Maybe it's because I grew up in a farming state, where it was normal to see migrant labor, but I don't even understand why this is such an election issue outside of the border states. We are not overran with illegal immigrants. Are there illegals here? Sure. But when I see immigrant Hispanics (of course I can't look and tell if they are illegal) they are working folks. To top it off they are usually friendly, too. Just decent people.
I finally found the Mexican joint here where the Mexicans actually eat. Great food, nice people working there. I walked in there today to grab some lunch and was the only gringo in the place. Said hi to folks, they say hello back. Nicer people than the fvckers at McDonalds.
I know I often think shit is a conspiracy, but yeah I wonder if this crap is to get people's minds off the super-rich corporations sending jobs overseas and illegally replacing qualified American workers with cheaper visa holding foreigners. It's an easy sell to white people because we don't like the idea we won't be the majority one day. Honestly I would rather have hard working Catholic Hispanics come here instead of these smelly, gibberish speaking, false god worshipping bastards from other places. It's not hard to learn some Spanish, either.
Or maybe they are a scapegoat because no one can get away with saying the blacks are a damn mess these days.