Question for HerdandHokies


Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Dec 31, 2020

I believe you have at least one daughter.

This matter checks all your political boxes:

Open borders.
Immigration of young, violent males.
Abortion on demand if necessary.
Minority crime.
Political correctness.
Words are worse than actions (mean tweets).
Soft on crime (except for name-calling).
Immigrants with more rights than natural born citizens.
Charges of xenophobia.

Please educate me on how to reconcile this to the responsibilities of being a husband and father and protecting your wife and children as well as society's greater responsibilities to its citizens and families...
Well first off I don't want open borders, I want a permissive immigration policy that keeps track of everyone. I'm also pretty far right on the matter because I'd make everyone learn english. Just locking down the border and continuing our insane immigration system would be the worst way to handle things and lead to economic collapse. I'm not sure what abortion has to do with any of this.

Second, I don't want anybody jailed for "mean tweets." I will call people idiots if they have stupid opinions and will absolutely judge them for them, but that's just free speech on free speech. Apparently calling people idiots in Germany is illegal so I'm once again glad we live in the US as otherwise we'd all be cell mates.

Third, I don't know a single thing about the German legal system but I think we're in agreement that you should get a whole lot more for rape than probation.
You should know by now that morons like KYJelly are either too dishonest or too stupid to give you the full information.

I believe all but one of the convicted rapists were juveniles, hence avoiding jail time. The woman who was put in jail? It was for 48 hours while many of the convicted juveniles have years of probation.
Wow... Speaking of dishonesty and stupidity...

From the article...

"Eight of the nine men were released on probation. The ninth received a sentence of two years, nine months."

"She was convicted and sentenced to a weekend in prison. In court she apologized and said she was acting on a “reflex.”"

Seems like she served about 35% of the jail time of the one rapist...
Wow... Speaking of dishonesty and stupidity...

From the article...

"Eight of the nine men were released on probation. The ninth received a sentence of two years, nine months."

"She was convicted and sentenced to a weekend in prison. In court she apologized and said she was acting on a “reflex.”"

Seems like she served about 35% of the jail time of the one rapist...
Let's review what I said to try and determine what I was dishonest or stupid about:

- I called you dishonest
- I called you stupid
- I said that all but one of the convicted rapists were juveniles, hence why those juveniles avoided jail time
- I said that the woman was sentenced to 48 hours in jail
- I said that the convicted juveniles received probation

There isn't a single thing you posted that refuted any of those things. In fact, much of what you posted confirmed my claims. The biggest confirmation being that you're stupid when you tried saying that a person who served two days in jail was about 35% of the person who was sentenced to two years and nine months. You must be using Banker's calculator again.
I’m sure this’ll be twisted but there are two separate things here.

First off probation isn’t sufficient for juvenile rapists either. And I think Germany calls anyone under 20 juvenile.

The lady who spent a weekend in jail just straight up wasn’t going to court dates after saying someone would get kicked in the face and kind of brought that outcome on herself, however harassing rapists is fine and she should’ve been given a bundle of hops or whatever they give you in Germany for doing something good.
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Well first off I don't want open borders, I want a permissive immigration policy that keeps track of everyone.

But the side you support wants open borders and unlimited immigration.

Unfettered illegal immigration cheapens both native born Americans and legal immigrants.

I'm also pretty far right on the matter because I'd make everyone learn english.

A common language is essential for national unity and economic efficiencies. It shouldn't be a divisive political position like it has been made to be.

Just locking down the border and continuing our insane immigration system would be the worst way to handle things and lead to economic collapse.

What's wrong with taking a moratorium to make the time to fix a broken system?

I think the economic aspect of immigration is often overplayed. Our economy prospered during the 50's and 60's with limited immigration. But back then marriage and having kids wasn't a bad thing for US women...

"The United States admitted an average 250,000 immigrants a year in the 1950s, 330,000 in the 1960s, 450,000 in the 1970s, 735,000 in the 1980s, and over 1 million a year since the 1990s."

I'm not sure what abortion has to do with any of this.

Well male-female sex, consensual or not, can lead to pregnancies, even rape... Pregnancies can lead to abortions... And you seem to be all about abortion as a single-issue voter...

Both sides are wrong on abortion, I just think the Left is moreso. For years I was told there was no such thing as a partial-birth abortion when I mentioned it. Why hide what is being done by abortionists if you are "pro-choice"?

The rape and incest exceptions are a very small percentage of actual abortions but watch what would happen to those numbers if it was a requirement...

Second, I don't want anybody jailed for "mean tweets." I will call people idiots if they have stupid opinions and will absolutely judge them for them, but that's just free speech on free speech.

Unfortunately it seems only one side in the US is pursuing political persecutions now and prosecuting "hate-speech" whether in actual court or the court of public opinion.

Apparently calling people idiots in Germany is illegal so I'm once again glad we live in the US as otherwise we'd all be cell mates.

And yet we definitely like to follow Europe's lead in a lot of political matters... We need to remain ever vigilant on all freedoms...

Third, I don't know a single thing about the German legal system but I think we're in agreement that you should get a whole lot more for rape than probation.

Stupidity is when you are the butt of a joke, have been previously told you are the butt of that joke but still don't get it...

There are 206 countries competing for 329 medals. The U.S. will get about 35% of the medals

There have been 316 of the 329 GOLD medals awarded thus far. The US has won 38 of those for 12%. This is in the historical range and is no where near 35%...

We've been over this very thing multiple times. Are you really in the 35% percentile of intelligence??? Is that why 35% is stuck in your mind???
There have been 316 of the 329 GOLD medals awarded thus far. The US has won 38 of those for 12%. This is in the historical range and is no where near 35%...

We've been over this very thing multiple times. Are you really in the 35% percentile of intelligence??? Is that why 35% is stuck in your mind???
You're such a moron, that you can't even remember what the issue was. I never said the U.S. would win around 35% of the gold medals, moron.
You're such a moron, that you can't even remember what the issue was. I never said the U.S. would win around 35% of the gold medals, moron.

That's right. You're so stupid you didn't make a distinction between gold, silver and bronze.

There are 206 countries competing for 329 medals.

So you only counted 329 medals of the approximate 987 medals to be awarded. Say... Your number of 329 is about 35% of the 987 number... That's brilliant for someone in the 35% percentile of intelligence!

Here's some encouragement for you...


Now Mr. 35% the novelty has worn off and I'm back to ignoring you but I'll probably respond every now and again when you post something that is really stupid even by your low standards.
That's right. You're so stupid you didn't make a distinction between gold, silver and bronze.
Of course it is right, because I said it. Just about everything I say is right. Now, try to keep up with an argument so that I don't have to keep correcting you.

So you only counted 329 medals of the approximate 987 medals to be awarded. Say... Your number of 329 is about 35% of the 987 number... That's brilliant for someone in the 35% percentile of intelligence!
Still avoiding explaining why it makes any sense to count three medals for things like basketball, volleyball, etc., huh? Answer: it doesn't make sense to do that, yet you keep trying to.

With your attempt at logic, the men's basketball team (gold winners) will earn 33% of the possible men's basketball medals. That's punishing them statistically for only being allowed to have one team which was the best. Brilliant.

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