Railroad Strike

I don't care how you are paid. Work-life balance, and time to not give a fvck, is more important than money. Again, it's a shitty American attitude about life. Life ain't all about work and money.

Motherfvckers answering their phone on the tee...I want to smash my driver over their head. Someone better be dying, otherwise hit the goddamn ball.
you don't play golf.
I don't care how you are paid. Work-life balance, and time to not give a fvck, is more important than money. Again, it's a shitty American attitude about life. Life ain't all about work and money.

Motherfvckers answering their phone on the tee...I want to smash my driver over their head. Someone better be dying, otherwise hit the goddamn ball.
I don't answer the phone on the golf course, unless a real emergency.

If you were working on a deal that took years and was millions of dollars or even hundreds of thousands you would answer the phone too. Sometimes it just happens on "vacation".

Work life balance? Let me tell you want some of our troops have gone through the last two years and they make a hell of lot less money. Take that up with Uncle Sugar.
I don't answer the phone on the golf course, unless a real emergency.

If you were working on a deal that took years and was millions of dollars or even hundreds of thousands you would answer the phone too. Sometimes it just happens on "vacation".

Work life balance? Let me tell you want some of our troops have gone through the last two years and they make a hell of lot less money. Take that up with Uncle Sugar.
i was going to weigh in on his work/life balance bullshit and passed it up, but what the hell.

that's the mentality of someone with a 9-5 job. good for them if that's all they aspired for.

i aspired for more, work all the damn time, my cell is posted all over hell and creation and i get calls all the time. i think @mlblack16. and @MichiganHerd both have it along with a couple others. i've gotten calls while on vaca in hawaii, flerda, texas, mexico, on the bay crabbing, sitting in my boxers at 10 p.m. in the recliner, etc., and answer 99% of them like i'm sitting in my office. a phone call declined could theoretically turn into $$$$$ missed out on.

my only cut off when it comes to unrecognized numbers that are possibly a moneymaker is after i'm 6 beers deep. anything up until that point, i'm taking their money.
i was going to weigh in on his work/life balance bullshit and passed it up, but what the hell.

that's the mentality of someone with a 9-5 job. good for them if that's all they aspired for.

i aspired for more, work all the damn time, my cell is posted all over hell and creation and i get calls all the time. i think @mlblack16. and @MichiganHerd both have it along with a couple others. i've gotten calls while on vaca in hawaii, flerda, texas, mexico, on the bay crabbing, sitting in my boxers at 10 p.m. in the recliner, etc., and answer 99% of them like i'm sitting in my office. a phone call declined could theoretically turn into $$$$$ missed out on.

my only cut off when it comes to unrecognized numbers that are possibly a moneymaker is after i'm 6 beers deep. anything up until that point, i'm taking their money.

You have to do what you have to do. I agree.
you would answer the phone too.
Nope. Vacation is time for me alone with my wife. That's it. Maybe the dogs, we took this year.
Let me tell you want some of our troops have gone through the last two years and they make a hell of lot less money. Take that up with Uncle Sugar.
Thems the breaks when you want a job killing people.
that's the mentality of someone with a 9-5 job
I do not have a 9-5 job, and am on call to boot....but not on vacation.

You guys would pull out of pussy to take a phone will regret it one day when you can't get it up anymore.
Tentative deal...

Be careful about premature celebrations...
Nope. Vacation is time for me alone with my wife. That's it. Maybe the dogs, we took this year.

Thems the breaks when you want a job killing people.

I do not have a 9-5 job, and am on call to boot....but not on vacation.

You guys would pull out of pussy to take a phone will regret it one day when you can't get it up anymore.
8-4, 7-3, whatever. 😁

if you owned a business, you'd be on call 24/7/365.
if you owned a business, you'd be on call 24/7/365.
Herdman doesn't own a business.

