SAD times in Big D


Bronze Buffalo
Gold Member
Jan 15, 2015
I could not turn my TV off last night because of watching the coverage of the Police slayings in Dallas. What has our country come to? Why can not blacks & whites (some that is) not get along. Thank the Good Lord I grew up in Mt. Hope, graduated from Marshall...and did not experience racial unrest until I spent three years in the ARMY. WE are ALL God's Children and skin color should not matter. I judge a man (woman) by the good deeds they do to help others.

Dallas Police Capt. Brown said this morning..."The guy did not kill himself.....we took him out with a robot bomb---after he said to us...Black Lives Matter...I want to kill white people....I want to kill white cops like they are killing blacks in our cities."

Brown explained how Dallas is hurting and it's time it stopped! He is a broken leader and he could hardly get his words out when speaking about the families of the murdered policemen. Some other folks (interviews) with brown & white skin stated..."The President has added to the racial unrest that has documented his eight years in office." "He most likely will not reach out to the families in Dallas...and all he wants to do is "get political" by blaming deaths on guns." I own guns and I am not killing folks.....

Sadly, if HRC gets elected or DT...where our Country is headed is scary to me. Surely, we have folks in America that can return us to God & Country.

Sad in Charlotte------HerdZilla22
I guess with Obama just being a black president that is the cause of the racial divide.

I will ask this question once again. How has Obama contributed to the racial divide??
I guess with Obama just being a black president that is the cause of the racial divide.

I will ask this question once again. How has Obama contributed to the racial divide??

In my humble opinion (I voted for him about 8 years ago & his reported Slogan for Change)...Obama is both black & white (Mother)...yet he always takes the Black side on most issues BEFORE the truth is determined after a FULL investigation. He needs to not be so quick to pass judgement---a sign of a good leader. This does not set well with most white/black people. Fever....Just go back & review the last two years where it involved Cops defending themselves against black guys trying to harm them. It is not what it FIRST appeared to be...after all the evidence was brought to court. Take a review of his home city---Chicago...Blacks killing Blacks daily. That sucks too! God is crying. Blacks are worse off (financially) than when he took office...lack of jobs (creation)that he males make less money than before his election (about $2.75/hr less)...ObamaCare has driven up health care costs until the common man or women (black & white) can not afford to purchase it. Fever....I have never seen the racial unrest that exists today between Blacks & Whites. Period. It saddens me too. The racial in-roads & respect that our Country gained under Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon (yes Nixon), Ford, Reagan & the Bush brothers...."gone to hell in a hand basket"....during Obama's time in office. HE is a good man in my eyes (like to drink some beers with him), however, he does not connect the black-white dots. He had the chance to be a great, history making President...HE FAILED.

I UNDERSTAND why Blacks dislike some white is deserving. The crimes that our White ancestors inflicted on Blacks is terrible....and when I watch old films (50's, 60's, 70's) showing dogs biting men, women, grand parents, CHILDREN being waterlogged and being beaten with sticks---it pisses me off. I am glad I was born White...because blacks have it tough as hell. My anger for the treatment of blacks in our Country is large. Why--why--why, does it continue? However, some poor treatment is earned by thugs that have no respect for life or others.

Hopefully, the outpouring of UNITY being exhibited in Dallas...the positive movement in LA led by Snoop Dog & his friends......will FINALLY begin to place racial unrest in graves---where "it" should be. What has Obama done to help create harmony=====NOT A DAMN THING and he had 8 years to make life BETTER among races. He gets a F-3 in my grading system.

Folks, reading this----Sorry to be so angry...but my emotions (after this shitty week) are SAD and in the dumpster.... because of lives being taken (both black & white)--way too soon--- for no reasons. Children don't have a Dad to come home to play with them, teach them about sports, teach them to be a Man. God, the one that made us ALL in his CRYING.

WHY CAN WE NOT BE ONE NATION OF LOVING Color-Blind PEOPLE? I long for HERD football, basketball, baseball seasons--- where we come together as "ONE" HERD NATION.

HerdZilla22...praying for PEACE in America
Can any of you show an example in your own community of racial divide?

