Railroad Strike

They want to give them no sick days.
“Rail employees are provided with significant time off. Generally, train crew employees have over three to four weeks of paid vacation and over 10 personal leave days. Depending on craft and seniority, these numbers can extend to five weeks of vacation in addition to 14 paid holidays and/or paid leave days,” BNSF told CNBC. “The number of Personal Leave Days was increased by 25% this year which makes it easier for employees to take time off.”
They want to give them no sick days.
see jartard's post above. he's correct. my nephew worked for the railroad out in ahia and over in vagina, obvious lee at different times, and that kid had hells of time off. he moved on to another company making more money but now is kicking himself in the ass because he actually has to show up for work all the time.

probly a bunch of damn liberals wanting to work from home conducting a train.
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It is called pto. Welcome to the modern world.

Our company still has separate sick days. A lot of people use up their PTO (since they have to, rollover is heavily discouraged) by the end of the year. Then if you get sick on Dec 1 you get written up?
see jartard's post above. he's correct. my nephew worked for the railroad out in ahia and over in vagina, obvious lee at different times, and that kid had hells of time off. he moved on to another company making more money but now is kicking himself in the ass because he actually has to show up for work all the time.

probly a bunch of damn liberals wanting to work from home conducting a train.
I’m usually OW when I’m conducting a train. 😂😂
I think you're going to see this in the private sector too....

Costs on every day items going up so employees want a raise...but business revenue not going up the same proportion as inflation....
My morning protein drink already costs three times what it did last year. Much more increase and I’ll be having fiber gummies for breakfast.
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Such easy jobs .... but I wonder why the life expectancy for railroad retirees is so short.
Lots of chemicals in the shops, diesel exhaust in the yards, etc. Plus some jobs are downright dangerous, a lack of concentration can get a conductor killed real quick.

I'm fairly confident Dad got cancer from his job.
Our company still has separate sick days. A lot of people use up their PTO (since they have to, rollover is heavily discouraged) by the end of the year. Then if you get sick on Dec 1 you get written up?
PTO has ill time built in. That's why you accrue at a higher rate than standard vacation hours. If you're an irresponsible fvck who uses time off as soon as you earn it you can get yourself in trouble.
PTO has ill time built in. That's why you accrue at a higher rate than standard vacation hours. If you're an irresponsible fvck who uses time off as soon as you earn it you can get yourself in trouble.
I seldom take vacation time, nor do I take sick days. I'm a hard working man. No sick days for the past 30 years, not counting a few times where I had to go play golf. Granted, I've come to work with beer fumes coming out of my ears and all, feeling like warmed over death, but I still show up. They simply don't make hard working men like myself anymore. I should write a book about work ethics.
I seldom take vacation time, nor do I take sick days. I'm a hard working man. No sick days for the past 30 years, not counting a few times where I had to go play golf. Granted, I've come to work with beer fumes coming out of my ears and all, feeling like warmed over death, but I still show up. They simply don't make hard working men like myself anymore. I should write a book about work ethics.
muh friend rarely uses their sick leave. hell, they have 425.5 sick days built up. 425.5. these new age sissies use them up as soon as they earn them then when they get sick they cry about having no leave. muh friend could take a year and a half off . . . hell of it is, they'd likely not even know he wasn't there.
My group semi takes the PTO hours? Why? We always have to work some on "vacation" or time off. ALways have a company phone and get drug into shit anyway. Only reason I put in an official PTO day is when there is a trip I pay for on a certain date or something. But, even then I end up working part of the time. I always have to take a company laptop with me and so on. Work when I am sick anyway. We never even used to have to put in for PTO, but then some whiny ass milenials whined about it.
My group semi takes the PTO hours? Why? We always have to work some on "vacation" or time off. ALways have a company phone and get drug into shit anyway. Only reason I put in an official PTO day is when there is a trip I pay for on a certain date or something. But, even then I end up working part of the time. I always have to take a company laptop with me and so on. Work when I am sick anyway. We never even used to have to put in for PTO, but then some whiny ass milenials whined about it.
I've always turned down having a company phone. Buy it myself and pay for service myself. Friend here at work got nailed when the IT group narked on him after checking his personal messages and shit. I can't even imagine an IT nerd reading my shit. Wonder what they would think when WV-FAN sends me obscene messages while in the midst of one his drunken stupors? I have to imagine during my whore days they would have loved checking out some of the stuff on my phone. Probably even choked the chicken while reading some of my finer shit.
I've always turned down having a company phone. Buy it myself and pay for service myself. Friend here at work got nailed when the IT group narked on him after checking his personal messages and shit. I can't even imagine an IT nerd reading my shit. Wonder what they would think when WV-FAN sends me obscene messages while in the midst of one his drunken stupors? I have to imagine during my whore days they would have loved checking out some of the stuff on my phone. Probably even choked the chicken while reading some of my finer shit.
Damn, is he sending farm animal pictures and stuff? Sicko.
F that.

