
Aug 5, 2001
What the hey...

PETA is taking an absolute beating in the backlash. Steve Irwin was a champion of animal rights and put a lot of effort into conservation. I really never gave PETA much know...if you don’t want to eat meat, fine. If you don’t want animals to be mistreated in the production of meat products, that fine too. But taking on Irwin after his death was a huge PR disaster. He is an absolute legend. He ranks up there with Mr. Rogers.

This whole thing got me looking and I discovered a few things about PETA I didn’t know. They are responsible for euthanizing between 80% to 90% of the animals they rescue. They believe euthanasia is better than being a pet. There are instances of their workers being caught stealing animals from homes and then euthanizing them.

I also read that only a small part of the money they raise actually goes toward helping animals. Now...I’m not wanting to start a libera/conservative argument here (it probably will anyway), because I truly believe both sides has to dislike PETA’s stance.
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I don't know, I'm sure Greed will have some argument for PETA. He can't resist being an argumentative little prick, no matter the topic.

That said, I agree, this organization is a huge contradiction to what the public perception is of them. I always thought they were radical, but at least could respect the fact they would endanger their own lives to save animals (blocking traffic, etc). However, it sounds like there are situations in which I would be providing far better care for an animal than they would.

It's a shame there isn't a movement to expose this organization for the sham it is.
Why would they go after Steve Irwin now? He has been gone for some years and as I remember he loved the animals.
PETA will do damned near anything to generate press coverage. The fact the word "Ethical" is in their organization's name is laughable.
Why would they go after Steve Irwin now? He has been gone for some years and as I remember he loved the animals.

He would risk himself (and paid for it obviously ) to display and teach about these animals in a way that wasn't harmful to the animal.

Example (I'm just going by my Crocodile Hunter memories here so don't shoot me if I get a detail wrong), many gator wranglers would just rope or tape alligators around their snout because it's very easy to hold their mouth shut. But that can harm the animal. Irwin would only rope the top jaw and risk being bitten to capture and move the animal in the least harmful way possible.
One of our former posters that lives or lived in the Norfolk area said the great thing about the PETA girls is they are liberally loose with their morals.

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