OSU shooting


Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Sep 1, 2007
reports that car drove into a crowd. 1 man exited with gun and opened fire. 2nd man exited with knife and stabbed multiple people.

10 people taken to the hospital.
police having press conference say only 1 suspect. exited vehicle after driving onto curb striking pedestrians. had butcher knife and began stabbing people. officer shot him immediately. he is dead.
Just to be accurate according how to pay president There is no evidence a gun was used by suspect. He drove his car into pedestrians then got out and started stabbing people.

Only gun shot victim was taken out by the good guys
First hand account from Reddit...

Primary source here. Replying to a top comment so this can be seen. I was about ~50 ft away from what happened. A fire alarm went off in our building and everyone went into a nearby courtyard. I think the fire alarm was legit, but I can't be positive. We had been outside for over half an hour. Ambulance, cops, and firefighters were already there/were about to leave. A really beat up car drove into the crowd that was gathered in the courtyard. Our initial reaction was to run towards the scene because we assumed it was just a tragic mistake. It took the guy time to get out of the car, but he ran from his car swinging wildly with a really odd looking knife. He was (maybe, see edit 2) yelling like mad. I booked it out of there and spent an hour and a half in lockdown in a geography professor's office.

Edit: think I heard three shots pretty much immediately afterwards. No idea though. Kinda all a blur

Edit 2: People have been asking me what he yelled. I had a friend who was also there. He claims he couldn't hear anything because people were yelling everywhere. Memory is known to be flawed in intense situations like that. I wish I could be certain. Since he was even closer than I was and says he didn't hear anything, I won't confirm or deny anything regarding this. He confirmed everything else I wrote, though.
18 year old Somali immigrant that had been granted US Citizenship...
18 year old Somali immigrant that had been granted US Citizenship...
NBC is reporting that he was a refugee who left Somalia who in 3007 spent time in Pakistan came over to us in 2014 as a permanent legal resident not citizen
speculating that he pulled fire alarm and then went to get his vehicle

luckily campus cop shot him instantly or this could have been much much worse
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Should've been out kidnapping ships.. Captain Phillips would have taken care of him.

But seriously, two red flags.. Somalia and Pakistan.. And he gets permanent citizen status... We don't have to be cruel- just don't let him in... How many more are here??
some social media "top comments" from earlier today:





speculating that he pulled fire alarm and then went to get his vehicle

luckily campus cop shot him instantly or this could have been much much worse

I read where fire alarm was legit because of gas leak. Who knows. So much info is thrown out unverified in the aftermath of these things that you have no clue what to believe.

But either way, the alarm being pulled likely saved some lives because it put police at the scene.
Should've been out kidnapping ships.. Captain Phillips would have taken care of him.

But seriously, two red flags.. Somalia and Pakistan.. And he gets permanent citizen status... We don't have to be cruel- just don't let him in... How many more are here??

It's a little early to jump on the terrorism angle. It's also that time of year a nut or two freaks out about flunking.
It's a little early to jump on the terrorism angle. It's also that time of year a nut or two freaks out about flunking.
True but apparently he was interviewed in the paper about wanting prayer rooms. He stated that he didn't want to pray out in public because he was Muslim and how the media portrays Islam. There could be a terror angle.
And it was also way to early to jump on the gun control angle but that didn't stop anyone from going there
That's one thing I wouldn't do. Support shit like this just because it gives more votes to my economic or social policy. If someone wanted to cut taxes and keep old fashioned values, but wanted these bastards in our country to bolster the vote total to accomplish it, I'd say hell no.

I'd be willing to pay a little extra to keep America from becoming Somalia.
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That's one thing I wouldn't do. Support shit like this just because it gives more votes to my economic or social policy. If someone wanted to cut taxes and keep old fashioned values, but wanted these bastards in our country to bolster the vote total to accomplish it, I'd say hell no.

I'd be willing to pay a little extra to keep America from becoming Somalia.

Your voting for people who give more tax breaks to the wealthy actually brings the US closer to being a third world country.
just wanted to remind all to say a prayer for the students at TOSU today. I was in Columbus at a meeting at Riverside Hospital when this happened. Thank God the officer was there and killed the terrorist and saved lives/ Props to all first responders and staff at Riverside, Grant and Osu hospitals for their life saving work

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