Rachel Maddow is Crying

Glad our president is not a spy? We knew from the start he could not be indicted. Now if only he had just a grain of class

We'll see how it shakes out in the end. Let's have a look at the report.
the gullible libs in this country have been (how do you say it?) conned? part of it is their own fault for gladly lapping up BS propaganda, but man they sucked this scam down hook line and sinker.
Took a break from the NCAA playoffs and jumped over for a couple of minutes - Matthews was blathering on about the fact the president didn't testify in person.....the panel repeatedly told him the president wasn't obligated to testify.
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Chevy, yags, dtard (each of his personalities), extra, and a few more are probably joining him.
Nope - I'm over it. As stated to Herdman's query a few months back - the report is the report. Arguing about what it should have said is moot. However, at this time, we don't know what it says.
Glad our president is not a spy? We knew from the start he could not be indicted. Now if only he had just a grain of class

We'll see how it shakes out in the end. Let's have a look at the report.
You’ve got him now!
How are people so mad that the president of our country is not a Russian plant? If the opposite was true wouldn’t that be a timeline that could lead to war?

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