San Francisco UPS shooting.


Gold Buffalo
Feb 23, 2009
Four dead and 6 wounded. Not terrorist related according to authorities. Like I said last week has anyone compared terrorist related shootings to work place violence shootings on US soil in the last 5 years. I have. There is no comparison and trumps travel ban does nothing to address this.
Four dead and 6 wounded. Not terrorist related according to authorities. Like I said last week has anyone compared terrorist related shootings to work place violence shootings on US soil in the last 5 years. I have. There is no comparison and trumps travel ban does nothing to address this.
Two separate issues. So, why compare?
Buckeye you stupid snowflake. You feel sorry for people that would cut your freakin head off Your a smartass so just about anyone would take a shot at you. Anti God Anti american and probably marches with the gay snowflakes
More people died in the last 3 years of heroin than died in the vietnam war or drunk driving. Go ahead and compare that to gutless radical muslims that live to kill us.
No it wasn't. You responded to a post and compared the events of today.
No very specifically did not say anything about Alexandria event. Actually started the thread referring to San Francisco. I challenge you to read instead of vomit out bullshit.
More people died in the last 3 years of heroin than died in the vietnam war or drunk driving. Go ahead and compare that to gutless radical muslims that live to kill us.
Nope once again your comparison is complete bullshit. Mass killings are not comparable to a bunch of heroin junkie overdosing. You are showing your a wv hillbilly that probably can't add 2 + 2. By the way sisters coal is also dead.
Im retired and outta coal you worthless nut. Lol you gettin kinda mad. Personally i dont care about comparing ANYTHING to death by muslim terrorist.Start a post and then cry cry over responses. Check yout maxi-pad
Coal will never come back like it was. Cant be having miners making more money that those with a piece of paper.

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