

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Dec 8, 2004
trumpy was possibly grazed by shrapnel and not a bullet according to the FBI? Damn, that's the biggest bandage for a shrapnel abrasion that I have seen since I walked in on my grandma changing her maxi-pad.

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The funny thing is makes absolutely no difference if it was a bullet or shrapnel, but it seems to matter deeply to Trump that he’s able to say it was a bullet.
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It just hurts your little bleeding liberal heart that Trump got shot and came out looking like a badass, doesn't it?

It's okay, you guys have that cringy FaceTime video Hyena made for the BET Awards.
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It just hurts your little bleeding liberal heart that Trump got shot and came out looking like a badass, doesn't it?

It's okay, you guys have that cringy FaceTime video Hyena made for the BET Awards.
A badass? He came out looking like a selfish, inconsiderate, pussy.

The guy's abrasion didn't even require a single stitch yet he wore a giant maxi-pad on his ear for a week.
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The funny thing is makes absolutely no difference if it was a bullet or shrapnel, but it seems to matter deeply to Trump that he’s able to say it was a bullet.

It matters just as deeply to the far left that it could have been shrapnel.

This has been debunked ten ways from Sunday already. There were no machines or teleprompters hit, and there’s a picture of the literal bullet going by Trump’s head. So…yeah.
A badass? He came out looking like a selfish, inconsiderate, pussy.

The guy's abrasion didn't even require a single stitch yet he wore a giant maxi-pad on his ear for a week.

What are people going to remember/meme more....a literal bloody face with a fist raised with a USA flag in the background or a bandage over the ear playing golf?

Trump is a lot of things undesirable, but you've got to be incredibly ideologically possessed to think he comes away looking like a pussy.

And you don't often stitch ear wounds anyway. The whole "the ear bleeds more than anywhere on the body" was complete bullshit...but stitch vs. no stich doesn't mean much to me.
A badass? He came out looking like a selfish, inconsiderate, pussy.

The guy's abrasion didn't even require a single stitch yet he wore a giant maxi-pad on his ear for a week.

So what would you have done, let it bleed continuously or patch it somehow? It probably required medicine and also needed covered to avoid infection. I know you hate Trump, but this is bordering on delirious.
The FBi currently wouldn't fib would they?

What is the shrapnel from? Can they tell us? Seems like they tell us they can't even hack into a phone(cough, cough, bullshit).

Grenades use shrapnel so, that doesn't count as a wound? Bombs use shrapnel? Does that count as a wound?

trumpy was possibly grazed by shrapnel and not a bullet according to the FBI? Damn, that's the biggest bandage for a shrapnel abrasion that I have seen since I walked in on my grandma changing her maxi-pad.

Allow me to dumb it down for you yet again.

Right because the media hasn't been the ones pushing that it was shrapnel from the teleprompter less than a day after.
Hey some people believe Trump did this on purpose. Hey Rain Main go take a rifle and shoot at me and kill a guy and wound some others. Knick me in the ear Rain Main, just like Annie Oakley.
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Hey some people believe Trump did this on purpose. Hey Rain Main go take a rifle and shoot at me and kill a guy and wound some others. Knick me in the ear Rain Main, just like Annie Oakley.

Poll I saw said 30%.
Huge chunk of Blue Anon right there.

But you Herdman are the conspiracy theorist whack job.
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Poll I saw said 30%.
Huge chunk of Blue Anon right there.

But you Herdman are the conspiracy theorist whack job.
All I am doing about this shooting is asking questions that need to be asked. If we could get the real and unbiased answers, I am all for that. Will we?

As far as the war stuff, I say these things out of concern for my country and our people. When you start talking to people who do these kinds of analysis for a living and the pros, there are warning signs. Both domestically and world wide. I don't want these things. I love my country and feel we are in dangerous territory for a host of reasons.
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So what would you have done, let it bleed continuously or patch it somehow? It probably required medicine and also needed covered to avoid infection. I know you hate Trump, but this is bordering on delirious.


Even if a minor abrasion you put some neosporin or aquafor on it and cover it with a (often non stick) bandage. The neosporin prevents a small bandage from sticking so you have to adhere the bandage to areas well away from the wound. Ears are shaped funny and it's tricky to get bandages on there so we often use these bigger awkward ones.
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Even if a minor abrasion you put some neosporin or aquafor on it and cover it with a (often non stick) bandage. The neosporin prevents a small bandage from sticking so you have to adhere the bandage to areas well away from the wound. Ears are shaped funny and it's tricky to get bandages on there so we often use these bigger awkward ones.
Thanks, Doc Fungus.

