Outspoken California McDonald's franchisee becomes latest victim of 'gut-wrenching' closures


Platinum Buffalo
May 29, 2001
Those Democrat polices & wage hikes continue to work out well in California

"The analysis additionally showed that restaurant foot traffic dropped dramatically after the wage hike was enacted."

"I realize that my customers' appetite for higher prices is not unlimited. So, when I take price to relieve margin pressure, it has to be done thoughtfully and with a plan. Charging $10 for an Egg McMuffin or $20 for a Big Mac, for me, is a nonstarter,"
It probably had absolutely nothing to do with his landlord at that location increasing rent if he signed another lease, the legal costs his company had to pay due to bad business practices and lawsuits against his company, or the fact that his bloated executive team refused to stop their pay increases.

By the way, why hasn't this impacted his other 17 locations in the state? Doh!
It probably had absolutely nothing to do with his landlord

Didn't say it didn't. But wage hikes and the economic disaster that is California, did too.

As for his other locations, maybe the leases aren't up yet? D'oh!
Didn't say it didn't. But wage hikes and the economic disaster that is California, did too.

As for his other locations, maybe the leases aren't up yet? D'oh!
Nobody is going out of business for a meal going from $7 to $7.70 for consumers.
Nobody is going out of business for a meal going from $7 to $7.70 for consumers.

"The analysis additionally showed that restaurant foot traffic dropped dramatically after the wage hike was enacted."

Several businesses have closed shop, laid people off, reduced hours...etc in California for multiple reasons. Minimum wage hike, crime, inflation...etc. What moron adds a major wage hike right in the middle of all that? A Democrat, of course. The hike hurt workers, not help them. But you keep pretending everything is great in California. People aren't leaving in masses because things are great.
People aren't leaving in masses because things are great.
Moron, California has had a negative net domestic migration for 20 years. That's nothing new, yet it is still the best state to live in (if you aren't a peasant).

You also continue to ignore a fact that I showed you earlier: California gained people in 2023, moron:

Moron, California has had a negative net domestic migration for 20 years. That's nothing new, yet it is still the best state to live in (if you aren't a peasant).

You also continue to ignore a fact that I showed you earlier: California gained people in 2023, moron:

Who's talking 20 years? You are.

In YOUR opinion California is the best place to live. Not everyone thinks shitholes like California, are the best places to live though. Including people who have moved away from there.

I wouldn't live in California for free, with a guaranteed six figure wage.

Criminal, illegal foreign nationals disagree however. It's certainty a hotspot for them.
In YOUR opinion California is the best place to live. Not everyone thinks shitholes like California, are the best places to live though. Including people who have moved away from there.

You still really struggle with commas. The one after "California" is incorrect. There should be no comma there and no period prior to "including." That is one sentence, with a comma before "including."
I wouldn't live in California for free, with a guaranteed six figure wage.
Again, your obsession with commas is incorrect. The comma in this sentence is incorrect.

What does live in California for free even mean? Are you saying you wouldn't have state income taxes?
You still really struggle with commas. The one after "California" is incorrect. There should be no comma there and no period prior to "including." That is one sentence, with a comma before "including."

Again, your obsession with commas is incorrect. The comma in this sentence is incorrect.

What does live in California for free even mean? Are you saying you wouldn't have state income taxes?

Mr. Arised,

Your, obsession, with, grammar, on, a, message, board, is, hilarious.,

I, said, for, free, correct,? Do, you, know, what, free, meanz,?

Free,. I, pay, nothing,. Sero, taxes,. Not, even, salez, tax,.

That, with, a, taxpayerz', funded, guaranteed, income, of, six, figurez, and, I, still, wouldn't, live, in, California.,

If, I, had, to, chooze, a, shithole, to, live, in, of, all, the, big, city, shitholez, then, California, would, be, probably, be, my, choice, but, I, would, have, to, think, long, and, hard, before, making, my, choise.,
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