Reminder that N95s don’t work either


Platinum Buffalo
May 29, 2001
In the PCWE (pre-clown world era), 100 years of empirical data and masking RCTs showed that masks do not slow the spread of respiratory viruses.

In a desperate attempt to cover their ass and blame others for spread, the CWE scientism adherents adopted masking as one of the core tenets of their religion.

If you see someone wearing a mask voluntarily, please remember they suffer from mental illness and possibly mental retardation.

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I don't like to do business with people wearing them. Looks like they're hiding from me, trying to deceive. I don't trust people anyway, but I damn sure don't trust them with a mask on.

I'm not sure what not to trust. That they're conning me or that they're too damn stupid to even know what conning is. Too much bullshit, the whole thing. Life overall cannot be any good in America as long as this is a thing.
But, but, but . . . the CDC told us we must.
Who is our biggest mask proponent around here? Lot of silence lately from the mandate maniacs. GK, how’s the masking and boosting going for you? Have you had Covid recently?

Israel, with the most shots per capita in the world also has the highest per capita case rate in the world. What a coincidence!

If these masks worked, why didn't we just mask up ever December through February(give or take) and say hey let's stop this stuff that goes around every year? Suddenly it is going to help with this?
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In the PCWE (pre-clown world era), 100 years of empirical data and masking RCTs showed that masks do not slow the spread of respiratory viruses.

In a desperate attempt to cover their ass and blame others for spread, the CWE scientism adherents adopted masking as one of the core tenets of their religion.

If you see someone wearing a mask voluntarily, please remember they suffer from mental illness and possibly mental retardation.

You're an idiot.
They have to keep it going because at some point enough people are going to want all of this investigated. The cover ups, fruad, waste, and abuse would expose too many of them. And, their involvment with that damn lab over there.
If these masks worked, why didn't we just mask up ever December through February(give or take) and say hey let's stop this stuff that goes around every year? Suddenly it is going to help with this?

They will now. There are people who want to wear these forever. They like them.

My sister who won't speak to me anymore once admitted to enjoying wearing it so she wouldn't have to put make up on. You can be ugly and not have to show it.

I'm hideous and still don't care. If this mask was required forever, that's it for me. Taking my savings and moving the hell back where I came from and at least I can just tell people where I came from that I'm not in this shit at all.
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They have to keep it going because at some point enough people are going to want all of this investigated. The cover ups, fruad, waste, and abuse would expose too many of them. And, their involvment with that damn lab over there.
They have to keep it going because at some point enough people are going to want all of this investigated. The cover ups, fruad, waste, and abuse would expose too many of them. And, their involvment with that damn lab over there.
You're an idiot.