Saw a Report on Fox that the Obama Camp is Trying to Undermine Trump Presidency

The only pitch you'll hear from me is pitch the pill head overboard.

You know we all do this just to troll you to respond, right? It's a riot.

Which pills should I stop taking? Should I ditch my blood pressure meds and the Plavix? I really need your expert opinion on the Plavix. My cardiologist said it is 50/50 if continued therapy benefits me; I did my own research reading medical journals and came to the same conclusion, 50/50, but since I am not suffering any side effects I see no reason to stop it, at $8 a month I will take 50/50. Should I invest that $8 a month into a bottle of local wine instead? Red wine does have some heart benefits.

Just to remind you, you did pitch me to get on the cans on the old boards. That was a hoot. So don't act like you won't try to get some converts. You ever pitch the cans to your fellow church members? I mean your Christian church, not your cult "church".
You know we all do this just to troll you to respond, right? It's a riot.

Which pills should I stop taking? Should I ditch my blood pressure meds and the Plavix? I really need your expert opinion on the Plavix. My cardiologist said it is 50/50 if continued therapy benefits me; I did my own research reading medical journals and came to the same conclusion, 50/50, but since I am not suffering any side effects I see no reason to stop it, at $8 a month I will take 50/50. Should I invest that $8 a month into a bottle of local wine instead? Red wine does have some heart benefits.

Just to remind you, you did pitch me to get on the cans on the old boards. That was a hoot. So don't act like you won't try to get some converts. You ever pitch the cans to your fellow church members? I mean your Christian church, not your cult "church".

Resperidone. Lots.
If I banned you for hijacking threads, what would you do with your free time (and I have to say, for a businessman you have a LOT of free time)? Start your own cult? Surely it pays better than the two employee cabinet business.

Go ahead moron. The only time I responded to this thread was after 2 posters mentioned me. And I hijack threads. Get lost.
Still waiting on that scientific proof of chemical imbalances in the brain caused your mental disease, and the proof that your psychotropic pills allegedly alleviate it......
Still waiting on that scientific proof of chemical imbalances in the brain caused your mental disease, and the proof that your psychotropic pills allegedly alleviate it......
Did you go the church or synagogue of your choice today?
Still waiting

As are your employees....

As are your employees....


No. They're not. They had health insurance nearly the whole time they worked for me. Still do as far as I know. Moron.

Here's an example of the results of your "scientific" method of treating mental diseases like yours.......

Faces of Meth is the best you can do?

Sure they have had health insurance. It's called Obamacare, and we pay for it.

It's what your "science" has to offer

No, they were covered by their wife's health insurance, moron. If I had offered health insurance, the staff would have had to pay for their own healthcare through my business and their wives would have had to pay for theirs.
It's what your "science" has to offer

No, they were covered by their wife's health insurance, moron. If I had offered health insurance, the staff would have had to pay for their own healthcare through my business and their wives would have had to pay for theirs.
Your science says sitting in a sauna for 8 hours cures addiction
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If people think Obama & his administration are above spying on Americans (or members of the press) or using powerful govy agencies against Americans to quell opposition, they're ignorant - & willfully ignorant at that. Louis Lerner's IRS, every AG Obama had (especially that enabling lap dog Holder) at the DoJ, spying on the AP, etc... Besides Obama getting a "Lie of the Year" designation, let's not forget that Obama publicly framed an American filmmaker for the death of an ambassador & 3 others in the embassy. And the NYTimes reported that Obama's staff purposely spread info that could hurt Trump.
he used an old Mr Cartoon I did as well.

but it appears even the simplest things go over your head

So, I can't tell the difference between Mr. Cartoon speak and conservative speak. That's telling.