Put a fork in it. It's done.

Agree none are obligated to play each other, Even though there are 30+ games a season, and there are 300 d1 schools. However to cooler and and other eer, the day you don't take tax payer dollars and hands out is the day you can make your own destiny.Tomlin should pull the d$@? And make it happen. 3 for 2 every decade .

If you want all about the money instead of promoting wv, state with the lowest college education , and allowing politicians and presidents to talk and collaborate then go ahead. If you are such big boys then take less hand outs and make your own schedule , turn your back on the state . The state and Marshall can spend the money much better. Promote and build business in multiple cities. Don't want to hear about sponsors and expired milk dates ..that's all nonsense.

Also outside box proposal would like to see the classic rotate to multiple places, Elkins ,greenbrier ,Huntington , Morgantown and Parkersburg . High light the whole state.

If you have a Marshall shirt , you went to Marshall, if you have a wvu shirt you went to Walmart might have a sell -out but it's because your a sell-out.
"Also outside box proposal would like to see the classic rotate to multiple places, Elkins ,greenbrier ,Huntington , Morgantown and Parkersburg . High light the whole state. "


Elkins has a 2,000 person gym

Greebrier has a 2,000 person facility

Henderson seats 9,000

Morgantown - 14,000

Parkersburgh - offers nothing outside of a HS gym....
One thing for sure, Keaton. Everyone here on this MARSHALL FANS ONLY board would like to see you rotate out of here. Shoo.

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