Robert Mueller’s office on Friday disputes news report about Trump.

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
BREAKING: Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s office on Friday disputed a news report claiming President Trump directed Michael Cohen to lie about the timing of discussions over a proposed Trump Tower project in Moscow.

Geeeee, imagine that. Enough said. The press in this country is full of it! Trying to take down a President.
This has already been posted three times in various threads we don’t need another one
BREAKING: Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s office on Friday disputed a news report claiming President Trump directed Michael Cohen to lie about the timing of discussions over a proposed Trump Tower project in Moscow.

Geeeee, imagine that. Enough said. The press in this country is full of it! Trying to take down a President.

did dtard retract his ejaculation?