I took a little time to read up on this stuff and a lot of what we believe and repeat is simply myth. San Andreas fault marks the boundary of the North American Plate and the Pacific Plate. There are three kinds of plate boundaries...divergent (the plates pull apart), convergent (the plates push together), and transform (the plates slide horizontally in relation to each other). San Andreas is a transform plate. The earthquakes are sparked from the friction of the two plates rubbing together when they move. They move about 2 inches per year.
Myth 1: California will fall into the ocean. Not going to happen. Most of California sits on the Pacific Plate. It's movement is sliding north. Tremendous earthquakes can happen from that movement but there is no hole for the plate to drop into. As much as some hope it will swallow the bastion of liberalism it isn't going to happen. Now...if you live in LA and have friends you want to visit in San Francisco you are in luck. They will someday be adjacent...in 15 million years or so...if man actually exists for that to matter.
Myth 2: There will be a giant tsunami. Not likely. The plate boundaries off the coast of Japan (one is the Pacific Plate to get an idea how big the plate is because it's the same plate California sits on) create a movement called subduction where there is a movement downward of the plate. This happens under the ocean and the displaced water can cause the tsunami like we saw in Japan. The same conditions do not exist with San Andreas. There can certainly be local flooding from shelf collapse or landslides under the ocean but nothing like what happened in Japan.
So...sorry for all the wishful thinking. Liberalism will have to die a death of their own device.