Look up all the NAACP marches and sit ins in Raleigh/NC Capitol the last 2-3 years. Everything here has been sold as some kind of racial unfairness here and throughout the state.
Look I'm waiting for a valid explanation of this so-called Racial Divide
Are you fvcking serious? Every time a black guy gets shot by a cop it's because cops are racist. The guy in Dallas said he wanted to kill white people. That seems pretty devisive to me. Now the vast majority of people in the county get along with everyone and have no problems with other
I guess cops aren't racist lmfao. I guess back in the 70s when the KKK told it's member to go out to be police officers, lawyers, judges, FBI/DEA/ATF Agents, Mayors, and Doctors never came true either.

And like I've said before black people are fed up with police killing Blacks. And there is a few nut jobs that will take up a gun and kill a cop or 2 or 5. But I guess you white folks want us to stand around holding hands and sing "We Shall Overcome" like it's the 50's.
The war within the United States of America is not one against blacks, whites, Christians, gays or any other particular group. The war which we are all witness to is a war on the mind, a war on the spirit. Headlines across our country carefully written to cause a divide, stir emotions. We all know when heated every single one of us has spoken words that do not represent who we are or wish to be, or conducted ourselves in a way that made us regret our actions. I would encourage every single person to not let that happen in light of the events that have recently transpired. Reach out to your neighbors, reach out to a stranger, let them know you stand with them as we are all American. Whether they are black, white, red, gay, straight it is of no importance, as we are all brothers and sisters and it is only divided we fall. Do not be naive to the fact that profit is made from war, drama sells, and the real enemy in America, and the world is one that goes unseen. "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." Ephesians 6:12

"The ultimate weakness of violence is that it is a descending spiral,
begetting the very thing it seeks to destroy.
Instead of diminishing evil, it multiplies it.
Through violence you may murder the liar,
but you cannot murder the lie, nor establish the truth.
Through violence you may murder the hater,
but you do not murder hate.
In fact, violence merely increases hate.
So it goes.
Returning violence for violence multiplies violence,
adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars.
Darkness cannot drive out darkness:
only light can do that.
Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that."

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
I'm sorry but there is 2 America's as evident by our history.

There is White America.....The good old Red, White, and Blue

And then there is everyone else America which is covered by Blood and sadness
Fever if you hate it here so much ad it's so bad being black in the United States then why don't you move back to Jamaica?
Fever if you hate it here so much ad it's so bad being black in the United States then why don't you move back to Jamaica?

Are you saying it's not bad to be black in America?? And why should I move back if I never lived there or born there?? Don't say dumb shit you know nothing about.
Are you saying it's not bad to be black in America?? And why should I move back if I never lived there or born there?? Don't say dumb shit you know nothing about.
I'm saying that staying in a place that you hate and "treats" you like crap is stupid. It makes no sense to stay. And you should take your own advice with regards to saying dumb shit
I'm sorry but there is 2 America's as evident by our history.

There is White America.....The good old Red, White, and Blue

And then there is everyone else America which is covered by Blood and sadness

Thus you demonstrate the divide you wanted evidence of. Pathetic loser mindsets like yourself and everyone else.
Are you saying it's not bad to be black in America?? And why should I move back if I never lived there or born there?? Don't say dumb shit you know nothing about.

Nope it's not bad to be black in America. It may be bad for you; it is usually tough for dumbasses, but for those that expect to achieve, no better country in the world for minorities to actually have a chance. Quit complaining bitch. You have it good.
Fever, in case you missed it the President of the United States is a black man. And, that means a lot of white folks had to vote for him.
In my humble opinion (I voted for him about 8 years ago & his reported Slogan for Change)...Obama is both black & white (Mother)...yet he always takes the Black side on most issues BEFORE the truth is determined after a FULL investigation. He needs to not be so quick to pass judgement---a sign of a good leader. This does not set well with most white/black people. Fever....Just go back & review the last two years where it involved Cops defending themselves against black guys trying to harm them. It is not what it FIRST appeared to be...after all the evidence was brought to court. Take a review of his home city---Chicago...Blacks killing Blacks daily. That sucks too! God is crying. Blacks are worse off (financially) than when he took office...lack of jobs (creation)that he males make less money than before his election (about $2.75/hr less)...ObamaCare has driven up health care costs until the common man or women (black & white) can not afford to purchase it. Fever....I have never seen the racial unrest that exists today between Blacks & Whites. Period. It saddens me too. The racial in-roads & respect that our Country gained under Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon (yes Nixon), Ford, Reagan & the Bush brothers...."gone to hell in a hand basket"....during Obama's time in office. HE is a good man in my eyes (like to drink some beers with him), however, he does not connect the black-white dots. He had the chance to be a great, history making President...HE FAILED.

