Question for those that unfortunately vote for Democrats


Platinum Buffalo
Aug 17, 2011
Brewpub w/coeds
Serious question here by the honorable MichiganHerd.

Why do you consider Stacey Abrams and Beto rock stars of the democratic party? They're losers, and have shown no ability to win a major election. But yet, you guys/chicks/slapdicks put them up on this pedestal and talk about them non-stop each election cycle.
I don’t really consider them to be rock stars for the reasons you’ve said. I think too much energy gets put into people like Beto and we lose other places just to also lose Texas, because of course we’re going to lose Texas. Abrams has done a little more organizationally but people calling for her to be VP or something are nuts.
Who considers them to be rock stars? Abrams is a good organizer (which really means she has a good team), but what has she won? Neither are ever mentioned as contenders if Biden doesn't run for re-election.
Abrams actually is by some people who should know better.
The latest poll in the great state if Texas from the university of Houston shows Abbot with a 13% lead over Beto. Beto has completely out fundraised Abbott by tons of out of state Democrat donations. So yes he’s definitely a super star who is a total loser. Even with all of that fund raising he’s still getting crushed.
Don't forget, they also have the endorsement of the round mound of rebound, Oprah.

You don't have Oprah coming to the refrigerator unless there's some genuine pork inside.
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Serious question here by the honorable MichiganHerd.

Why do you consider Stacey Abrams and Beto rock stars of the democratic party? They're losers, and have shown no ability to win a major election. But yet, you guys/chicks/slapdicks put them up on this pedestal and talk about them non-stop each election cycle.
They both are very good people but for a democrat to win in Texas its very hard for Beto. I am more interested in the ones running for the house or senate myself.
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The latest poll in the great state if Texas from the university of Houston shows Abbot with a 13% lead over Beto. Beto has completely out fundraised Abbott by tons of out of state Democrat donations. So yes he’s definitely a super star who is a total loser. Even with all of that fund raising he’s still getting crushed.
Isn’t that kind of standard protocol for democrats in general?
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Serious question here by the honorable MichiganHerd.

Why do you consider Stacey Abrams and Beto rock stars of the democratic party? They're losers, and have shown no ability to win a major election. But yet, you guys/chicks/slapdicks put them up on this pedestal and talk about them non-stop each election cycle.
Anyone who will stand up there on TV and talk about “but muh demoocracy” instead of real issues is a democrat rock star
Who considers them to be rock stars? Abrams is a good organizer (which really means she has a good team), but what has she won? Neither are ever mentioned as contenders if Biden doesn't run for re-election.
question was posed to democrats. fitting the resident self proclaimed liberaltarian couldn't wait to reply.
They love them because they get all emotional. Black woman in GA. Liberal gun grabber in Texas.

They are not leaders. They are emotional based boxes that get checked.
Who considers them to be rock stars?
I take it you don't watch television, read the news, or pay attention to any/all social media? Because if you did, you'd know that the left keeps propping these two jackasses up as stars and the future of the party.
Abrams is set to get beat soundly. What’s crazy is Beto may get beaten even worse.
. . . you were defending yore kind, not making fun of OP. sorry, mr. liberaltarian.
If defending = calling Abrams a loser who hasn't won anything, then I'm the King of Spain.

I mean, there are legit morons in the Dem party that have managed to win elections. Like Beto.
I asked, why do YOU consider them to be rock stars.
But no serious thinker, or even half-way serious thinker, considers them to be so.

Then you re-post some shit off Twitter that got 60 likes...counting the original poster, that's 61. Sixty fvcking one people. I've posted storm pics that got more likes...STORMS ARE ROCK STARS.
I take it you don't watch television, read the news, or pay attention to any/all social media? Because if you did, you'd know that the left keeps propping these two jackasses up as stars and the future of the party.
I really don't watch much TV except for sports, and sure as hell don't get my daily news from social media...unless it is weather news. I do find Twitter to be useful for some foreign breaking news stuff, if something fvcked up is going on the video tends to make Twitter before it does any news outlets.
But no serious thinker, or even half-way serious thinker, considers them to be so.

Then you re-post some shit off Twitter that got 60 likes...counting the original poster, that's 61. Sixty fvcking one people. I've posted storm pics that got more likes...STORMS ARE ROCK STARS.
So, only time Stacey and Beto have been treated like celebrities, aka rock stars, is one single twitter post, liked by 60 others.

Got it.

Go bury your head back into the sand, clown.
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You're the clown that used that as your proof.

celebrities, aka rock stars
There's a mighty big stretch between celebrity and rock star. Even in politics; MTG is certainly a celebrity but she's no rock star, she's often in the news for being an idiot. I'd say most politicians often on the news are not rock star status. Obama? Rock star. Trump? Rock star. Biden? Not a rock star.

For Democrats that are in office or could run, maybe Bernie is a rock star...but I think his time has passed.

Now, Beto can be entertaining. I liked it when he called someone a motherfvcker at a campaign event, mostly because I like it when people call people motherfvckers on a live mic...I didn't agree with the why, but I chuckled. I even found Trump entertaining for much the same reason, it's a great show, getting up there and saying shit you aren't supposed to say. Remember when I said no one can beat Trump because he is a real live wire on a microphone? This is what the people want. Maybe Beto should call someone a cocksucker too. That's the ticket: model your political persona on Al Swearengen.
Have you watched Earthstorm on Netflix? I've watched the first two episodes. Thought they were pretty good.
I haven't had time, honestly. We sold our home and have been settling into a rental...all to move again in a few months. But that's OK, I feel the market is going to drop big time and we got a really fantastic offer on our home, one I don't think we would get 6-8 months from now.
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Beto has burned through roughly $175 million in his recent failed political bids.