Technically I am in office 8-4:30. Maybe 5. Maybe 5:30. Today I have an off-site meeting at 6. Sometimes I come in early, maybe 7. I have calls and emails long after 4:30. I work every other Saturday for another department off site. Sometimes I come to the office on Sundays. I work off-site every Monday and Wednesday evening for that other department. If staffing issues really fvck that department, I'll help, so there's the on call part. And I'm on the "if SHTF" on call list. I've been overnight in the hospital with people that don't have a guardian or family, waiting for them to be admitted. It's a weird job at times. For all this, I make far less than I did without a college degree. But I feel better about it than I did doing sales shit. And I get 5 weeks vacation a not fvcking call me on vacation.
Yah for what? The media played it up and made Biden try to look good?

They knew the American people were not going to tolerate this petty bull shit coming off of covid, supply chain issues, inflation, etc. We had no time nor patience for this stupid shit. Get back to work. Even Mush admin knew that. It would have cost the dems at the ballot box.

The rest of us are working and producing. I don't give a damn about them arguing over what sick days are called.

Get your ass back to work or move on and let someobdy else do it. Useless.
The media played it up and made Biden try to look good?
Nah. The conductors and engineers were truly pissed and had had enough.
Get your ass back to work or move on and let someobdy else do it.
LOL! You think scabs can just walk in off the street and run locomotives? Safely?

They knew the American people were not going to tolerate this petty bull shit coming off of covid, supply chain issues, inflation, etc. We had no time nor patience for this stupid shit.
For you boot lickers and white collars, sure. Labor is starting to wake up in this country, and it is not a blue or red thing....they figured that out when your Orangeman did not deliver.
Nah. The conductors and engineers were truly pissed and had had enough.

LOL! You think scabs can just walk in off the street and run locomotives? Safely?

For you boot lickers and white collars, sure. Labor is starting to wake up in this country, and it is not a blue or red thing....they figured that out when your Orangeman did not deliver.
hahaha, yehhh right. No I don't think anybody could do it. I don't think most of us gave a damn. Unions are insignificant for the most part. Hell if it wasn't for the federal govt they would be even more insignificant. Mush didn't do anything. Other that please god get back to work because this is going to look like shit if you go on strike and I will get the blame.
Yeah but we’re talking about railway workers here, not business owners.
you have a mouse in yore pocket, dumbass? follow along the side bar convs, if yore capable.

maybe spend time figuring that out when yore attemting to determine how to better budget yore time off.
Nah, but he would have looked like a boot licker when he ordered them back to work. Which he would have done.
You think he would have ordered them back to work? I don't think they had the balls to do it.

I would have given them old Ronald Reagan. You got about two days and back Monday morning at 7am or I will fire your ass. Not sure they can legally do that to the railroad people or not. But, I would have ordered them back to work. you are not shutting the country down over whining about what your sick days are called.

No. The government cannot fire who it does not employ lol. You are really are an authoritarian lol.

Calling them "fvck you, you don't get any" is not exactly what you meant.
No, it doesn't. I don't get "sick days" either. It is called PTO. Use them for whatever you want to. FIshing, golf, sick day, jack off day, whatever.
No, it doesn't. I don't get "sick days" either. It is called PTO. Use them for whatever you want to. FIshing, golf, sick day, jack off day, whatever.
You really didn't follow this well, did you? They were literally not allowed to have a day off, PTO, whatever you want to call it. You got 90 minutes to be there if the phone rings, and they were requiring seven days a week on call. This is what happens when you lay off 30% of your workforce just to improve profits. Business picked up when the pandemic was over and that bit them in the ass.

You think 700 conductors and engineers quit BNSF out of the blue over nothing right when they announced the fvck you policy? lol. It wasn't long ago that people didn't quit those jobs, and openings to get on were not frequent, someone had to retire. But hey, if Wall Street is happy the next quarter, fvck the business in the future.
You really didn't follow this well, did you? They were literally not allowed to have a day off, PTO, whatever you want to call it. You got 90 minutes to be there if the phone rings, and they were requiring seven days a week on call. This is what happens when you lay off 30% of your workforce just to improve profits. Business picked up when the pandemic was over and that bit them in the ass.

