I could not turn my TV off last night because of watching the coverage of the Police slayings in Dallas. What has our country come to? Why can not blacks & whites (some that is) not get along. Thank the Good Lord I grew up in Mt. Hope, graduated from Marshall...and did not experience racial unrest until I spent three years in the ARMY. WE are ALL God's Children and skin color should not matter. I judge a man (woman) by the good deeds they do to help others.
Dallas Police Capt. Brown said this morning..."The guy did not kill himself.....we took him out with a robot bomb---after he said to us...Black Lives Matter...I want to kill white people....I want to kill white cops like they are killing blacks in our cities."
Brown explained how Dallas is hurting and it's time it stopped! He is a broken leader and he could hardly get his words out when speaking about the families of the murdered policemen. Some other folks (interviews) with brown & white skin stated..."The President has added to the racial unrest that has documented his eight years in office." "He most likely will not reach out to the families in Dallas...and all he wants to do is "get political" by blaming deaths on guns." I own guns and I am not killing folks.....
Sadly, if HRC gets elected or DT...where our Country is headed is scary to me. Surely, we have folks in America that can return us to God & Country.
Sad in Charlotte------HerdZilla22
Dallas Police Capt. Brown said this morning..."The guy did not kill himself.....we took him out with a robot bomb---after he said to us...Black Lives Matter...I want to kill white people....I want to kill white cops like they are killing blacks in our cities."
Brown explained how Dallas is hurting and it's time it stopped! He is a broken leader and he could hardly get his words out when speaking about the families of the murdered policemen. Some other folks (interviews) with brown & white skin stated..."The President has added to the racial unrest that has documented his eight years in office." "He most likely will not reach out to the families in Dallas...and all he wants to do is "get political" by blaming deaths on guns." I own guns and I am not killing folks.....
Sadly, if HRC gets elected or DT...where our Country is headed is scary to me. Surely, we have folks in America that can return us to God & Country.
Sad in Charlotte------HerdZilla22