Seriously. A compelling reason to consider voting for Trump

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
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They won't leave, but them being against him is a damn good reason to vote for him.

This list has me thinking if just one of them would leave, I'd want it to be Whoopi Goldberg. What a fat ass worthless ugly hog. You know, I didn't buy a 42" HDTV to see nastier looking shit than they've got at the Route 60 Wal Mart.
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It would be a tremendous positive effect on the United States if just one man left the country.....trumpenstein
Hahhaa. We post funny stuff and you take it all serious like. You couldn't even pick one loser off that list and have a good life. You had to be all serious.

"A compelling reason to consider voting for Trump"

That will never be funny.

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