You think 700 conductors and engineers quit BNSF out of the blue over nothing right when they announced the fvck you policy? lol. It wasn't long ago that people didn't quit those jobs, and openings to get on were not frequent, someone had to retire. But hey, if Wall Street is happy the next quarter, fvck the business in the future.
Ok, then hire some people to drive the train then if they quit.
Ok, then hire some people to drive the train then if they quit.
They don't want to hire many. Just enough to keep on slave driving.

I read some interesting comments from people this week. Apparently, railroad recruiters have been brutally honest with people (unlike military recruiters lol). Flat out telling people it sucked these days, not to take the job if you had a wife or kids. That's nuts.
Herdman doesn't own a business.

Technically I am in office 8-4:30. Maybe 5. Maybe 5:30. Today I have an off-site meeting at 6. Sometimes I come in early, maybe 7. I have calls and emails long after 4:30. I work every other Saturday for another department off site. Sometimes I come to the office on Sundays. I work off-site every Monday and Wednesday evening for that other department. If staffing issues really fvck that department, I'll help, so there's the on call part. And I'm on the "if SHTF" on call list. I've been overnight in the hospital with people that don't have a guardian or family, waiting for them to be admitted. It's a weird job at times. For all this, I make far less than I did without a college degree. But I feel better about it than I did doing sales shit. And I get 5 weeks vacation a not fvcking call me on vacation.
Raoul: your job sounds like you are an industrial safety guy. Not exactly the same, but my schedule mirrors yours on occasion. Especially the on call part.
They don't want to hire many. Just enough to keep on slave driving.

I read some interesting comments from people this week. Apparently, railroad recruiters have been brutally honest with people (unlike military recruiters lol). Flat out telling people it sucked these days, not to take the job if you had a wife or kids. That's nuts.
I went a did a demonstration for the railroad years ago. This is what happened.

The railroad people, I am guessing management, called me about some technology that might speed things up for them. Or make the job easier. It was in KY.

I drove over there. Get checked in or whatever, go inside, meet the guy, he told me where to set up. Introduced me to a coouple of the workers, one being a shift foreman if I remember right.

I set up inside the work area. They said they would be back in a minute. They come back I start showing the workers. I could tell they were not interested and didn't give a shit what the company was going to do. They basically started to ignore me and this whole thing probably would have taken 30 mintures or so anyway. Something like that. They basically then kind of just walked off. One guy sem-gave a shit.

I said ok. Went to find the manager guy. Couldn't find him. Equipment still set up. Waited on him for about 20 or 30 minutes. Asked a few folks, nobody could find him. Called him. No answer.

I gave it a few more minutes. Said F it, loaded my stuff up and left right in the middle of it.

They didn't care so why should I. hahahahaha
Ummm in no way would that be awesome unless you want to completely destroy the economy
Oh, it would be completely awesome. I am to the point that these libs, virtue signalers, etc. need to feel some pain. Plus, I can play more golf and get some fishing done. I am hopin gas shoots up to $5 a gallon again.

To make things better sometimes they have to get worse and people need to feel ass pain.

I keep warning all these people in corporate of what might be comoing. head buried in the sand. I am warning this forum. We are sitting on the edge of something not so good.
To make things better sometimes they have to get worse and people need to feel ass pain.
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Crises averted.

Tentative deal...

Be careful about premature celebrations...

Again "libertarians" and liberals don't see the bigger picture or the long view...

"Rank and file members of another railroad union have rejected a tentative labor deal, a move that further raises the odds that America's freight railroad workers will go on strike sometime next month."
Again "libertarians" and liberals don't see the bigger picture or the long view...

"Rank and file members of another railroad union have rejected a tentative labor deal, a move that further raises the odds that America's freight railroad workers will go on strike sometime next month."
It’s going to happen, but the union will cave to political pressure and wait until after the election.
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Again "libertarians" and liberals don't see the bigger picture or the long view...

"Rank and file members of another railroad union have rejected a tentative labor deal, a move that further raises the odds that America's freight railroad workers will go on strike sometime next month."
Well that's why I had a question mark. I've seen this situation before, back in 92.

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