1) "1. a strong feeling of dislike, opposition, repugnance, or antipathy 2. a cause or object of dislike; person or thing that causes antipathy 3.
a feeling of repugnance toward something 4. a feeling of strong dislike of something"
None of those describe me. Not being interested in something is not the same as disliking, opposing, repugnance, a strong dislike, etc. I understand why you are trying to argue semantics, but it doesn't change the fact that you are homophobic and I am not.
2) That's patently false. I don't have an aversion to playing golf, I just don't have the interest to do it.
3) You're trying to compare two entirely different things. But pretend you aren't: I have a problem with torturing opposing soldiers in a war; I don't have a problem with killing those soldiers during war. One is far less harmful than the other. See how your argument doesn't hold water?
3 & 4) What you fail to understand is that I don't view a fetus the same as you do. That is why none of your analogies work.
My analogy is accurate. You have no problem using a religious ritual which causes more harm to a child than modern medical practices do. Further, that religious ritual is done to try and mitigate the harm causes by another religious ritual which serves no benefit to the child and only hurts him.
You place your religious rituals over the well-being of children. It's digusting.
1. You are in fact homophobic, because you have an aversion. Aversion def: a strong dislike or disinclination. Disinclination def: a reluctance or lack of enthusiasm.
2. Wrong, you do have an aversion, by definition. You have a lack of enthusiasm for it.
3 and 4. I understand your view rather well. You would rather see an unborn child killed than an 8 year old circumcised.
You don't know my beliefs as well as you think. On a personal level, I totally disagree with how the metzitzah is performed in your linked article. I also disagree with Judaism as a religion. But that's their business, not mine nor yours. And you have no leg to stand on when you agree with homosexual practices, regardless of consent, that promote the spread of HIV much more than metzitzah spreads herpes. Furthermore circumcision has health benefits. http://www.cbsnews.com/news/circumcision-rates-declining-health-risks-rising-study-says/