One of Biden’s disgusting trannies stealing luggage

“Praised for being a nonbinary-identifying transvestite”

Praised by who? And why? For being one of the weirdest people on earth?

Seriously, we’ve arrived at a time in history where this is not just accepted, but praised. What an idiotic country we live in.
“Praised for being a nonbinary-identifying transvestite”

Praised by who? And why? For being one of the weirdest people on earth?

Seriously, we’ve arrived at a time in history where this is not just accepted, but praised. What an idiotic country we live in.
Praised by people who cheat on their taxes while calling you selfish for not wanting to pay 60% of your income to the government.
Food Pancakes GIF

Surely I’m not the only one that sees it
“Praised for being a nonbinary-identifying transvestite”

Praised by who? And why? For being one of the weirdest people on earth?

Seriously, we’ve arrived at a time in history where this is not just accepted, but praised. What an idiotic country we live in.
Not just praised, we're told this person is "brave" and someone that should be looked up to. Not only that, he's also deserving of special status under the law. When, in reality, he needs serious mental health treatment and possibly institutionalized.
Not just praised, we're told this person is "brave" and someone that should be looked up to. Not only that, he's also deserving of special status under the law. When, in reality, he needs serious mental health treatment and possibly institutionalized.
Our friend Yuri Bezmenov warned America of the 4 stages of communist ideological subversion 40 years ago.

Yet another deplorable whose own source contradicts the headline in his post. Why is reading so hard for you?

"He said he is not a Biden appointee but instead was hired as a career employee in the Senior Executive Service."
Yet another deplorable whose own source contradicts the headline in his post. Why is reading so hard for you?

"He said he is not a Biden appointee but instead was hired as a career employee in the Senior Executive Service."
Hey dimwit...

Guess again...

Do you ever think before you post???

Secretaries and Deputy Secretaries are appointed by the President. Assistant Deputy Secretaries are appointed by the aforementioned appointed Secretary...

Man you're dumb...
Hey dimwit...

Guess again...

Do you ever think before you post???

Secretaries and Deputy Secretaries are appointed by the President. Assistant Deputy Secretaries are appointed by the aforementioned appointed Secretary...

Man you're dumb...

This may be better than Middle-Class Murox the Moron's habitual embarrassing gaffes.

Hey, stupid. What you just linked is for The Department of Veteran Affairs. It has nothing to do with Brinton nor the Department of Energy.

You haven't spent much time reading statutes, huh. Now, tell me again about how dumb I am when you just tried correcting me and monumentally failed.
This may be better than Middle-Class Murox the Moron's habitual embarrassing gaffes.

Hey, stupid. What you just linked is for The Department of Veteran Affairs. It has nothing to do with Brinton nor the Department of Energy.

You haven't spent much time reading statutes, huh. Now, tell me again about how dumb I am when you just tried correcting me and monumentally failed.

Presidential appointments generally work the same regardless of department...

DOE Secretary and other Presidential appointments

Brinton publicly acknowledging his appointment.

Meanwhile he was caught stealing. But you believe everything he says and use it as proof??? Proof you're an idiot anyway...

Yeah, I just witnessed another monumental fail on your part...

But hey, keep trying Skippy...
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Meanwhile he was caught stealing. But you believe everything he says and use it as proof??? Proof you're an idiot anyway...

Yeah, I just witnessed another monumental fail on your part...

But hey, keep trying Skippy...
Wait a minute: you just got humiliated for your failed attempt at correcting me. It was yet another reading comprehension failure by a deplorable, which was what my post was about initially.

And you’re just going to pretend that never happened and try introducing a straw man by arguing against a position I never weighed in on?

Being dumb is one thing. But being dumb and being dishonest with your argument attempts? That’s humiliating.
At this point, you can go ahead and admit that you fvcked up (again), admit that attempting to correct me is never a good idea, and apologize.
Getting a little testy when you're backed into a corner aren't you??? That's a dead giveaway....🤣🤣🤣
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I try to be accepting, but this is a difficult one. Very difficult.
I'll be nice to anyone and everyone and treat them with respect unless they give me a reason not to. That being said, I am not going to engage in someone else's delusions or make-believe. Don't ask me to call you a "they/them," "ze/zer," or some pretend gender outside of what has been recognized by mankind for thousands of years. Unless you are born with a genetic abnormality and possess both sex organs (an extremely rare condition), you don't get to pick what you are. It's absurd and dishonest. There's no such thing as "your truth." Truth is an absolute.
Yet another deplorable whose own source contradicts the headline in his post. Why is reading so hard for you?

"He said he is not a Biden appointee but instead was hired as a career employee in the Senior Executive Service."
Biden would want a freak with hair so he could sniff it.
Good morning admiral, sir or ma'am. You bunch of sick freaks. Democrats can be useless and warped.

We're ignoring the obvious here. How does someone with such obvious mental health issues get a government job that requires any level of security clearance to begin with? It's beyond absurd. It comes across as something from a parody site back in the late 90s or early 2000s or a pre-millenial SNL skit.
We're ignoring the obvious here. How does someone with such obvious mental health issues get a government job that requires any level of security clearance to begin with? It's beyond absurd. It comes across as something from a parody site back in the late 90s or early 2000s or a pre-millenial SNL skit.
The absurdity is on purpose. This is their playbook. Yuri warned us.
We're ignoring the obvious here. How does someone with such obvious mental health issues get a government job that requires any level of security clearance to begin with? It's beyond absurd. It comes across as something from a parody site back in the late 90s or early 2000s or a pre-millenial SNL skit.
Because the Mush Brain Followers want it that way. They are completely off their rockers and everything they touch turns to SHIT.

Rox is correct. It is by design.
When I was a kid, I remember going to the carnival and buying a ticket to one of the sideshows. All kinds of oddities there and for a couple quarters more, you could go into the next room to see even more freakish displays including some very strangely dressed humans.
Funny, the sideshow people I paid to see back then were moderate compared to what I can now see on the streets for free.
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There's a difference between run of the mill gay or trans, and just being a weirdo for the sake of being a weirdo.

One can be straight and be a weirdo too. Straight furries, weirdos.

Understand but there is a concerted effort to normalize only one type of weird. Care to guess which one?

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