And you can justify it all you want, it is unethical to expect an employee to work on vacation. Stick this on the list of "dumb shit we do in America".
I don't do that, and I've told them I'm not. Plus, they know I'm probably fvcked up too, so no since to even bother me while I'm gone.
I don't do that, and I've told them I'm not. Plus, they know I'm probably fvcked up too, so no since to even bother me while I'm gone.
I had a subordinate blowing up my phone one vacation (and I had made sure everyone knew I was on vacation), I finally answered because I was tired of her calling, politely reminded her I was on vacation and if there was an issue she needed to call someone else. Before I could hang up she started rambling about some issue; I let her finish, then told her "I want you to listen closely to me: I am five fvcking states away, what in the hell do you want me to do about it?" That shut her up. It also got me a meeting with HR when I returned, I told them my time, my phone, I am not an on call employee and I was on vacation, you get what you get when you call. Which they agreed with.
I had a subordinate blowing up my phone one vacation (and I had made sure everyone knew I was on vacation), I finally answered because I was tired of her calling, politely reminded her I was on vacation and if there was an issue she needed to call someone else. Before I could hang up she started rambling about some issue; I let her finish, then told her "I want you to listen closely to me: I am five fvcking states away, what in the hell do you want me to do about it?" That shut her up. It also got me a meeting with HR when I returned, I told them my time, my phone, I am not an on call employee and I was on vacation, you get what you get when you call. Which they agreed with.
I am on call though. We can get people to cover certain things and certain times, but not always.
PTO is compensation in and of itself, and part of that is being left the hell alone and having a life outside of work. This is an important part of work-life balance. Let me add you to the list of "dumb Americans acting like slaves for their masters".
PTO is stupid for our group. OnNly reason we had to do it was because of some complainers in and aroun a corporate office. Our pay structure is different.
on vacation back in july the wife was raising hell with me every evening about working. i'd get up at 6 a.m., work on shit until 10 or 11 and then we'd be off to do vacation stuff. i was typically holding everybody up getting out the door, which i'm sure was getting old. that wasn't employee related, though, that was i own this shit related.

as for cell phones, about 10 years ago the boss determined all upper mgmt should have company cell phones and a new laptop. i turned both down. told them i wasn't getting rid of my cell and wasn't carrying 2. everybody else took a cell and within a year half of them had given the company phone back. fvck that.

as for the new laptop that i didn't need, the then-boss asked what they could get for me since i didn't want anything (a raise wasn't an option). told them a kegorator under my desk. still don't have it.
Our pay structure is different.
I don't care how you are paid. Work-life balance, and time to not give a fvck, is more important than money. Again, it's a shitty American attitude about life. Life ain't all about work and money.

Motherfvckers answering their phone on the tee...I want to smash my driver over their head. Someone better be dying, otherwise hit the goddamn ball.

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