SBC rival note

Agree. You and GHMY noted the vast population difference between NC and WV and what a positive factor that is for schools in NC. Also a factor is how the people in individual states put a value on Higher Education. WV, I believe has one of the lowest rates of college grads in its population in the country. On the other hand, with the number of colleges, universities, in states like NC and VA, you know there are a lot more college grads throughout those states. Virginia always ranks high, top 3 or so, in terms of its business activity, business growth, etc.. In other words a healthy, robust and growing economy which provides good, quality jobs, employment opportunities. And in the State government there, many leaders, in both political parties, consider their whole quality Higher Educational System and Institutions are a main factor in their economic successes. In many ways and areas, North Carolina mirrors Virginia, and that includes the policy and operational mindset of its Higher Education Institutions!

Meanwhile, in WV, we have the opposite. Political leaders who slavishly bow down and accede to the whims and needs of ONE so called "Flagcrap" institution. Too many in vital roles in Charleston could really give a damn about, and what happens to, WV State, Glenville, Marshall, Concord, Shepherd, etc. They listen to a career hack and petty egomaniac like E. Gordon Geek, and go along with his mantra that EVERYTHING in Higher ED in WV has to be centered in, originate in, come out of, etc., WVU, and Morgantown. The "Mountaineers Go First" slogan that incessantly is found in a lot of the State media in the State. Put all together, any wonder that in the last 70 years, the State's population has declined, and continues to do so, just like the State as a whole continues in a downward spiral overall!!
I'll add one thing that gets ignored. Both of WV's state subsidized universities are chronically underfunded (Marshall being very much on the short stick of the f'ing idiot state legislature's priorities)---but that isn't the only problem.

What gets ignored is that both universities are geographically very close to locations which offer much greater opportunity for grads.
My best friend is the city manager for Mooresville. They have approx. 14000 housing start applications on file for the city/county. It's booming. They are adding/planning schools, fire stations, etc as fast as they can. The infrastructure can't handle the rapid growth.
For the record: All towns in the south that end in “ville” are pronounced “vull”. So, it’s Mooresvull……..
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