I see you didn't know before then the county cops had fvcking Grand Nationals. LMAO. You should have known it was a trick when that rice-burner actually pulled away from a Grand National.
Back on topic....this cop is a straight-up dick. Pissed because she told him like it is, and because she is smoking he wants to arrest her? Seriously, what the hell is that about? Now, she certainly is (or was) a dumbass. Don't give the cop lip, and it is a real asshole move to keep smoking when the cop is at your window. But she had every right to keep on smoking. And he had every right to be a dick and change that warning to a citation. But this is WAY over the top.
That tailgating thing is a little trick the cops do. They want you to speed up or mess up, usually they do it when looking for drunks. I just slow down if it is a two-lane road. I'll slow down to a stop if they want to take it there, and tell them my car was running bad for a minute sorry. I haven't had to yet, but damn I hate being tailgated; if it's not a cop and you tailgate me I'll just see how damn fast you really want to go. This happened to me the Saturday night of Memorial Day weekend, about 10 PM. I made a run to the store for some beer for the race next day (no Sunday beer sales in Indiana) and stopped by Taco Bell. Of course, leaving Taco Bell a deputy sheriff gets behind me. I guess he figured he might have him a drunk (Taco Bell!), and started that tailgating shit with me. I just did a nice 35 in a 40 until my road, and then did a nice 25 in a 30. I went left of center to dodge a rough part of the road, and he light up his lights. As soon as he walks up to the window and starts that left of center stuff, I told him I knew it was a cop behind me and I am was dodging that hole in the road the county is too lazy to fix, and I figured he would pull me over because he is out looking for drunk, but damn I am not hitting a hole for him. He asked if I lived around here, yeah I live right down the road and I dodge that fvckin' hole every day coming home from work. He just laughed and let me go. Does it pay to be white and middle class? Yeah. But being cool about it, not being mad, and having a little humor always helps. Turn on the dome light, shut off the car, hands on the wheel, they like that stuff. Common sense goes a long way.