Round number two with North Korea

Wow, here you guys go again. Trump trying for a peaceful solution and you do the same when he reduces troops numbers.

I thought you hippie types were all for peace and love?
Wow, here you guys go again. Trump trying for a peaceful solution and you do the same when he reduces troops numbers.

I thought you hippie types were all for peace and love?

I don't remember any of us hippies complaining about troop reduction in Syria. We were laughing at the statement by cheetos that ISIS was defeated, and that he was leaving one of our key allies (Kurds) in a bad spot.
I don't remember any of us hippies complaining about troop reduction in Syria. We were laughing at the statement by cheetos that ISIS was defeated, and that he was leaving one of our key allies (Kurds) in a bad spot.
Ohhh, okkkk. I get it.

That's what you were doing.
You should have gotten it earlier, since we explained our points then as well.
Trump doesn't like being in the middle east and he thinks we are there just for oil and the other countries are taking advantage of us.

I would think you guys would like that as well.

You are suddenly war hawks.
You are suddenly war hawks

You're an idiot. I've already told you I'm fine with bringing the troops home. <<Read that last sentence again and see if you can understand it.
But I don't want to leave the kurds on their own until they are relatively safe.