What the hey...
PETA is taking an absolute beating in the backlash. Steve Irwin was a champion of animal rights and put a lot of effort into conservation. I really never gave PETA much thought...you know...if you don’t want to eat meat, fine. If you don’t want animals to be mistreated in the production of meat products, that fine too. But taking on Irwin after his death was a huge PR disaster. He is an absolute legend. He ranks up there with Mr. Rogers.
This whole thing got me looking and I discovered a few things about PETA I didn’t know. They are responsible for euthanizing between 80% to 90% of the animals they rescue. They believe euthanasia is better than being a pet. There are instances of their workers being caught stealing animals from homes and then euthanizing them.
I also read that only a small part of the money they raise actually goes toward helping animals. Now...I’m not wanting to start a libera/conservative argument here (it probably will anyway), because I truly believe both sides has to dislike PETA’s stance.
PETA is taking an absolute beating in the backlash. Steve Irwin was a champion of animal rights and put a lot of effort into conservation. I really never gave PETA much thought...you know...if you don’t want to eat meat, fine. If you don’t want animals to be mistreated in the production of meat products, that fine too. But taking on Irwin after his death was a huge PR disaster. He is an absolute legend. He ranks up there with Mr. Rogers.
This whole thing got me looking and I discovered a few things about PETA I didn’t know. They are responsible for euthanizing between 80% to 90% of the animals they rescue. They believe euthanasia is better than being a pet. There are instances of their workers being caught stealing animals from homes and then euthanizing them.
I also read that only a small part of the money they raise actually goes toward helping animals. Now...I’m not wanting to start a libera/conservative argument here (it probably will anyway), because I truly believe both sides has to dislike PETA’s stance.