How would they have handled this, say if it were a murox ear?
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What is the shrapnel from? Can they tell us?
That’s why I think it was a bullet. There should be a shattered something they could show us if it was that.
Grenades use shrapnel so, that doesn't count as a wound? Bombs use shrapnel? Does that count as a wound?

Exactly. Someone shot at him and he was injured. Whether it was the bullet itself of shrapnel doesn’t matter. My guess is bullet but the only difference it makes is if we were 2 inches or 2 feet from a very different much worse world, which isn’t really a difference.

And I don’t deny that the left has pushed the shrapnel thing and I think they’re being dumb about that, but it’s funny that Trump is insisting it was a bullet instead of saying exactly what you said.
A couple of thoughts.

I had Basal cell carcinoma removed from where my ear attached to my head and it required a few stitches. I had to wear a large bandage that covered my ear for over a week even though the incision was fairly small. I think Trump suffered a more serious wound than my surgery. As posted, the ear is a difficult area to bandage.

The FBI chief just "floated" the theory that it could have been shrapnel or a bullet, he didn't offer a conclusion. I believe that the noted gun and medical expert Keith Olbermann was the one who started the shrapnel theory. I am surprise the FBI chief would make a comment like that not knowing the details. I am more concerned with the FBI chief's comments that he "believes" that the FBI has accounted for all the bullets and cartridges. He needs to do a better job of accounting for the bullets and leave the medical opinions to others who are qualified.

I saw a few of my fellow soldiers in Vietnam killed by a small piece of shrapnel that hit a lethal area.

Let's not forget, one person was killed and two others were seriously wounded. This was a deadly situation that could have resulted in Trump being killed.
That’s why I think it was a bullet. There should be a shattered something they could show us if it was that.
I’m right in the middle of “holy shit the odds of a .223 fired from 130 yards just clipping his ear at the precise moment he turned his head “ to “but what did it hit if it was shrapnel?”
At any Trump rally I’d bet there are at least a couple hundred phones taking video in addition to professional reporters taking pics (& video). I haven’t seen anything pop up yet.
Trump survives an actual attempt on his life & libs can’t believe he played to the crowd. At the RNC of all places.
The whole "the ear bleeds more than anywhere on the body" was complete bullshit..
Wrasslin' has taught me it is the forehead lol
At any Trump rally I’d bet there are at least a couple hundred phones taking video in addition to professional reporters taking pics (& video). I haven’t seen anything pop up yet
I don't think phones are that good. I did see one that caught a little puff of dust where a round hit the stands, but that's very different from something travelling fast as hell.

I'm surprised the NYT photographer got the bullet. Professional level cameras have come a long way really quickly.
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Wrasslin' has taught me it is the forehead lol

I don't think phones are that good. I did see one that caught a little puff of dust where a round hit the stands, but that's very different from something travelling fast as hell.

I'm surprised the NYT photographer got the bullet. Professional level cameras have come a long way really quickly.
I mean if a bullet hits something and breaks off a piece of shrapnel big enough to injure someone, you’d think you’d see that something move/shatter/etc. Like if it was a teleprompter, if anyone has that teleprompter in their shot I think you’d be able to see where it got hit in a video. Plus you’d have a teleprompter with a hole in it.

The picture was some fantastic luck but also the perfect scenario. Outside, bright light, sky background so the shutter speed was extremely high.
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Even if a minor abrasion you put some neosporin or aquafor on it and cover it with a (often non stick) bandage. The neosporin prevents a small bandage from sticking so you have to adhere the bandage to areas well away from the wound. Ears are shaped funny and it's tricky to get bandages on there so we often use these bigger awkward ones.
Rifle, someone with zero clinical knowledge, will be along shortly to correct you, Doc.
The whole "the ear bleeds more than anywhere on the body" was complete bullshit....