I UNDERSTAND why Blacks dislike some white is deserving. The crimes that our White ancestors inflicted on Blacks is terrible....and when I watch old films (50's, 60's, 70's) showing dogs biting men, women, grand parents, CHILDREN being waterlogged and being beaten with sticks---it pisses me off. I am glad I was born White...because blacks have it tough as hell. My anger for the treatment of blacks in our Country is large. Why--why--why, does it continue? However, some poor treatment is earned by thugs that have no respect for life or others.

Hopefully, the outpouring of UNITY being exhibited in Dallas...the positive movement in LA led by Snoop Dog & his friends......will FINALLY begin to place racial unrest in graves---where "it" should be. What has Obama done to help create harmony=====NOT A DAMN THING and he had 8 years to make life BETTER among races. He gets a F-3 in my grading system.

Folks, reading this----Sorry to be so angry...but my emotions (after this shitty week) are SAD and in the dumpster.... because of lives being taken (both black & white)--way too soon--- for no reasons. Children don't have a Dad to come home to play with them, teach them about sports, teach them to be a Man. God, the one that made us ALL in his CRYING.

WHY CAN WE NOT BE ONE NATION OF LOVING Color-Blind PEOPLE? I long for HERD football, basketball, baseball seasons--- where we come together as "ONE" HERD NATION.

HerdZilla22...praying for PEACE in America

FEVER, FEVER......did you not take the time to READ my post directed to you? I penned my thoughts from my humble heart. I am white---you are black. I have not walked in the shoes of a black male, therefore, I can only imagine the hurt at the hands of white people you have experienced in your life time. I can not change the fact I was born the color I am. I hoped my thoughts would illustrate the sorrow I feel for Black Americans. I went as far to say..."I think Obama is a good guy & I would like to drink a few beers with him." In your opinion...has Obama done a good job for ALL Americans or any Americans of Color for that matter? My answer is NO!

He wants to take guns from Americans that use them wisely. People with hate in their hearts will always find the way to get guns to kill others. Look at the Dallas murderer. He had an inventory of information about bomb making and many weapons to help him carry out his mission..."I want to kill white people, especially white cops." Example One of our country's Racial Divide.

your remarks to OTHERS directed to you following my post made you appear racists...and you were called out and called Stupid.......Example two of racial divide in America. Sadly, racism is deeply rooted in American history and when it will end is beyond my imagination. I wish it did not exist...but it does. I was born into a white color-blind family. I married into a color-blind family, where we have mixed (black-white) marriages. This, I am proud of...because it keeps me aware of how other folks of color are affected by racism. I have friends of color...we do not see color....we see respect for each other. We face the same hurtles that most families face.....births, deaths, loss of jobs, sickness, etc. We share hope & kindness to matters that we all face. I have friends of color that work at Marshall University...fiends that we played sports together at Marshall. When we gather in FRIENDSHIP...we don't discuss Color---we speak about things that are important to Marshall.

Fever...I will close by wishing you nothing but the best.....and GO HERD.

HerdZilla22 (Sweeney) in Charlotte
Racial Divide:

Look at the Pro Sports and College Sports.

We need more whites!
Fever, without using Google can you name any of the three African American males that head a Fortune top 50 company or even the companies they head?

Can you name any of the top 3 African American rappers or athletes or any of their songs or teams they play on?
Oh and Fever thinks a succesful guy like Dr Ben Carson is an Uncle Tom.
The narrative doesn't work if you acknowledge the success of some. It breaks down the insurmountable barriers argument. My questions were also to illustrate what's really held as important in the AA community, flash, fame, etc. They do not hold up those CEOs, don't even know who they are, as examples to the possibility of the American Dream. Why not? Because those accomplishments are slow money, and they want it now. You can't be a Fortune 500 CEO when you are 19, but you can be a rapper, an athlete, or a drug dealer and get money now. The only problem is that only one of those three is realistic for 99% of the community.
Oh and Fever thinks a succesful guy like Dr Ben Carson is an Uncle Tom.

And you missed me say numerous times I don't think Dr. Carson is an Uncle Tom because of his success. It's because of how he carries himself and the dumb ass shit he says.
Fever called Carson a "Coon". Always interesting watching truly dumb negroes insult the blacks that have achieved success

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