

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Dec 8, 2004
Snakes suck. There is nothing good about them. They kill mice? Who cares. So do traps, poison, and other animals. I went from May until a few days ago not seeing a snake, but I've seen two in the last three days including this rattler an hour ago.

I posted the video in one of our neighborhood Facebook pages. One of the women said "why didn't you call animal control?! That's too big to be near houses!"

I want to send her a link to this board so we can have a chat with her.
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I posted the video in one of our neighborhood Facebook pages. One of the woman said "why didn't you call animal control?! That's too big to be near houses!"

I want to send her a link to this board so we can have a chat with her.
Just tell her thank goodness the mice aren’t biting her kids. It’s fine.
I posted the video in one of our neighborhood Facebook pages. One of the women said "why didn't you call animal control?! That's too big to be near houses!"
Now that is some suburban woman stuff for sure.

A snake this large is the one you want near houses, because there's no way you are not seeing this sumbitch. And pit vipers do NOT want to bite you, they want to avoid you and save that venom for prey.

It's the baby snakes that concern me. They are easy to miss. A co-worker here got bitten by a bay rattler picking tomatoes, she simply didn't see it. And she's country and snake-aware. Had to get antivenin.

Anyway, the vast majority of pit viper bites are by morons trying to handle the snake, people trying to kill it (so know this, you snake killers), when you corner one and it can't escape, or you accidently step on one (another good thing about big ass snakes, again they are easier to see).

The only snakes that REALLY worry me are copperheads on a trail covered in autumn leaves. They blend right in, deep leaves always get my attention. That's why you hike with trekking poles.
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I posted the video in one of our neighborhood Facebook pages. One of the women said "why didn't you call animal control?! That's too big to be near houses!"

I want to send her a link to this board so we can have a chat with her.
Mam if you think that is big have you seen an Irish Anaconda?
The only snakes that REALLY worry me are copperheads on a trail covered in autumn leaves. They blend right in, deep leaves always get my attention. That's why you hike with trekking poles.
I had that issue a few weeks ago. The Ranch occasionally opens up prohibited areas of the reserve for residents to hike. I went on one a few weeks ago, and the beginning was completely under tree cover, and the ground was nothing but thick dead leaves for about 60 seconds of the walk. I felt like I was risking stepping on a landmine each step I took, because I couldn't see the ground and had no idea what under the thick leave coverage.
It's the baby snakes that concern me. They are easy to miss. A co-worker here got bitten by a bay rattler picking tomatoes, she simply didn't see it. And she's country and snake-aware. Had to get antivenin.
Same. They are the ones who find their way in cars, houses, etc.

This is the guy I saw a couple of days ago. He was a fast little fvcker:

Mam if you think that is big have you seen an Irish Anaconda?
The guy who runs one of the neighborhood Facebook pages is a gay guy. On my Facebook post on that page, I told them that if anybody wants a new pet, there is a good-sized rattler hanging out (and gave specifics to what bush he was resting under). The gay guy, who is married with children, sent me a direct message saying that he doesn't want it as a pet, but that he does like petting some snakes . . . especially if they are anacondas . . . and only if they are albino. Gay guys with a sense of humor who don't take offense to jokes are the best.
Should have bagged that one and shipped it to Echo Baptist. They would have danced with that one come Sunday.
MichiganHerd said:
If the cheating isn't corrected and the rightfully elected man isn't allowed to continue working.

Then Trump in 2024 will be a landslide, and I got first dibs on a bet with greed over a perma-ban.

extragreen said:

We can do the perma ban bet right now....ya coward, punk, sot.
Snakes aren’t so bad. Now spiders are a different story.

There's some psycho on TikTok who resides in Florida but took a trip to the Amazon, walked around at night, barefoot, just grabbed random reptiles, snakes, and booped a Wandering Spider:

Seriously, Brazilian Wandering Spiders have some of the worst venom known to man...and that guy just...he's insane.

I don't mind snakes at all, and I respect spiders, but goddamn, some of those spiders are just literally colored like black and yellow caution tape with their fang area a bright red:

Oh, and they're remaking Arachnophobia.
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We had tons of them when we lived in south fl.

My fav Florida story was when a guy came in who was riding a trail. He swerved to miss a rattler, when over the bank and a gator grabbed him by the leg. Why people ride and run out there is beyond me.