I would like to apologize for my association with family and many friends who were or are members of the Democrat Party. The racism exhibited by the Democrat Party going back to the days following the War Between the States to the Jim Crow era and now to a sitting governor in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Yes, many of them voted on multiple occasions for a Senator from WV who was a known Klan member. I don't know why but, they always said, "well he is good for WV and gets us money and stuff and he got religion."
Although I have personally never been a member of that party family members and friends have been. I probably should have dissociated and made it clear that I was not a member of such a racist political party. For that, I am truly sorry for their behavior and putting politics over basic human decency.
I hope that the Democrat Party will changes its ways. But, I doubt they ever will.
Although I have personally never been a member of that party family members and friends have been. I probably should have dissociated and made it clear that I was not a member of such a racist political party. For that, I am truly sorry for their behavior and putting politics over basic human decency.
I hope that the Democrat Party will changes its ways. But, I doubt they ever will.