All we need to do is look back at environmentalist predictions over the last 50 years or so and we can figure this is probably wrong too.
In the 70s we were causing an ice age due to pollution blocking sun light. Back then they had science and facts about the earth chilling over the last twenty years. Then we had projections of over population and that the earth would not be able to support (by 2000) a population of 7 billion. We made it to 7 billion a tad later than expert projections and humans enjoy best quality of life ever. The predictions of mass starvation were quite alarming and most demographers agreed. The predictions of resource depletion were "a gas" as well....we were going to run out of oil by...pick a date. During the first earth day, Senator Gaylord Nelson (idiot democrat and environmentalist and earth day founder) predicted a high percentage of all species to be extinct in the next 25 years. swing and a miss! We could probably go on and on but you get the point.
Libtard predictions (concurred with by many scientist, demographers, meteorologist, geologist...whatever you can think of) have been wrong.
But you all go on...and worry your pretty little snow flake heads about it.