What are people going to remember/meme more....a literal bloody face with a fist raised with a USA flag in the background or a bandage over the ear playing golf?
I think that matters based on the person's intelligence, which has a direct impact on their political leanings. Me? As the intelligent one on this board, I recognize that trump was more concerned about gathering his shoes and about getting many photo-ops than he was about the safety and well-being of anybody else including those people being used as a human shield for him.

there are warning signs. Both domestically and world wide.
WORLD WAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love my country and feel we are in dangerous territory for a host of reasons.
CIVIL WAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How would they have handled this, say if it were a murox ear?
They would have sent his add to Disney World to take Dumbo's ear off of one of the rides and implant it on Middle Class Murox so that his ears would balance out.

This was a deadly situation that could have resulted in Trump being killed.
There are a lot of disappointments in life, but we must move on regardless.
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I mean if a bullet hits something and breaks off a piece of shrapnel big enough to injure someone, you’d think you’d see that something move/shatter/etc.
When I heard "shrapnel" I honestly thought bullet fragment. Maybe it hit a speaker tower or the stage. Or something to slow down a bit whatever hit his ear, because I can't imagine how small the difference is in an actual bullet barely nicking his ear and taking off a fvcking chunk of it.

I don't care what it is was, dude 'got shot" as far as I am concerned. Not badly, but still.
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Imagine that, I get called a conspiracy person and the moron(s) go Civil War, WW3 and they come on here and tell us Trump wasn't shot and now the report says Trump was shot. Who are the crazy loons?

I just tell people to watch warning signs of certain things in the wolrd I investigate and I know pepple in those worlds. That's it and some loons come on here and try to say Trump wasn't shot.

All they probably do is watch CNN, MSNBC. They don't talk to snipers or listen to those who have done security at the highest levels or listen to accoustics experts about the shooting. They just want to get one on Trump. Trump can be a jerk off to you but, no denying he got shot and was probably 2cm away from getting his skull caved in on live tv. Then, what kind of ****ing world would you have woke up in the next day?
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Imagine that, I get called a conspiracy person and the moron(s) go Civil War, WW3 and they come on here and tell us Trump wasn't shot and now the report says Trump was shot. Who are the crazy loons?

I just tell people to watch warning signs of certain things in the wolrd I investigate and I know pepple in those worlds. That's it and some loons come on here and try to say Trump wasn't shot.

All they probably do is watch CNN, MSNBC. They don't talk to snipers or listen to those who have done security at the highest levels or listen to accoustics experts about the shooting. They just want to get one on Trump. Trump can be a jerk off to you but, no denying he got shot and was probably 2cm away from getting his skull caved in on live tv. Then, what kind of ****ing world would you have woke up in the next day?
I didn’t say he wasn’t shot. I said that the FBI was saying it may be shrapnel. Don’t shoot the messenger . . . unless the messenger is trump.
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I didn’t say he wasn’t shot. I said that the FBI was saying it may be shrapnel. Don’t shoot the messenger . . . unless the messenger is trump.
The FBI director(and media) knew damn good and well he was shot. It grazed his ear. Luckiest person alive, literally. It was tried to get a Trump. But, you refuse to admit it or you don't care just becuse it Trump and abortion rights are limitied ot some other deal.
I didn’t say he wasn’t shot. I said that the FBI was saying it may be shrapnel. Don’t shoot the messenger . . . unless the messenger is trump.
Another swing and miss. You're batting average on this board lately is worse than when you played for the Herd.
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I didn’t say he wasn’t shot. I said that the FBI was saying it may be shrapnel. Don’t shoot the messenger . . . unless the messenger is trump.

You said it was probably shrapnel according to the FBI, not that "it may be shrapnel."

You didn't have to be a messenger because everyone with an IQ above 2 knew he was shot and was hit with a bullet, without question.

You're one of the extreme minority who thought it could be shrapnel, after a Trump-hater in the FBI threw bleaters a bone.
The FBI director(and media) knew damn good and well he was shot. It grazed his ear. Luckiest person alive, literally. It was tried to get a Trump. But, you refuse to admit it or you don't care just becuse it Trump and abortion rights are limitied ot some other deal.
I don’t get why anyone gave a shit if it was the bullet or not. This is the second dumbest thing I’ve seen argued about on this board today behind fish.
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I don’t get why anyone gave a shit if it was the bullet or not. This is the second dumbest thing I’ve seen argued about on this board today behind fish.
Did you call out your people like joy reid two weeks ago about making this claim?