, unless one starts up within the next couple of months. Long term, their technology advantages will shut us the fvck down militarily.

Which all begs the question, who the hell would vote for a democrat for anything?
if china or russia takes over the US, one thing's for sure, you won't have to worry about those woke faggits from the left. those commie fvckers won't put up with the woke crybabies, they'll be the first slaughtered.

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