

Platinum Buffalo
Aug 17, 2011
Brewpub w/coeds
What do you think of Britt McHenry?

Have you had sex with her before, perhaps while she was at Stetson? Would you have sex with her?

Lastly, do you have any really good pictures of her? I saw one online, and she appears to have a fabulous rack. Face may not be the best, but damn, I would love to pork her.
I lived in DC for a few years that she was there (same with the other big ESPN girl, Lindsay). McHenry still lives there. She is frequently out at night, and we both loved a salad joint which was in the building next door to where she used to work. Don't know that much about her. Cute, but nothing special. I'm friends with her on Facebook and noticed that her page is open for anyone to comment, so she was taking a beating last night.
Dayum, they're wearing her out on Facebook. Even the dudes are giving her hell.

More info has come out, where the 'ladies' at the towing company instigated her. The video shown to the public was obviously edited and didn't show all the BS that provoked her comments.

This might be a good time to make my move.
I would be interested in seeing the video myself, it'd have to be really bad to excuse her though.
I don't know if rifle has had any run-ins with this particular towing company, but from what I have read they are the scum of the Earth and most of their employees should be tarred and feathered and run out of town on a rail.

From what I have read, including incidences of outright theft and damage of legally parked cars, if I were screwed by them I would probably bomb the place; so I can't really hold her at fault for being a bitch.
Of course, turns out in this case McHenry's car was justifiably towed - she left it overnight in parking lot of a Chinese restaurant which had signs posted warning against overnight parking.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by MichiganHerd:

Have you had sex with her before, perhaps while she was at Stetson? Would you have sex with her?

Lastly, do you have any really good pictures of her? I saw one online, and she appears to have a fabulous rack. Face may not be the best, but damn, I would love to pork her.
I'll be criticized for saying this, but hey....don't really care. The above words reminds me of an exchange I might expect to hear in middle school. Not from an adult.
Originally posted by GK4Herd:

Originally posted by MichiganHerd:

Have you had sex with her before, perhaps while she was at Stetson? Would you have sex with her?

Lastly, do you have any really good pictures of her? I saw one online, and she appears to have a fabulous rack. Face may not be the best, but damn, I would love to pork her.
I'll be criticized for saying this, but hey....don't really care. The above words reminds me of an exchange I might expect to hear in middle school. Not from an adult.
No, you're fine. When it comes to sexual behavior, most male adults tend to be very immature. Have you ever recorded yourself when having sex with your wife? I'm guessing you would likely hear some middle school banter, once played back. Afterwards, you would likely want to destroy the tape.
I think the main objection I have Michigan is the objectifying and lack of respect I see toward women. Maybe it's because I have daughters. I'm not really speaking to what goes on in private. Young kids like to share their escapades (or lie about them) in an attempt to gain approval among their peers. Growing up to me means that you lose the need to seek validation. After a certain age it just seems that things should remain private.
Originally posted by GK4Herd:
I think the main objection I have Michigan is the objectifying and lack of respect I see toward women. Maybe it's because I have daughters. I'm not really speaking to what goes on in private. Young kids like to share their escapades (or lie about them) in an attempt to gain approval among their peers. Growing up to me means that you lose the need to seek validation. After a certain age it just seems that things should remain private.
The lady in question has been a hot topic of news conversation for the past several days. I was simply asking Rifle if he knew her, and was wondering if he had sex with her before. I wasn't showing her any disrespect. I actually defend her actions, based on the assholes that work for the towing company in question. I doubt this is the first time somebody has dropped by to give them a mouth full, thus the need for the towing company to film and record what folks say to them.

I complimented her by having a nice rack, along with my desires to pork her. Immature talk? You bet. The truth in regard to my personal feelings? You bet.

This board will be boring if we don't get a chance to read up on Rifle's escapades every now and then. I would rather read that than read what Hillary is lying about these days.
Originally posted by GK4Herd:
I think the main objection I have Michigan is the objectifying and lack of respect I see toward women. Maybe it's because I have daughters. I'm not really speaking to what goes on in private. Young kids like to share their escapades (or lie about them) in an attempt to gain approval among their peers. Growing up to me means that you lose the need to seek validation. After a certain age it just seems that things should remain private.
In defense of michigan (this is a first), I look at this board as a virtual cigar lounge. When the hot girl with enormous chesticles and a low-cut top on comes around with the tray to serve the selected cigars, the guys will comment to each other about "what I would do to her" or make jokes among themselves. It isn't a disrespect or objectifying of women. None of the guys think females should be treated as just sexy objects nor would they show disrespect enough to make those comments for the woman to hear.

From my experiences, especially having jogged/walked on the beach everyday for a year, groups of girls are far more aggressive and crude with their comments to guys instead of just keeping the comments within their group of females. Should I feel objectified and disrespected?
I guess I understand your point rifle. Although I'll have to say that we see ourselves based on what we believe, but others see us based on what we do. In your mind you may be truly respectful and not objectify women but others only see the sl*t and wh*** comments along with pictures being posted and they're going to have an entirely different view of you than you do of yourself. Observers can't see intent, only actions. That's what people will judge you on.

I see your point about the "cigar lounge" setting you view Pullman as and I have mixed emotions.

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